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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. You need to log out - clear your cache, shut down browser and then restart - I found this worked for me. Please let me know if this works for you kirottu ...
  2. hehe I just fixed it - I saw that too. Just delete your cache and reload - should then be okay ... ?
  3. Well we are back to just eyes and nose - sorry, but apparently it does not like the apostrophe either!
  4. '
  5. Patches & Utilities FPS Battlefield Franchise Battlefield 2142 (1.20) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) ATI Catalyst (2k/XP 32/64-bit/Vista [WHQL]: 7.2) Software Mozilla Firefox Browser ( Utilities BitTorrent P2P Protocol Core (Linux/Windows 5.0.6)
  6. Done - and hopefully meta does not mind this compromise
  7. I cannot repeat this issue in FF 2 or IE 7 - can anyone using IE 6 confirm this bug? HH: could you try clearing cookies and temps, reboot and log in again to see if the issue persists?
  8. Which icons do not seem to be displaying correctly?
  9. I have heard from a few other that has presented some problems, but when going to they were resolved. Alanschu have you tried the usual empty cookies/temp dirs and reboot?
  10. Back to SiN ...
  11. Good nod to the price - also apparently there is a rather helpful patch en route - so maybe I will wait until then. I also will likely get it through Steam ... we'll see.
  12. We are working on streamlining ... thanks for naming the challenge!
  13. Deus Ex Machina ... at least it works! thanks for bringing it our attention alanschu.
  14. Thanks for that Morgoth - anyone know the sales of DM? It would be interesting if the MM franchise has avoided being shelved ...
  15. I never had a chance to play Hexen - the DE parallel was owing to the FP nature and a 'point system.' Perhaps A System Shock parallel would work better?
  16. Ah that is helpful - sort of Deus Ex style point system then?
  17. So would that mean it feels more like h&s than RPG Bokishi?
  18. Rather than be accused of necroposting , I was wondering if anyone has thoughts since release and patching of the game? Good alternative to the FP of Elder Scroll approach? Just a dressed up h&s - worth it? You know, impressions ...
  19. Update Ignore seems to be working here is what I see when enabled. Member is in post list, but this is what is visibile:
  20. re: Ignore not working - is there any error or anything - or is it just normal as if the setting had never been enabled for a member?
  21. Restricted Area - made it through half-way for each character and then started experiencing some major bugZ and the storyline though interesting, just could not compete with the repetition of the h&s of the same dungeon over & over.
  22. Hello all, The rationale for a spoiler only forum no longer seems to make sense owing to the traffic it was getting. As a result, spoilers will now be allowed here. I would request that the spoiler tag continue to be used and I would also suggest using 'Spoiler' in the Topic Description. Respectfully, Fionavar
  23. What browser? I do not seem to have this problem in FF
  24. Added to the list - thanks.
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