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Global Moderators
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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. *getting exasperated by bating and considers just blindly placing people in Mod Status ... So, while my inner monologue dances to and fro aloud, please do try to post with some civility, as I really do so hate having to do anything of note ... FLoSD/ObE
  2. Thread Pruned: I will say this once -> Any more baiting and everyone involved will get a fun, fully covered time-out from the fora ... choice is always a fun thing to have.
  3. Please do try not to bait one another or avoid the language filter ... play nice in the sandbox please.
  4. Utilities FileZilla ( Open Source FTP Client
  5. I am now into Chapter 4 of The Witcher!
  6. Thanks Tigranes. I know that there is an itching to discuss the topic more fully and such and I can totally appreciate that. Unfortunately, in order to respect the appropriate desires of Bethesda we need, for the foreseeable future, to honour that we must limit discussion. I will check with admin as to whether we can seek some more flexibility that might allow for more than one thread. At the moment, however, all of us, members and Mods, would benefit from constructive dialogue within the parameters that we have and which are currently the reality in respect to FO 3: NV. with respect, F
  7. Software Mozilla Firefox Browser (3.0.10)
  8. Went to my cell provider and I am getting a replacement for my HTC Touch Pro.
  9. Thread Pruned: Let's please leave the sand on the box and not use it to bait one another ... play nice or I have to move ... :?
  10. Patches & Utilities Action/Adventure Ceville ( RPG Warcraft Franchise World of Warcraft (3.1.1) (MMORPG) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) Linux Ubuntu (9.04) Software Alcohol 120% ( Shareware CD/DVD Backup/Emulation Google Picasa ( Freeware Multimedia Manager WinAmp (5.552) Freeware Multimedia Player Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh Download (8.24) Download Manager SiSoftware Sandra (15.96) Commercial/Freeware Benchmark/Diagnostic
  11. Fionavar


    Let's try not to bait one another (yes that was rhetorical). Otherwise, I will have to actually do something!
  12. Software Mozilla Firefox Browser (3.0.9)
  13. Please continue the conversation here as we have hit the 500+ post mark and we need to archive this for future review ... or at least so Skeeter can tinker ... F
  14. Thread Pruned: Please play nice in the sandbox ...
  15. We have to strike a balance with Bethesda's needs and the hope for a forum. At the moment, we are using the NWN2 model of a specific thread for FO. If there is some relaxing of that, in respect to the amount of threads, then that will likely be dictated by the tenor of the tone we strike here ourselves. For now, please do feel free to use the existing thread and we will hope for some further flexibility. with respect, F
  16. I do know that OBS is very grateful for the desire and want for a FO forum. It has always been the intent to foster and nurture the community here and I think that has been fairly well done. Then there is the balance to respect the producers and their desire to keep the forum internal as the publisher. Always a balance to strike. So, thanks for the input, trust me the desire to have it here resonates. Feel free, nonethtless, to discuss the topic in the existing thread. With respect, Fionavar
  17. Utilities SpywareBlaster (4.2) Freeware Anti-Trackware
  18. Patches & Utilities RPG Warcraft Franchise World of Warcraft (3.1.0) (MMORPG) Strategy (Real Time) Company of Heroes Franchise Oppossing Forces (2.500) Tales of Valor (2.501) Warhammer Franchise 40,000: Dawn of War II (1.2.1) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) ATI Catalyst (2k/XP 32/64-bit/Linux/Vista [WHQL]: 9.4) Software Google Toolbar (6.1.1518.856) Search Engine/Pop-up Blocker Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh Diagnose (8.04) Benchmark Fresh UI (8.29) Windows Optimisation
  19. Recuperating after 5 Easter Services!
  20. Yep - we got the buns too before the service!
  21. Off to a Good Friday Service.
  22. Thanks for this schpike84 - I am going to move to Skeeter's for the tech gecklings to see if they can help!
  23. Patches & Utilities Simulation Enemy Engaged 2 (1.02) Live For Speed (Z2) Sailors of the Sky (7.2) Spaceforce: Rogue Universe (1.2) Strike Fighters Franchise 2 (Feb 2009) The Movies (1.1) Trainz Railroad Simulator Franchise 2009 (sp1) X Franchise X3: Terran Conflict (2.0a) Note: Simulation Complete Review/Prune
  24. Patches & Utilities Strategy (Real Time) Company of Heroes Franchise GotY (2.101) Oppossing Forces (2.400) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) K-Lite Audio/Video Codec Pack (4.7.5) Linux KDE (4.2.2) Linux/Unix Desktop Environment Software Alcohol 120% ( Shareware CD/DVD Backup/Emulationr Logitech SetPoint (4.72) Steamripper 1.64.6 Open Source MP3 Recorder VLC Media Player (0.9.9) Open Source Multi-Platform Media Player Utilities FileZilla ( Open Source FTP Client Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (8.28) Windows Optimisation Zone Alarm ( Commercial/Freeware Firewall
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