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Everything posted by redneckdevil
why are you asking, seems like you already got your plan . If you want something alien i would suggest Africa or Asia, most alien would be probably eastern block for you Lol tbh I would actually love to skip France but that's a place she's wanted to go. Granted I wouldn't mind going, I'd just rather visit other places. Lol nope plans at all, just something me and her talked about last night and we have a window and dammit I'm jumping out that window finally! Lol.
First off I want to thank everyone for their suggestions and advice! The 3 main places we have talked about is Ireland (every Irish man has to visit the motherland sometime right?), Venice because of the building and murals, and France (I'm half French but don't claim it, mainly the woman wants to go there because of the "love"). That's just counting Europe. Mainly asking because wanted to broaden my choices. Most likely due to funds, will try to go in "off" season whenever that is but I'm gonna guess maybe Oct-April due to the advice here. I'll be quiet honest and I know it sounds silly, but I would love to go to place that's so different and alien than what I'm used to. Something completely new to me. Granted I may have to wait and go somewhere else for that but I won't let that stop me from having fun and being excited about Europe
Okay soon tax time will be here and have decided to take myself and the woman on a trip to Europe. I've never been outside the states (though I've been all over) and have always dreamed about going to another country. The thing is anyone have any advice? I'm English speaker only (with very very little American Spanish) and not very wealthy at all. Now I don't mind if English is not the dominant language but would like somewhere where I would be able to get around and do things without having to speak the native language. Also currency wise and costs. I figure if I go to the famous places, the prices will reflect that. I guess I just wanna go somewhere I can afford but also be inside a brand new culture, plus being very beautiful weither it's the landscape, buildings, or just the people themselves. Tyvm in advance
Okay, so lets see here. The FBI was denied access to the DNC servers and the smart phone that was hacked. Since the FBI was denied access, they instead had to rely on the findings from a "highly respected private company" so the unclassified report did NOT have hands on facts of Russia's "hacking". According to the findings from the "highly respected private company" and not from hands on forensics since they were denied, they conclude the Russia and Putin "meddled" in the election but found no evidence of voting tampering from them... So even the FBI is saying they themselves have found no proof and have to go on a PAID companies findings to draw their conclusion. And hell even meddling I'd say is the right word since it can be used for sooooo many things such as Putin did in fact "meddle" in our elections when he says something about our elections on tv. So I ask, what exactly HAS been found that is a serious offense that Russia has done for our election? So far we have nothing concrete evidence from our very own govt agencies and instead going off on "private businesses" that since they are going unnamed could also have tailored their findings towards what the person who hired them wanted them to find. It's very crazy that if u keep saying a lie over and over again even when the public KNOWS that it's a lie, people will start accepting some of it if not most or all of it over time if u are bombarded with it.
Hell when Trump got elected, I was happy af we wasn't going to war with Russia I'd dance too
I'll also say why it doesn't matter. Because without proof given, this is just another one of Obama's temper tantrum acts before leaving. I swear, say what u will but damn democrates do not know how to leave gracefully and respectfully. I'll give 4 examples in my lifetime. George Bush senior left a nice letter of encouragement to Bill when he left. Bill steals, vandalizes, and tried to have the stuff disorganized when Bush Jr. takes the office. Bush Jr also does equally nice things like his father so the transition goes smoothly for Obama (forgot what exactly it was that he did for Obama). Obama leaves and is throwing a huge temper tantrum of yet again spreading false information, does aggregating acts towards countries that the next president is trying to push good relationships with. Hell here's the kicker, we still have NO proof that it was even the Russians that even hacked and gathered the info that was leaked. NONE. So far it's just heresay. And another reason why it doesn't matter because until their proof doesn't matter what agency said what was because we have already seen the double standards that the FBI AND the IRS have done with mrs clinton. So until theirs proof, this is just propaganda that if said enough times, people will start to think it and that will make it true.
Or to actually use the govt protected private servers.
