Thanks withteeth - if this is a real concern for some - you can apparently send yourself a whack of PMs then delete them. this should temporarily correct the issue, but it does not solve it.
I have confirmed that this is a known issue with 2.2.2 of the board software. Admin is currently deciding on which 'fix' to implement. Thanks for taking the time everyone to confirm the problem and your patience!
And with that we have arrived at the end of this day ... perhaps we may explore another day w/o the transgressions that really are not appropriate for our 'G' rated family fun fora ...
Could anyone who does have this problem, empty their browser cache, delete cookies, log off, shut down browser, restart, relog on and then let me know please?
Well here you are folks:
1. (mkreku)
2. (kirottu)
3. (Xard)
4. [/url] (Bokishi)
5. [/url] (Bokishi)
6. (Draken)
7. (Oerwinde)
8. (Walsingham)
So for those of you (not mods that is ) who have had there smiley hit the big time, please contact me through PM about the shiny title you would like added to your profile and we will proceed from there! Thanks so much everyone and I am sure we will revisit a new additions sooner rather than later