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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) ATI Catalyst (2k/XP 32/64-bit/Vista [WHQL]: 7.4) Software Mozilla Thunderbird Email/Newsgroup Client (2.0)
  2. *Wonders if those dragon-senses are indicating movement from the Roost might be required ... FLoSD.ObE
  3. Um, I would like to remind our wee enthusiastic group of the following from our most respected Forum Guidelines: I would extend this to using the fora here as some sort of staging ground to harm/harass/undermine our friends at Bethesda. The FO fanbase is indeed vocal and passionate, but it is not tolerable to use Obsidian's fora to jeopardise that professional relationship. Consider this the one and only 'suggestion' ... I would hate to hear directly from Bethesda or see it directly here that one of our community had crossed a line that has now clearly been named ...
  4. Hey even I get to swing and frolic by swinging my tail too ... sheesh ...
  5. Hmmm ... to every action there is an opposite and equal reaction ... something to reflect upon in regard to future posting choices ... Newton's Laws of Motion FYI: FLoSD.ObE
  6. Hey Hurlshot - I have sent you a PM ... Done, and it is still persisting. It's not happening on other forums.
  7. Clear your temp cache and cookies, shut down, restart browser - does the problem persist?
  8. OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) nVidia ForceWare Graphics: (Vista [32 & 64-bit WHQL]: 158.18) Utilities CCleaner (1.39.502) Freeware Windows Optimisation Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (7.81) Windows Optimisation
  9. Why does that remind me of something out of Fraggle Rock?
  10. Patches & Utilities Strategy (Turn Based) Battlefront (1.01)
  11. http://www.samsung.com/Products/TV/LCDTV/LNT3253HXXAA.asp That's what we are getting after our move at the end of the month!
  12. Thanks Pidesco!
  13. Can anyone confirm if this is still an issue?
  14. Software Opera (9.20.8771) Internet Browser
  15. Phaedra see: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...0&start=150
  16. Phaedra see: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...0&start=150
  17. Patches & Utilities Strategy (Real Time) Anno 1701 (1.02) Battlestations: Midway (1.1) Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh Diagnose (7.56) Benchmark
  18. Bruggemann, Walter. The Prophetic Imagination, 2nd Ed.
  19. OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) nVidia ForceWare Graphics: (GeForce 8800: 94.94 XP)
  20. Thread Pruned: Stereotyping and comments that could/can be read as a wee bit too sexist really should not be a part of civil discussion. Try the place down the cyber-lane if you would like to engage in posting in a manner of which your grandmother would not approve ...
  21. Thread Pruned: Next time we'll just shut it down and go willy nilly with warnings and all that fun power-over stuff ... *This Message Brought to you By The Organisation for Please Consider What You are Going to Post Before you Hit Add Reply .... FLoSD.ObE
  22. Thread Pruned: Any way that the potential offered by The Big Cheese and the thoughts therein might illicit more constructive posting, or are have we exhausted the collective ability to engage in useful dialogue at this point? (Translation: is a time-out needed? /rhetoric) FLoSD.ObE
  23. Patches & Utilities RPG Warcraft Franchise World of Warcraft (2.0.12) (MMORPG) Software OpenOffice (2.2) Opensource Office Suite Utilities Samurize (1.64.3) Freeware Advanced System Information/Desktop Enhancement
  24. I have had both a T and a D - imo D's warranty/customer service programme is better. Both require time if needed, but D is more accommodating fwiiw. I appreciate indeed the financial concern - my reflection is that buying 'used' is that you are paying for a product without any possible support should it go south. New at least has a year usually attached to it ...
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