I HATE how they make Kefka look in the new FF VI. His new sprite doesn't look like the homicidal clown as the original. Otherwise one of my favorite FF
Okay, cooled down a bit. Heard the news and won't watch the video, I've seen enough with pictures. So the obvious thing that pissed me off was what they did and the dudes mentally handicapped no less. My woman is scared of my son because he's mixed and he would be subjected to racism. My youngest son we do t even think about people doing this horrible sick **** because he's mentally handicapped and people just don't do **** to them like they used to and then u see this **** and he's white mentally handicapped and now the reality is that it can happen to him has been driven home. So that's the obvious **** that everyone who heard or seen already get. Now the OTHER thing that pissed me off is that if u lived here in America during obama and you are white, u had deal with idiotic things that went on with the black lives matter and white can only be racist. Hell these things were shoved away because it went against the drivel that was being sprouted. Hell Britain even went thru with the rape cases because they didn't wanna be seen as racist. Now this is textbook hate crime BUT the perpetrators are not white and are black and IF they do not charge the hate crime because the victim was white BUT because he's handicapped, then they set the bar that the drivel of only white people can be racist is true by the law.
It's time to do away with hate crime laws. Spit on them, toss them in the trash with a huge pile of ****, set it on fire, and just ****ing do away with them. They don't work and won't work unless ur black/homosexual. Just ****ING get rid of hate crime laws since they aren't gonna be used for everybody. A white guy can call a black guy a **** and punch him and he's charged with a hate crime. 4 ****ing teenagers can kidnap and torture a white mentally handicap teenager and beat him, spit on him, torture him and record it all on video while saying multiple times "**** white people", " I hate white people", etc etc and they are not being charged with a hate crime because they black. Just like how last year a ****ing soldier just got back and some black people drove by him and his friends screaming cracker ass honky, **** white people, etc and stab him and kill him.....but it's not a hate crime. **** the hate crime policy's if they ain't gonna do their damn job
All they have to do with Obamacare is make it optional instead of manatory. Then give it a year or 2 for the changes to take place and then go from there. Seriously, making it optional and doing nothing else will I'd dare say make a majority of people happy.
Grim Dawn to me is the real Diablo 3. Btw has the new free stuff came out yet for Diablo 3?
I kinda figured once CNN used fallout hacking screen that it was quiet obvious if not before
What leveling or class system do you like most?
redneckdevil replied to Madscientist's topic in Computer and Console
I'm down for classless with perks/etc. I love classes but main reason is usually u can create ur own "class" from such games that u can make up. My 2 favs would be the fallout and TES if we talking about video games. Lots of good combinations in fonv and morrowind -
Man it's such a great game but I haven't been able to finish it yet. To much of a backlog of games I wanna finish. I'm gonna finish it after I finish FF 15
And why should they be friendly with Russia ? You're one of those people that are friendly with everyone until you have a reason not to ?Pretty much. Neutral to friendly
Red just to be clear, do you want to know why this perceived animosity and suspicion exists towards Russia?I do, but I'm just finding it a bit ironic and a bit funny that USA wont get along with Russia because of difference in beliefs BUT in USA christians and Muslims and atheists are all supposed to get along even though they have difference in beliefs and ideals by LAW.Just seems a bit hypocritical of USA especially with tolerance being shoved down our throats over here. Why not do what they force their citizens to do, get along and work together even though culture/beliefs/morals are different and go against each other. You are asking a very pertinent question, I have realized people like myself who have been raising this whole " guys Russia is hacking the USA,.,,,,,,why aren't you getting upset " are not explaining the context or going into the history of cyber-espionage so it probably seems we are making at times an unreasonable fuss over something that for many people doesnt appear serious I am going to make a separate post around this to explain in more detail why the Russian hacking is a concern ...I look forward to your comments Highly unlikely as the state doping was only implemented after the bad results of the Russian athletes after the Vancouver 2010 games and the ability of Russia to interfere in the IT infrastructure of countries is also a relatively new phenomena ....we have seen this the last 10-15 years maximum because hackers lacked the resources to implement the types of disruptions we sometimes seeYou are talking about new methods and new technology not new mentality. As always you don't dissapoint by being clueless and oblivious to reality and facts. Volourn is right, mentaly Russians didn't change at all for... well it will be a century in March. Oh you guys are talking about the historical behavior of Russia and not what they actually do nowadays....its still inconsistent to the criticism but I see the point I'd like to know, it's always good to get as many sides of the story even if u may not agree with what's being said. Also I'm a bit on edge with RL, so don't take my rants personal lol
okay, people's rights. Russia is against homosexuality and don't give the LGBT community rights like other citizens..... So how can we use that as an excuse for not being on friendly terms with Russia when Obama and USA is GREAT friends with Saudia Arabia?
