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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. How do Trump, Carson, and Cruz support individual liberty and less heavy-handed government? I can see that for Paul with his opposition to CISA and the Freedom Act, but Cruz voted for at least one of those(CISA) and the other two haven't really said anything about them. Did they speak out against the TPP or something?
  2. The middle east needs some freedom. We should bomb them and prop up dictatorsgreat allies who will keep them under surveillance while selling us oilparticipating in the global economy.
  3. Criticizing Bernie is antisemitic and you should all flog yourselves for putting greatest ally at risk with your support for the destruction of the Jewish people.
  4. Being monitored is freedom. The US government has never been wrong and there is no way they will abuse power granted to them. Besides, why should you care if you don't have anything to hide? I bet you're all Islamic Communists who want to take my burgers and make me eat vegan halal.
  5. We need mass surveillance because the government is never wrong and free citizens are too dangerous.
  6. Cayenne and beans in chilli? You should be ashamed. I ate a burrito from Freebirds and drank shots of tequila with Oculto beer.
  7. Because entitled gamers are absolute scum and should buy this trainwreck to atone for being entitled scum.
  8. They're doing the same thing to Sanders believe it or not. It should be pretty clear at this point that the establishment hates "outsiders", even if said "outsiders" are long-serving legislators or high-profile real estate barons, and viciously attack them.
  9. You rebel. If this is real, then either he will be the acceleration candidate or will die after his priest tells him the apocalypse has begun.
  10. I look forward to a bunch of liberals triggered by costumes forming a revolutionary vanguard and leading the overthrow of the existing state of affairs. If this happens I'm starting the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of America.
  11. My mom just came out of surgery and looks to be ok. I celebrated with too much tequila and am in the state where I can't go to sleep besides being pretty ****ed up.
  12. I'd rather direct them to a place with actual hardship, or one that won't put up with this endless stream of stupidity but if there was such a place I might move there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KTsXHXMkJA
  13. So his only option is to be yelled at if he wants to keep his job?
  14. Do we know its a bunch of "upper-class" kids? Yale (and Ivy League schools in general) don't have ridiculously high admissions requirements and presumably would have tuition assistance in addition to financial aid to pull in highly qualified but poorer students into their freshman population. We don't, I just assume so. Why? Does the "free speech space" not extend to faculty?
  15. Meh. It's a bunch of upper-class kids screaming about nothing and who will do nothing but tweet about it. Dude should just tell them to **** off and leave it at that.
  16. It's pretty clear by now that most articles are written by bloggers who don't know what they're talking about and don't bother fact checking because they have to pump out another article for more clicks. I'd say this situation is the logical result of a system where income is determined by clicks, where articles that see more traffic is the desired result rather than good articles. At any rate, we should be expecting blatantly false claims about anything popular from most sites so you might as well get used to it.
  17. So the executive that managed to **** up the Spider-Man film series so badly they had to let Marvel in is going to make a "ripped from the headlines" movie? This will be like Law & Order cubed.
  18. Knowing you're friends, they'll try and hook you up with a nice single mother to celebrate.
  19. No. What keeps everyone else going varies greatly between individuals. If you're trying to live by a code that is incompatible with your mindset you're just going to anguish until you're little more than a shell of a man.
  20. Carson has promised anarchy by 2016. Trump needs to step up his game. Ah, but Carson's comments are just him being scared. Trump has a plan to do some acceleration that Carson can't top.
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