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Darth Tratious

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Everything posted by Darth Tratious

  1. i think OE should do it.i like the darker feel of things.
  2. i was looking around lucasforums and found this Kotor 3 Rumor
  3. i wanna go to Madalore Coruscant maybe Endor Yavin 4 The Planet Not The station some sith worlds
  4. when anakin has a duel with obi 1 or when anakin massacres the jedi temple i really want to see gen grievous fight jedi with like 4 lightsabers :D
  5. i liked korriban for some reason
  6. intresting robot
  7. i have a 256 mb geforce NVIDIA Geforce FX 5200 256MB and some things don't work right especially when i tweak the settings it slows down but that might be my ram when Compaq/Hp built my computer they were suppossed to put pc2700 in but put pc3200U and when i bought more memory my computer ran way to slow so thats maybe why i get lag :'(
  8. pc level 50 i cheated a lot that why i play pc games xbox level 31 i think
  9. i have a new forum too star wars knights of the republic
  10. yeah a kotor bing i've done that kotor 1 and then kotor 2 directly after
  11. PC Wins by A long shot all the things you can do to make it run in a pc whoo 2 or 3 gigs memory :D :D compared with xbox 64 mb memory
  12. yeah what he said quit complaing and just play the game
  13. people actually voted for Plo Koon
  14. hk-47 with the pacifist package or where you ask hk what love is.
  15. i really hated that stupid wookiee i also really hate disciple i like all the other charecters besides that i'm 50/50 on goto
  16. i really want new worlds and some old ones like dantooine and korriban i really want to go to coruscant in a kotor game because of the game engine it would look cool.
  17. when this happened to me it mad me made so i used force lighting like 12 times
  18. yeah it wpuld be worth it to start as a Sith
  19. i'd like to see Korriban Dantooine Yavin IV Coruscant Corellia Ilum for the crystals lets go back to Kashyyyk and these kotor 3 threads won't stop becuase lucas always does crap in 3 well atleats starwars stuff 3 ot movies 3 nt movies
  20. Bastila Would Win i think
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