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Everything posted by Fluffle

  1. People talking about sweets other than me... I feel... so neglected... and jealous...
  2. The problem is that "let Obsidian make the game they want!" is also an opinion. Someone may honestly believe, that the game will be the best it can be if backers let Obsidian do the game they intend to do. Otheres may disagree, but it doesn't make that opinion any less valid. It's the point a discussion. To present and support various ideas related to a subject. The OP didn't say anything about aggressive replies. The OP spoke of disagreement with other people. And for some people this is defined as replying in a rude, aggressive way.
  3. It's perfectly possible to disagree without attacking. That's the point. For some people it is not.
  4. I dont know these guys... I swear... *whistles*
  5. Everyone is free to agree or not agree on things on this forum. Diversity will enrich the game, not a common agreement on everything. So I would not criticise the ones who disagree on a topic I like, but the ones who cannot do so without insulting me. Agreement and disagreement should be delivered in a civilised manner. And for some people this seems to be the hardest part: To withstand the temptation that comes with being SEEMINGLY anonymous on the internet.
  6. The title marks the spirit of a certain time, and it's an approval of this spirit. If someone should really misbehave badly it's up to the moderators what to do with him. And you can't buy reputation with a title. I had not in mind to take back the title because I agree with you on this: It's bound the donation of 8$ to support OE, and not to specific behaviour. Right now the Order is just one thing: A group of people who have only one thing in common, which is the donation of additional 8$. But I think as time passes by the Order will become more "dense". You know what I mean? We get an IRC chat, we will get a website and so on. We may become some kind of actual order. And then the question will arise at some point how we handle rude behaviour among members of our order. Once again, taking back the title would be no option. But as a first reaction you could declare someone "shunned", which mean we don't recognize this person any longer belonging to our order.
  7. Uhm wait, just to clarify: There is no way to be kicked out of the order, is there? And I do not mean the donation of 8$ since nobody will control that. I mean in regard to behaviour in the Order.
  8. Theres a free job as marshmallow-understudy, you could apply for it
  9. Oh well... Guess I have to choose a new job then :/ Okay... my job is to brighten the Order in its dark times with my pink fluffyness
  10. Hey there, somebody already opened a thread about dragons: Check it out: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61712-i-want-to-be-a-dragon/
  11. My job here is to digest the weak members of the Order. It's natural selection. Thus with my help the Order will consists of strong members only.
  12. So, instead of seeing salty's post as a positive gesture of support towards Obsidian Entertainment, some people would rather discuss whether it is even possible to apologize on behalf on other people or not. That doesn't even matter. What matters is that there were rude comments and this thread could be a counterpart to those rude comments where we show Obsidian that there is a nicer side to the internet as well, and not just the one they experienced on the stream comments. Of course the guys at Obsidian know that and they are mature and can handle things like those rude comments. That's not the point either. The point is just showing them actively support. But some people here seem not to want to support that, and deprive Obsidian of the possibility to experience the opposite of what happened on the stream-comments. Sadly, those people prove that the OP was right in the first place. Do we really want to make salty to have to apologize for starting this thread?
  13. Project Eternity The IE Games are burned to my mind. I do not need to play them as an actual video game anymore, I can play them in my head. So I'd rather see a new IE-like experience. And wtf, I just spent a lot of bucks on it on kickstarters. >_>
  14. My Brothers and Sisters and Fellow-Marshmallows! It seems Obsidian Entertainment needs our help once again. The Mega-Dungeon has reached 15 levels (with PayPal). But we can add one more level if Obsidian Entertainment gets quickly 40.000 likes on facebook! So, spread the word! Check out the latest update.
  15. Just one quick post, then really off. I found the reason why KS comment section was nicer. And sistergoldring I am sorry Please forgive me, and I will let you take a bite off me
  16. Oh yes @Raccoon you are right, I was too unspecific. I only like to digest good-aligned paladins^^ Especially Lawful Good ones. Evil-ones I call "Blackguards" and I shall applaud their doings. Note: This post contains contradictions to what sistergoldring just posted. We shall discuss this another time. Fluffy needs some sleep now. Good night
  17. Hmm I cant decide on this issue with membership. As long as Kickstarter was open, anyone could have joined with or without rasing his/her pledge. So the actual, real, controllable prerequisite for joining the order was posting that you have upped your pledge before Kickstarter closed (no matter if you actually did it or not). If we now start to make exceptions, it may occur that other people will post here as well, and want to join, saying they have upped their pledge. We cannot control if anybody has upped his/her pledge. As I just said the REAL prerequisite of joining the Order was posting BEFORE KS ended. That prerequsite cant be met anymore, now. That's just my point of view. For everyone who really raised his/her pledge and out for some reason could not join the Order yet, I hope that Farudan does not share my opinion. But even if you cannot join anymore, remember: The point was to give OE more money to enhance the game. Even if you cannot join the Order anymore, you still have helped enhancing the game.
  18. Shhhh, we dont want our new paladin-recruits to know that, do we?
  19. I feel like being called evil Dont even know why Im too innocent to be evil ^^ *whistley innocently*
  20. You know that I am a weremarshmallow right? With reversed weremarshmallowism, which means whoever bites me will turn into a weremarshmallow him/herself. But anyway, yeah, Hail the Obsidian Order of Eternity!!!
  21. So the Order has stopped now to take new members, or has it not?
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