I watched Prometheus the other day and I really dug it, but Im a little confused by the ending. I think this is the gist of it: This movie is a prequal to the Alien movies. The Engineers seeded multitudes of solar systems across the universe with their own genetic material, which is a match for we humans. Now this is where things get murky for me...at some point the Engineers "changed their minds" and decided to create a biological lifeform that would destroy the other lifeforms they already created? This is what is inside those urn looking things? And when the urn worms gestate, they turned into the tentacle monster that the doctor had removed from her abdomen? And that tentacle monster was the precursor to the facehugger? And since the tentacle monster facehugged the last living Engineer on the ship, and the xenomorphs take some genetic material from their hosts, that is why we see the creation of the first "traditional" Alien at the end? Whew.