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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. So ...hmmm to the former?
  2. Play nice or we'll have to send in a HAZMAT Unit and shut the box down ...
  3. Oh yer cool, don't let our sandbox denizens lead you to believe that Rosbjerg
  4. Well rather than allow such a significant and historic thread be derailed by Absinthe activists, I think we will retire this constructive thread to the AotSB ... FLoSD.ObE
  5. Patches & Utilities OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) ATI Catalyst (7/XP 32/64-bit/Linux/Vista [WHQL]: 9. DivX Codec (XP/Vista: 7.2.1) nVidia ForceWare Graphics: (7/XP [32 & 64-bit]/Vista [32 & 64-bit] [WHQL]: 190.62) Software QuickTime Alternative (2.92) Freeware Multimedia Player Utilities FileZilla ( Open Source FTP Client Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh Download (8.32) Download Manager
  6. Oh look, sand out of the box. Perhaps if people really need to personalise their discussions, PM could be used (this is direction not inquiry). If not, I guess moving from the Roost will follow ... remember, don't worry what someone else says, just take some time to consider what you are going to say. It's all about choices and I like to choose to do nothing when everyone posts with butterflies and sunshine, not baiting and trolling ... FLoSD.ObE
  7. Patches & Utilities Software the GIMP (2.6.7) Open Source Photo Suite (Multi-Platform) Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (8.38) Windows Optimisation FileZilla (3.2.7) Open Source FTP Client
  8. Okay ... so I may be dense ... has anyone tested & under a 64 environment and still been able to game/operate 'normally?'
  9. Well welcome back GM! As for Oner - nice is when people post in a way that does not require me to do anything ... not nice is when I have to move in order to ensure we are a welcoming place for newbs and olds who might be returning ...
  10. I think this is numbers' and Oner's way of saying: "Yes we are. We just have a tendency to be shy and deflect our desire to be welcoming by sometimes spilling some sand out of the box." Welcome and do feel free to report the trolls if they make a mess of the sandbox
  11. Patches & Utilities FPS ARMA II (1.03) Strategy (Real Time) WarCraft III (1.24) Strategy (Turn Based) East India Company (1.05) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (1.6.0_15) Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh Diagnose (8.16) Benchmark SpeedFan (4.39) Freeware Hardware Monitor
  12. Anyone have an opinion about 32/64 bit migration with 7?
  13. *Watches
  14. Purpose of this forum This forum is for discussion of Obsidian's Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. including storyline and technical issues with the game, and also anything else related to the Star Wars universe. Previously there were several different forums for these topics, but now we're bringing everything together into this one place. Spoilers for KotOR 2: TSL When posting spoilers in this forum please make use of our spoiler tag for posting hints, spoilers and anything else related to the game that could otherwise ruin the experience for someone else original.gif You can mark something as a spoiler by prefixing it with For example: This is a sample of spoiled content! Finally, also consider adding 'Spoilers' in the 'Topic Description' Related Star Wars games Discussion of the announced Bioware MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic and any possible future Knights of the Old Republic 3 game are fine here, and are not restricted to any particular threads. "Help" questions If you're going to post a technical support question, please do two things first: Read the FAQ, which answers a number of questions Read the Solving "Help" Issues sticky, as this will help you to post enough information for someone to understand the problem and help.
  15. Thread Pruned: Let's leave the gutter out of the sandbox - makes for too much work!
  16. Patches & Utilities RPG Warcraft Franchise World of Warcraft (3.2.0) (MMORPG) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) K-Lite Audio/Video Codec Pack (5.0.5) Linux KDE (4.3.0) Linux/Unix Desktop Environment Software Mozilla Firefox Browser (3.5.2) Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (8.37) Windows Optimisation
  17. Patches & Utilities RPG Sacred Franchise 2: (2.43) Strategy (Empire Building) Civilization Franchise IV (Beyond the Sword: 3.19) Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile ( OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) ATI Catalyst (7/XP 32/64-bit/Linux/Vista [WHQL]: 9.7) nVidia ForceWare Graphics: (7/XP [32 & 64-bit]/Vista [32 & 64-bit] [WHQL]: 190.38) Utilities CPUID Freeware CPU-Z (1.52) Hardware Detection Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh Diagnose (8.14) Benchmark Note: Strategy(Empire Building) Complete Review/Prune/Update
  18. Try, try again ... we'll get it right I am sure ...
  19. Thanks for the feedback everyone! I will let admin know that some of the title things are knackered. Hopefully we will be deploying the new board version soon, so this would be something to consider at that time!
  20. I think that this thread has, if it ever was, fallen out of the sandbox. Thanks for the nuances and opinions - we'll just retire this now ...
  21. I wonder if observing from the Roost that I would appreciate the hope of civility will allow me to relax and not have to do any actual work ... (i.e. Mod Status, Warnings, and such ...) FLoSD.ObE
  22. Could we please try to limit the argumentative nature of the discussion and try to post in am ore constructive manner (yes this is rhetorical)?
  23. Though I appreciate your PoV samm, my role is to see other's as well. After receiving some PMs that were concerned with the nature of the posts, I thought I would share the concern. Though you may not agree, I do hope you will help walk that line where all people can feel welcome. As this is not a private fora there remains decisions that have to be made in respect to the plurality that is our context. Please feel free to contact me through PM if you would like to discuss this further. F
  24. Software Mozilla Firefox Browser (3.5.1) SeaMonkey (1.1.17) Thunderbird Email/Newsgroup Client (
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