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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. https://opengamingalliance.org/press/details/core-gamers-are-expected-to-drive-record-growth-for-pc-games Sort of off-topic, but we PC players seem to be driving sales quite a bit. It's projected that the game industry will grow $9 billion over the next four years.
  2. We don't need it. IMO it would be nice to see more interesting and varied NPCs, but expecting that from AAA games is a bit...strange. And no it isn't odd. People play games differently, just do whatever works for you.
  3. I can certainly get behind that and have experienced people worrying on my behalf (who watch a lot of TV news incidentally), more than I worry myself. But as someone looking at GG objectively, I do see a lot of sensationalism on all sides - from fairly straight forward feminists agendas and/or misogyny, to big business corruption and nepotism... and while I can certainly understand the conclusions being drawn, I have to say that they often done so on rather flimsy evidence. And the entire debate seems to have been hijacked (and allowed to be hijacked) by the loudest 'I see a conspiracy!!' types. As a 'pro-GG', do you feel your platform is being taken over by the same kind of hate-infused narrative (from other pro-GGs)? edit: or rather, I guess my question is - what do the majority of 'pro-GG' see the issue as? From your perspective. In what way? Don't get me wrong, the conspiracy-happy crowd is definitely amidst GamerGate, but I would hardly say they've hijacked the debate. For example one little conspiracy I saw was that this was all a plot by that Common Core education system to integrate gaming into education or some crap. Read it, thought it sounded ridiculous, still is. You don't ever see that little conspiracy theory being the cornerstone of discussion though, because it's ridiculous. The stuff that does get discussed is, for example, Mark Kern's comments against the journalist actions and hopes that other devs will speak up and back him up. Yeah, I don't pay attention to the conspiracy stuff tbh. The nepotism we've found, like Patricia Hernandez shilling for girlfriends and roommates, is more than enough to be pissed off about. In related matters, Bobby Olivera is taking a break from heavy drug use to threaten dox a woman. I'd report him if I had a Twitter, but I think a few of you do.
  4. What you are describing is essentially cultural marxism, which is about as far away from fascism as possible. The issue essentially boils down to people, cultural marxists, who have no interest in gaming as a hobby, seeks to use it as a political platform.Don't you have to be a Marxist to be a Cultural Marxist? A lot of these progressive activist don't seem to be Marxists. Not really. Actually the few Marxists I've talked to tend to dislike Cultural Marxism and Identity Politics, seeing it as a distraction from class issues. Make of that what you will. Then why call it "Cultural Marxism"? The same reason Social Darwinism is named what it is I suppose.
  5. What you are describing is essentially cultural marxism, which is about as far away from fascism as possible. The issue essentially boils down to people, cultural marxists, who have no interest in gaming as a hobby, seeks to use it as a political platform. Don't you have to be a Marxist to be a Cultural Marxist? A lot of these progressive activist don't seem to be Marxists. Not really. Actually the few Marxists I've talked to tend to dislike Cultural Marxism and Identity Politics, seeing it as a distraction from class issues. Make of that what you will.
  6. I mostly stick with single player because most of my friends have hectic schedules and I don't trust anons.
  7. In semi related business, #solution6months is a drive to get people interested in game development. According to Jennifer D'Aww, it's been very successful in getting women interested. Check it out for yourselves. http://www.gamedev.life Disclosure: I have no ties to this at all.
  8. Guys have you not been here since day 1? Don't engage obvious bait.
  9. Perhaps it's the fatigue and acid talking, but between this and the SVU episode there could be something happening. Not quite sure what it is, but I don't see many taking it well when their audience is treated as actually ISIS and publications react that hostile to petitions bas innocuous as Kern's.
  10. Yesterday I was lucky enough to engage in several nsfw activities and am now wondering if I'm going to be throwing up or going insane.
  11. I watched Inherit Vice while under the effect of some very strong substances. It was very good.
  12. Start at around the 2:00 minute mark for the relevant tidbits. C'mon MCA HK-47, tell us how you really feel about meatbag romance. Good times. Is there a mod that makes the combat better?
  13. AMC Preacher was doomed from the start. No swearing, nudity, and violence really takes the punch out of a lot of stories, like the Jesus DeSade arc. A black Tulip completely changes the dynamics of the interaction between Jesse's family when they're encountered. Rogen and Goldberg writing it isn't particularly appealing anyways. But I did want to see Jaba the Pope crush the inbreed Jesus.
  14. Fighters should go for 2handers. Longer reach and higher damage per hit is better with the current DT system.
  15. About as well as Preacher with a black Tulip and no Messiah.
  16. I was going to wait until the first few patches to balance and fix bugs, but this looks like a place just waiting to have my Cipher raid.
  17. Well he lived long and prospered I suppose.
  18. I had the day off, so I spent a few hours with Maria. I now have scratches on by back and am exhausted. I think I love that woman. It's better than anything I can do, which isn't saying much to be honest. But I like it.
  19. What are they going on about? I'd check but I'm banned and don't feel like using a vpn or proxy. The libertanians hate it because they see it as government control of information. The national socialists hate it because Soros & co are involved and somehow have the control of information. The conservatives are suspicious of its implementation and possible price control, while the tradionalists hate it because it fuel the dependency of the internet in everyday life. All the rest, like a third of all posters are puzzled because because on paper it does sound good. I dunno about /leftypol/ though, aren't they mostly anarcho-syndicalists? In the end, they are always right Near as I can tell, /leftypol/ are mostly some brand of anarcho or communist. They seem to hate Maoists and anarcho capitalists though. And something about Hoxha. I thought the always right thing was a joke? I suppose we'll have to wait until the 300 pages are released to see what's up. Hoxha? oh dear But yeah, i really wonder why those 300 pages are for. I mean, the principle is so easy: "Do not regulate accessability to content-sites". How difficult is that? It looks like the Hoxha thing is a way to troll /marx/. I'll admit to liking the Hoxha goes bunkers flag. As to the length, it's probably a lot of specifications and ****. Will want to look over it as soon as possible.
  20. What are they going on about? I'd check but I'm banned and don't feel like using a vpn or proxy. The libertanians hate it because they see it as government control of information. The national socialists hate it because Soros & co are involved and somehow have the control of information. The conservatives are suspicious of its implementation and possible price control, while the tradionalists hate it because it fuel the dependency of the internet in everyday life. All the rest, like a third of all posters are puzzled because because on paper it does sound good. I dunno about /leftypol/ though, aren't they mostly anarcho-syndicalists? In the end, they are always right Near as I can tell, /leftypol/ are mostly some brand of anarcho or communist. They seem to hate Maoists and anarcho capitalists though. And something about Hoxha. I thought the always right thing was a joke? I suppose we'll have to wait until the 300 pages are released to see what's up.
  21. What are they going on about? I'd check but I'm banned and don't feel like using a vpn or proxy.
  22. Played more Divinity Original Sin. Considering installing Diablo 2 and playing that a bit. I doubt that deep southern Texas accent would be a problem, I can understand perfectly fine most of what you say when you make posts? I don't have a deep southern Texas accent.
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