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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Thread pruned: Could we keep tangents for other sites where I do not have to do stuff ... /rhetorical interjection FLoSD.ObE
  2. Patches & Utilities FPS Ghost Recon Franchise Advanced Warfighter 2 (1.02) Strategy (Turn Based) UFO: Extraterrestrials (Patch 1) UFO Franchise Afterlight (1.5) Aftermath (1.4) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) ATI Catalyst (2k/XP 32/64-bit/Vista [WHQL]: 7. Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (7.89) Windows Optimisation
  3. 30!! woohooo - bribery will get you everywhere ... thread Closed
  4. Have we arrived at derailment a la Spam?
  5. @ taks: If you are having to re-log on a fairly regular basis, I suspect it may have to do with your ISP and IP being updated. I believe the cookie is partially IP dependent.
  6. Okay well perhaps it is me, but I really do feel we have migrated away from constructive posting - perhaps that even occurred much earlier. So ... well you know the drill - thread closed.
  7. mainstreet - please send me you email you would like to use and I will see what I can do through the AdminCP.. F
  8. Thread Pruned: Perhaps we could try to temper humour, even if politically astute, that nonetheless serves to aggravate pain of those who are in fact survivors.
  9. Patches & Utilities Action/Adventure Overlord (1.2) Strategy (Turn Based) For Liberty! (1.81)
  10. Please be advised that I am most sorry that this member's nickname was allowed to exist this long. The account has been disabled and the person responsible for it has been contacted. I am MOST sorry for the impression in anyway that racial stereotyping that glosses over economic and social context was supported or condoned here at Obsidian. I would like to thank the community for again illustrating - in its special use of humour - ways in which it both cares and holds me/The Mod Squad accountable. with apology, Fionavar
  11. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap070801.html
  12. Thread Pruned: I know I should just go all police moderating and ban everyone, but ... - please do try to remain respectful and interact in a constructive manner ...
  13. This is a NASA composite of the dark side of the moon ... http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap070728.html
  14. Thread pruned & closed. Some tangents just do not need to be experienced ... :?
  15. Patches & Utilities Simulation Spaceforce: Rogue Universe (1.1) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) ATI Catalyst (2k/XP 32/64-bit/Vista [WHQL]: 7.7) DivX Codec (2k/XP: 6.6.2) Software Mozilla Firefox Browser (
  16. Well as I am a most LAZY Big Green and the word HATE is in and of itself counter-productive to initiating any form of dialogue that is hospitable, I will shut this down .. PLEASE do feel free to initiate another thread that attempts to begin a conversation, as opposed to pontificate a position. If that PROVES TOO difficult, I would advise, from my lazy ROOST, to opt into starting your OWN PRIVATE pulpit ELSEWHERE lest I or the Mod Squad have to actually do some work ... /FLoSD.ObE
  17. Oh look another thread to play overbearing Big Green ... thanks for some choice posting material :? FLoSD.ObE
  18. Oh look, it's time-out time in the sandbox. Thanks for the modelling of respectful and caring dialogue ... FLoSD.ObE
  19. OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) nVidia ForceWare Graphics: (2k/2k3/XP/64-bit [WHQL]: 93.71) (GeForce 8800: 94.94 XP) (Vista [32 & 64-bit WHQL]: 158.18) (Linux: 1.0-8776) IDE: (2k/XP: 4.15) Platform [nForce4: AMD/Intel Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] [nForce4 430/440: (Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] [nForce 550/570 SLI AMD: (Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] [nForce 590 SLI AMD: (Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] [nForce 570 SLI Intel: (Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] [nForce 590 SLI Intel: (Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] [nForce 650 SLI: (Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] [nForce 680a SLI: (Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] [nForce 680i SLI: (Vista 32/64-bit [WHQL]: 15.01)] K-Lite Audio/Video Codec Pack Full/Standard/Basic (3.30) Mega (3.30)
  20. Leclerc, Thomas L. Yahweh is Exalted Justice: Solidarity and Conflict in Isaiah.
  21. Thread Pruned: I am not certain whether the advice and linking to pirated/grey market/illegal crack sites was intended to be humorous, but I do know that the responses were in direct violation of the expectations of the fora here at Obsidian. Piracy and copyright violation are no light matter and, should the posters who posted in the manner that warranted a prune, choose to post again in such a manner, do be advised that choice will lead to immediate censure from the community here at Obsidian. In regard to Dark Raven's inquiry - have you looked for retail venues that sell older versions of software?
  22. OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) Linux Ubuntu (7.04) Software Mozilla Firefox Browser (
  23. Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (7.87) Windows Optimisation nVidia nTune ( Freeware System Utility
  24. Thread Pruned and Closed. I would like to thank everyone for their choices in not only using the continuum of human sexuality to abuse one another in a normative manner that assumes one orientation is better than the other, but that you have reminded me yet again that my assumption that it is only a manner of informed choice to respect another human being with dignity is still a goal, and not a reality. FLoSD.ObE
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