BruceVC, the reason why we didn't get upset is because we know Putin didn't hack the election, the DNC got hacked. Also the CIA nor the govt have presented any proof whatsoever and with all the fabrication and embellishments we have had to suffer thru as "FACts" and "NEWs", **** them. They've gotten to a point where they can say the sky is blue and people will disagree to spite them because they've gotten ****ed to many times. From the election, we know what we are getting from the news is not FACTs anymore, but narrative and it's narrative the Democratic Party wants us to think. It fell flat on its ass and right when trump won, many people spoke out and showed how biased and not based on facts but narrative they wanted to push and told them to back off and rethink their approach. They fell on deaf ears with the media and went right back in doing the same exact **** they were before. Think about what being told right now. Russia hacked the election and it was orchestrated by Putin. Pay attention because this is why we aren't upset. No one "hacked" the election at all. what got "hacked" and we don't even know if it actually got hacked, was the DNC and emails were LEAKED. The election wasn't "rigged", hell we did recounts to show that. **** our media and **** Obama with his tantrums he's throwing. No matter how good or whatever he was, this tantrum is the equivalent of some lil kid who got mad and is crying and pouting off the field while knocking over equipment and trying to break **** so that the other kids can't play because they are done playing with him and wanna play a different game. that's how bad it's gotten really when I'm looking forward to trump coming in and hopefully burning everything to the ground. One good thing that I've noticed from this election and from brexit, is that the EU and democrates are a lot alike but they aren't wanting what the image they are putting off. Edit-I still think it's hypocritical that USA can't/isn't getting along with Russia when the USA forces their citizens to work and live and tolerate people with opposing lifestyles but won't practice what they preach. **** Obama and **** our media, thank god one of them is on his way out.
Red just to be clear, do you want to know why this perceived animosity and suspicion exists towards Russia? I do, but I'm just finding it a bit ironic and a bit funny that USA wont get along with Russia because of difference in beliefs BUT in USA christians and Muslims and atheists are all supposed to get along even though they have difference in beliefs and ideals by LAW. Just seems a bit hypocritical of USA especially with tolerance being shoved down our throats over here. Why not do what they force their citizens to do, get along and work together even though culture/beliefs/morals are different and go against each other.
Thanks everybody, tried looking it up but I'm just seeing a lot of bs so I'd ask y'all. So it boils down to we need a adversary and Russia fits the bill because they don't wanna play our game and do the same stuff we do but to people we are allies with. While I LOVE democracy, I'm at least open minded to know that it's not for everyone and that isn't something we should hold against them. I guess it's to much trouble for our govt to be on friendly terms and give and take with Russia and keep an eye on them like they would to us.
Changing mine to FF 15. Not the best game whatsoever, but it's one of the few games this year to hold my attention.
I do have a question, what do we the USA have against Russia? Russia has always been viewed as the bad guy here growing up, but that was due to **** that happened yearssssss ago. So besides the democrates putting the blame on Russia instead of owning up to their **** ups, why are the republicans and a good bit against Russia? Why is it so bad for us to be on friendly terms, dare say allies?
From what I hear, it was actually someone in the DNC who leaked the emails because of being u happy with the party or something. One thing I've noticed with the news about Russo is that no evidence has been brought up and they are establishing a story based on stretching very very circumstantial evidence so far to fit their story without anything to back it up. We really really need to bring back suing the news for false information and lying. That or take away their govt benefits. Sad that Obamas final moments are filled with all this very blatant bull**** he and the media are doing.
It's so damn sad seeing them carrying on this farse. Obamas ****ing up all types of **** trying to make it hard as **** for Trump. Trump's open support of Israel I believe has sidestepped that fiasco and with trump wanting friendly terms with Russia is I think sidestepping that one as well I hope. The good thing is with Trump open support of each country, his actions are basically Obama not the USA flipping the bird to them. As crazy as it sounds, Trump being crazy during the election has actually been very positive in helping the USA stay on the positive side with both scenarios.....2016 needs to put down the needle