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Everything posted by Fluffle

  1. *puts on the ring* I thank you kind sir Now you may take a little bite off me. Just a little one though ._.
  2. Good idea! Has anyone a ring of fire resistance to spare maybe? I'll have you a little bite of me in exchange. C'mon guys I know you want to
  3. Oh I remember the overland map. In comparison to MotB SoZ was really underwhelming, but I did like the overland map very much. Granted they could have improved the encounters on it - and the secret maps that you could find. But all in all the idea was really great. So would you prefer an overland map like in Soz or travelling on a world map like in Baldur's Gate?
  4. *sneaks into the Order* *grabs a juicy paladin snack* *sneaks out again* (Yo hi everyone^^ just dropping by)
  5. Ugh I've got the same problem. I wanted to use Project Eternity to watch myself closely as to how I play such a game without metagame knowledge. I wanted the experience of a pure non-spoiled first-time playthrough. And then I remembered I got beta access. Yeah :/ Don't know what to do. Not joining the beta?
  6. At 04:50 is he speaking of weresharks? Really? I had no idea those things existed! *shudders at the imagination of weresharks*
  7. He is at least as good as I am. And that tells a lot!
  8. My beloved brother Here's a picture. Aww how I miss him. I think you guys will like him ^^
  9. Finally a show with characters with whom I can identify.
  10. Speaking of nerds... anybody watching Big Bang Theory?
  11. Ohhhh... Fluffle... is a bit... confused. Yes... you're right. Haha... Sorry, since someone has called Lord Kerfluffleupogus imaginary, I'm not myself anymore. Okay here for everybody: You pronounce Kerfluffleupogus [kəɹˌflʌfəˈlʌpəgəs]
  12. But now you at least know how to pronounce Kerfluffleupogus! We still haven't discussed why the "u" after "Kerfluffle" and before "pogus" is pronounced [ʌ] and not [ju:]
  13. Ah ok, at this point your english skills exceed mine. I thought of "pogus" as a suffix for its own. The "u" between "Ker-fluffle u pogus"(I actually dissected it this way) was just a link for me, to connect Kerfluffle with pogus, because Kerflufflepogus wouldn't sound as good. You see in my mother tongue (which is not english) that wouldn't have any effect on how to pronounce pogus. But always nice to learn new stuff, especially on an example as this. Just to be clear: Would Kerflufflepogus be pronouced the same way as Kerfluffleupogus? (in regard to the "pogus" at the end)
  14. OMG you know what I'm talking about!!1! I pronounce the "-pogus" like [pəgəs] because of analogy with similarly constructed words, such as "hippopotamus" (where "-tamus" is pronounced [təməs]). You see, I pronounce "-pogus" like [pəʊgəs] because of a similar word, namely "bogus" which is pronouced [bəʊgəs] We need to find out who invented the name, he has the right to choose the pronunciation - artistic licence you know @DocDoom I'm not that familiar with phonetic spelling either. Didn't learn it @school Just looked it up on the internet like Veeno xD
  15. I pronounce it [ʌ], i.e. I pronounce "Kerfluffleupogus" [kəɹˌflʌfəˈlʌpəgəs]. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm OK with that. "Kerfluffleupogus" [kəɹˌflʌfəˈlʌpəgəs] You pronounce the last "u" the same way as the last "o" - why? I would say either [kəɹˌflʌfəˈlju:pəʊgəs] or [kəɹˌflʌfəˈlʌpəʊgəs] or for American English: either [kəɹˌflʌfəˈlju:poʊgəs] or [kəɹˌflʌfəˈlʌpoʊgəs]
  16. That's how many members all in all? And welcome everybody who is new to our lovely, cosy, not-so-little-anymore Order
  17. You see? There the fun begins! Well "Kerfluffle" should be easy: It's just like Fluffle, just with a "Ker" left to it -> Kerfluffle Then we have "pogus": which I pronounce like "bogus", just with "p" -> pogus So we have: Kerfluffle - u - pogus And now you guys got me... How to pronounce that nasty "u" in the middle? Of course I do know how to pronounce that... yeah I really do.... >_> This is just a test... of your devotion to Lord Kerfluffle.... uhm... to the Devourer of the Faithful! True believers will know how to pronounce the name! Edit: Alright I did some research... for you... not for me because I know how to say the name correctly! In German it would be something like "körflaffljupogus" with pogus like bogus I think... I mean I know...
  18. Blessed be this thread with the presence of Fluffle, Fellow Servant of His Most Fluffyness, Lord Kerfluffleupogus, Devourer of the Faithful! May this thread be filled with sugary, pink, fluffy and cubic-shaped fun only Fluffle can provide.
  19. Oh my God! Finally someone who understands me!
  20. Well I knew that you guys were crazy. But that article seems to speak of all the members of the Obsidian Order. Thats would include me as well. And I thought I was pretty normal. @Raccoon Ah okay, point taken :/ A shame though
  21. You guys can still join until Sunday. Just pledge additional 8$ via PayPal.
  22. Wow, seems like the people of the Obsidian Order are a crazy bunch of people indeed
  23. See, you foil your own dark designs They are not dark! They are pink! Pink is the new dark! (except that it's bright actually)
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