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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Men are sentenced to longer prison terms than women for the same crimes (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/11/men-women-prison-sentence-length-gender-gap_n_1874742.html) Men are less likely to keep custody of children in a divorce (http://www.attorneys.com/child-custody/why-do-women-win-most-custody-battles/) Men are more likely to have their genitals mutilated as a child. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision) No, because the idea that you can achieve gender equality by focusing solely on one gender(as modern feminism does) is remarkably stupid. I would like to not receive harsher sentences than a woman would because I have a schlong. If I get divorced, I would like to not be denied custody because I have a schlong. I would've liked to have a say before the doctors took a knife to my schlong is and lopped off my foreskin as a newborn.
  2. Could be a fitness seminar. Hack those gluets!
  3. I didn't have that much trouble with a BP BG2. Then again, the game was modded so that protection items stacked, and my sword 'n' board Paladin had and AC around -20 and saves in the negatives.
  4. Dealing with a cheapskate customer who is calling to complain about a product he purchased after he got the bill. I'm amazed at how certain parts tend to stop working not after installation, but after the purchaser receives a bill.
  5. Gender equality is feminism and his entire post was based on this. I fail to see how you cannot think his post wasn't around a view of modern gender equality? Oh wait its suppose to be a joke....thats right I forgot. Let me know when it gets to the funny part No Bruce, feminism is supporting the advancement of one gender, gender equality is support of equality between both genders. If you honestly believe that you can achieve gender equality by focusing on the issues of one out of the two, you are a deluded nutjob. Orogun's post was neither a troll attempt or taking a **** on gender equality.
  6. Ahh....Lilarcor. Would've cheated on him with Hackmaster +12 though.
  7. Someone who discriminates against facial charecteristics.
  8. Bit of friendly advice Monte, don't waste your time trying to enjoy them. Drinking piss by the gallon doesn't make it taste better.
  9. If you feel like torturing yourself, just play Neverwinter Nights.
  10. He cheated with Walsingham. I feel Humanoid's response is close enough to what I would've wrote. I have to agree, even though I enjoyed New Vegas quite a lot. It just doesn't make sense to have stats determine weapon power in a game with action based combat. Morrowind was much worse at this though.
  11. Thank you lord Jesus! My prayers have been answered. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64780-kaineparkers-hopefully-attractive-women-thread-episode-iv-a-new-grope/page-21?do=findComment&comment=1428742 Placed in more appropriate thread.
  12. So you were the one that got promoted. I'm going to post a lot of Eva Green in retaliation.
  13. I certainly wasn't expecting that in this thread. I'm going to find me a bossy woman.
  14. Stats and leveling aren't needed for a good crpg. The KOTOR games have such terrible combat that the thought of replaying them is cringe-inducing. Low-level gameplay is boring as hell. Balance should come before ego stroking magiphiles.
  15. They don't work if the sanctioned state has signifigant avenues of revenue that the sanctions do not affect. The US would not be affected by EU sanctions because they have many other avenues of export and import.
  16. So if a Ukraine President wants to avoid trial he can flee the country and still be considered a legitamte head of state?
  17. Sanctions only work if the sanctioned state is impacted heavily enough(not able to export products to a degree that effects employent and profits) which can only be accomplished with smaller states. To the US or China EU sanctions are in the magnitude of an ant bite.
  18. Volo is an old troll. Is usually funny and doesn't take things too seriously. obyknven is a troll pretending to be a hardcore Russian nationalist woman. Pretty much every poster here engages in part time trolling.
  19. That contributes to Global Warming. Recycle them into napkins instead.
  20. Actually Bruce, I'm making fun of you.
  21. Low blow, using the b-word like that Volo.
  22. You make good points Monte. But the epedemic of calling girls bossy is spiraling out of control?
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