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Everything posted by Agiel

  1. Since Trump and his ilk claim to have such admiration for those Nordics maybe he should ask Norwegian men about the <<Plakaten på veggen>> and what they think should be done when they have "no cards to play" (relevant section is "8. Grunnsetninger for forsvarskampen"):
  2. I guess it was a sign from up high that I decided to re-watch <<Kite>> last month:
  3. I guess that about seals this election.
  4. At the minimum we can say these Olympics gave us this moment:
  5. As more info on the shooter comes out I'm again reminded of this exchange in the Broadway musical <<Assassins>> when the ghosts of American political assassins past and future convince Oswald to assassinate Kennedy:
  6. Having played the North American beta last month I can confirm that it pulled out all the stops for Wuxia tropes (of course a heaping helping of Qinggong, but also martial arts manuals, Qi cultivation, and references to the Jianghu), of which I heartily approve. I also suspect the inclusion of golden swallows in this trailer are a reference to Cheng Pei Pei's character in <<Come Drink With Me>>.
  7. While I wait for <<The Old World>> Core Rulebook and <<Forces of Fantasy>> to come back in stock I thought it high time to finally finish a kit that languished in my pile of shame for too long: Spoiler filter for a, shall we say... slightly spicy banner design:
  8. Can corroborate just about all of these points, though these days I'm more a snifter of Cognac before bed guy than a beer drinker.
  9. When everyone in the theater cracked up at this moment with Stilgar in <<Dune Pt. 2>> I knew I was among my people:
  10. I'm guessing when the special effects team needed miniatures for the scene with the fighter jet the Su-27 kits were the cheapest they could get from the hobby store.
  11. I guess it's settled then. Deathspell Omega does indeed have a human drummer for their recordings: Shame we missed out on them finally performing live. Would have lined up at the crack of dawn to see them.
  12. This randomly showed up in my Youtube feed but I have to confess that this has insanely good animation for something that apparently had a 7.5 million Euro budget. Just a crying shame that it bombed. Movie is called "Dofus – Book 1: Julith".
  13. With my newly arrived WinWing F-15EX throttle handles I've been getting deep into DCS: F-15E. While the work done is quite impressive, helped by real-life former F-15E aircrew Jeff "Notso" Bright, it makes me think back to one of my favourite flight sims Jane's F-15 which modeled the same aircraft and just how close the EA Baltimore team managed to get to the real thing. Pulling up the NAVFLIR HUD and A/G RDR and A/G PACS on the MFDs, compare and contrast:
  14. Of note is that Cesar E. Chavez, nominally a liberal icon, took a hardline stance on immigration who didn't shy away from using pejoratives typically associated with the MAGA crowd for his brethren across the border. The reasons I feel are beautifully elucidated in this video from Evan Hadfield:
  15. Devs have said that if you have <<Phantom Liberty>> installed it raises the level cap to 60, and if you raise your ability points past a certain point on the build planner you'll get a tooltip that says you won't be able to actually get them to that level unless you have the expansion. From pre-release footage of 2.0 and a cursory look at the build planner I was initially excited that CDPR might have done away with the TES-style "raise skill levels as you use them" system, though another observer informed me that it has sadly been retained, albeit in a little more broad form (i.e. condensed into archetypes of play such as "Shinobi," "Netrunner," "Solo," etc).
  16. Rate my Barbie: Rocking the classic Karasawa+Moonlight cheese combo. I am rather attached to this AC set as I find that it cuts a similar figure to the Queadluun-Rau from Macross:
  17. Agiel


    From what little I've read about the plot for BG3 and how Bhaal plays a bigger role than what one might have assumed from watching the Early Access footage, however improbable it would be something if we saw a cameo from our very own @Gromnir
  18. Agiel


    From watching some streamers play the final version I gotta ask: Did Larian have the decency to include a gameplay option to dispense with the d20 roll animations for the skill/attribute checks that happen every 5ft? I enjoyed DOS 1 and 2 well enough, so surely they have the decency to recognise that most of us have yet to achieve immortality and thus have respect for our time.
  19. My buds and I have been enjoying it too. Though we found a graphical bug where my player model becomes invisible to other players:
  20. If you need a push to do the Barbieheimer double-feature:
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