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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Just in case you dont know, a "foxhole" is a hole dug by infantry troops to hide in. The saying "there are no atheists in foxholes" is meant to convey that everyone believes in a god while hiding in a foxhole during a battle.
  2. Back at work from my vacation and it sucks. That is all.
  3. Black & Decker is Tier 2 stuff, if you want to get him a nice drill you need to look at Makita brand.
  4. Today is the last day of work until 4 Jan (and we will be getting off early) and I got a kickass bonus from work (even though the boss hasnt gone through the ceremony of handing us each an envelope yet, I already checked online). WOOHOO! Gonna stop on the way home and get Mrs. Gfted1 a little something extra since shes a real swell gal and then Im going to get hammered on a free bottle of Jack I got for my birthday.
  5. Yikes! Sound like a bad break if they have to go in and put screws in. Good luck and have a speedy recovery.
  6. Yeah, I didnt get it either and I even bothered to take the time to look up foolscap. Although he is slaying me with his current "fighting in tunnels" thing and his sig cracks me up.
  7. Agreed, fight the good fight Kelverin. So, if its not too personal, since you mentioned smoking, is it lung cancer?
  8. Hold up, was the octopus the pitcher or the catcher?
  9. Some of one, none of two, majority of three. IMO.
  10. Has your guild already cleared 10 and 25 man ICC Calax?
  11. Loving the WoW 3.3 patch. Downed 3 of 4 Icecrown bosses in 10 man over the weekend and consistently got the fourth to 30% before he goes ape and wipes us.
  12. For the life of me, I cant figure out how that statement is racist. It actually seems complimentary to me.
  13. The Ruins Ah yes, the age old plot of carnivorous, moving, and capable of mimicking speech plants. I punched myself in the face for watching the whole thing.
  14. Its 2F here with a wind chill of -18F. Got about 6 inches of snow over the last two days. I hate Illinois.
  15. Well if your travels include a layover in O'Hare, drop me a PM. We'll go get lunch/beer/hookers.
  16. Patch 3.3 for WoW went live yesterday. Finished the first and second new Icecrown dungeons and got a spiffey new sword, Seethe. They seem to have upped the difficulty a little bit too which is a welcome change IMO.
  17. Theres so much wrong with this post I may need to construct a pie-chart or something: 1) "What's not so wrong is boosting the economy of the area or improving living standards for local Somalis." Do you envision these pirates as a benevolent charity that goes from mud hut to mud hut passing out money? The only locals making money are the ones that contributed to the effort (IE: an RPG), everyone else is still having dirt for dinner. 2) "You can bet the pirates have killed or hurt less innocent people in the kidnappings than famine would have if these pirates hadn't gone out and fended for themselves." Er, okay. The following things have also killed more people then pirates: malaria, years of warfare, dysentary, lions and halitosis. Also, I wasnt aware that aquiring ransom money made food spring forth from the ground. Oh, you must mean all the bustling food trade that started when the pirates contracted with outside agencies to bring food in. 3) "what's important is that their kind of enterprise, "nice" or not, will do a lot more to get third world countries out of the pit of famine, strife and disease they're in, than any relief aid or UN supported drives for democracy." Please tell me you're kidding. The total sum of whatever these pirates have earned in ransom money is a drop in the pissbucket compared to the billions in relief aid they have received and what they "contribute" back to society is even less. Or maybe you meant the medical program the pirates instituted?
  18. Gfted1


    Well, television makes money on commercials. No viewers = nobody watching the commercials = advertisers pulling their commercials/money paid to the show to show their commercials = no money to make new shows.
  19. Ah, I love you guys. If someone is down and out then its perfectly justifiable to threaten and steal from others. *nods sagely*
  20. I dont know enough about it to determine if we're past the point of no return but if it is man made at least we can take some measures to mitigate the damage. If its just one of the Earths normal temperature cycles, such as the Medieval Warm Period and the following Little Ice Age, then theres no point in flailing about by spending billions (trillions?) and stifling emerging countries.
  21. Of course it matters. If its not man made then there isnt anything we can do about it.
  22. True, that is the current unemployment rate but that only includes people who are actively receiving benefits. Not included in that percentage are the people who have already used up all their benefit and have been removed from the list, which makes the number much closer to Gorgons.
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