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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You know, I actually agree that establishing a canon is a good idea, and would take it further and completely axe save imports. But blaming things on people who don't like teh gheys is petty. I'm going to have to remove your "Bioware True Fan Title". I also agree, drab sort of fit the mood, while DA2's art style made me want to destroy anime.
  2. To be honest, other than the backgrounds the less taken from Arcanum the better.
  3. The closest thing I've done to cheese is actually outright cheating. In BGT, I would use SK or L1NPCs to give multi-classed characters kits or let a dual-class character dual-class from a vanilla class to a kit. IMO, every character should have access to a kit if they wanted, so I was just fixing what I saw as a stupid ass rule. I'm not fond of exploits like the PnP "Nasty Gentleman", because I find them "unfun". I like fair challenge, and exploiting dumb AI or loopholes in the rules takes away both fair and challenge for me.
  4. Happy birthday JFSOCC! Today I worked and wasted several hours on the Internet.
  5. Level design is my primary concern. Thought the combat in DA:O was decent, the characters were solid. But the areas were pretty limited, always pushing you forward in a predetermined path. I would say that the gameplay in every Bioware game has suffered from poor level and encounter design, especially Baldur's Gate IMO. Also, will Warriors actually be able to equip ranged weapons in this game? One of the things I hated the most about DA2 was how class-restricted equipment was. Also, the Arcane Warrior should be improved and make a comeback, nothing says awesome quite like slicing through foes while hurling spells.
  6. Absolutely. The way VA benefits have been handled is shameful.
  7. I'm fine with that. I also have to agree with Wals on closely monitoring combat veterans, simply because they seem to be more likely to have PTSD which does make people behave erratically.
  8. It might be an art direction thing. If I remember correctly, dreadlocks were all the rage in BG2, most characters besides Minsc having them (never checked Boo's hairstyle though). Boo was the original Rasta Rodent.
  9. D&D 3.X and PF already did that with Power Attack and Combat Expertise. PE could and should do something similar, because feats were a huge step forward for D&D. Also, I thought attributes in 3.X/PF were handled much better than in previous editions, because you screwed yourself mechanically if you used any attribute other than CHR as a dump stat, and the DM would likely have almost every NPC be hostile to you if you used CHR as a dump stat.
  10. If you have any boxes from when video games were still physical, stuff it in there.
  11. I'm going to watch Breaking Bad and Archer on Netflix. Both shows are golden.
  12. I can handle sparkling if it comes from them bursting into flames. Also, could someone post some redheads?
  13. Insanity? Anyways a bit late, but I'd tell your nephew to think very carefully about his choice GD. I decided not to go myself, but then I have a very good job for my age(21) and am managing my accounts and investments well enough so when I transfer from UH to UT, I will have plenty of funds available for my expenses and avoid taking loans. If I had gone to NYU with the scholarship available to me, I would be almost $100,000 in debt right now.
  14. Is it just me or does every politician from Massachusetts flip-flop out the ass.
  15. Today I have the day off, so I intend to hang out and drink. Happy b-day Malc, enjoy the creeping entropy.
  16. Seeing as Alex Jones is still alive and doing his media stuff, I don't think we have to fear a massive government that can crush any and all opposition effortlessly yet. *joins in* What would you suggest instead? Privatization.
  17. Trying to finish NWN2 OC, but goddamn those trash mobs are awful.
  18. Very true. Closing down Gitmo would require majority support in the HoR(very unlikely) and 60+ votes in the Senate(also unlikely). Of course it could probably be done if it was tied to a repeal of a certain Act, but I think it is highly unlikely that would be spared a veto.
  19. I think I'm going to sit back and enjoy a healthy amount of stout today.
  20. The fighter. Unless we're talking 3e D&D and higher, where an armored mage can cast spells. With a 45% chance of failure if the spell has somatic components. Although I suppose the outcome would be determined more by level, build, and equipment(what type of enchantment and material). I don't see anyone here advocating a carbon copy of 1E, but when J. Sawyer thinks that high CHR fighters should be as viable over the long haul as high STR fighters in fulfilling their role as fighters, that's over-the-top gamey. Being witty, physically attractive, and having a pleasant speaking and/or singing voice has little to do with crushing a kneecap with a hammer, loosing an arrow, or decapitating someone with your hand-and-a-half sword. Until such time as he cares to elaborate and de-mystify P:E attributes, I'm sticking by my original grognardish conclusion. I don't think we know if Sawyer thinks that, seeing as Charisma is not a confirmed attribute in PE. Also, Charisma is easily the most useless attribute for any class who doesn't have an ability that is fueled by it. A more appropriate example would be a high Wisdom fighter, which with a Feat like Zen Archery is a very viable archer.
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