Playing WoW and Tuesday the 4.3 patch dropped which included three new instances and two new raids, one of which is yet to be implemented. Im already disappointed. Granted, Im overgeared, but all the new content is super easy. In less ~1.5 hours, in a pick up group, we cleared all three new instances. Then, to make matters worse, WoW created a new system called Looking For Raid where random people can que and form a 25 man raid. Since these raids are composed of random people they decided to make the difficult level for these type groups lower than a regular 25 man raid composed of non-random players. Apparently this difficulty level is set to "faceroll" because I jumped in a random group last night and we one-shot every single boss. To those that dont raid/MMO, thats almost impossible to do with 25 random scrubs in a brand new raid thats only been out two days.