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Darth Tratious

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Everything posted by Darth Tratious

  1. i have an ATI Radeon 9550 256 MB Card it also does the same thing for Kotor 1 and kotor 2
  2. yeah its just bad airflow i took the side panel off and everything works good and dandy now
  3. yeah i noticed this too i was wondering what it was
  4. i personally didn't like it for just some reason i really don't want it back i want the old kotor back
  5. you could have use swords and alot of stims
  6. i was wish i had the option to say screw pazzak and screw you ,time to die B**ch Boy
  7. i like manaan and tatooine also
  8. kreia and her bad ways she needs to be beat like she was a stepchild(No offense to anybody that is)
  9. Vrook Because he is just straight annoying from the way he talks it looks like he is on the dark side
  10. i guess it was heat problem .i turned my computer off for a couple hours then turned it back on and took the side panel off and the game runs almost perfect
  11. I'm suprised he didn't try to score with the Exile <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats nasty considering my exile was a guy
  12. [quote name='nachoelporte
  13. KotOR 2 Xbox Mod Saves From stormsinger or the action replay save game page Action Replay Xbox Saves For Star Wars: KotOR II
  14. i still cant believe this guy made this and he was eeling it on ebay i am not sure anymore but the bids were like 1500 USD
  15. heat never thought about that thanks
  16. no i haven't maybe the new ati driver corrupts something
  17. from what i heard on the star wars site he got into a fight with someone probably revan and revan got a good swipe in.
  18. i have this problem lately with Kotor 1 and 2 and i have no clue whats going on i have a picture below to explain whats going on almost every image is blurry and i have to play with the graphics options and like re-sync the screen to get everything to display right
  19. Master Flurry Or If Your Talking About Force Powers Force Crush
  20. they have action replay save games which i used to use i use which because i lost my action replay device not sure abotu skins though
  21. in the lightside ending but for DS he dies at the starforge
  22. in this game it is the same button but it is invisible in this game for some unknown reason
  23. just unzip the files right click and select extract here or extract files and then create an override folder in C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\SWkotor 2 and then put in the unrared files in there and they should work
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