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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Thanks for ruining the thread. I ruined it because I have an avatar, it just looks like the default.
  2. Which movie thread? This one Don't tell me what to do SJW Nazi.
  3. Do you have a phobia of using the movie thread?
  4. Wow you are a strong man because you are using sex to do them your bidding. You've read it now at least.
  5. yeah but those responses... I am trying to imagine internet after when same words would spoken by male character about women. :-D Sounds like something Eldoth would say.
  6. I'm out of the loop, but what other cRPG besides Tyranny is Obsidian working on?
  7. Old thread gone, New thread here. Bernie says Hillary not qualified to be President
  8. Wait. You expected your mods to just "work"? They do in the originals. Which I already own so I wouldn't have to fork over $20 for(+ the BGEE if I didn't already have it).
  9. Are you? I don't know. What I do know is that it's time to dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world. That's why he passed Obamacare and the stimulus and Dodd-Frank and the deal with Iran. It is a systematic effort to change America.
  10. Good, this shows she's afraid of the Bern. As she should be.
  11. I'm angry too. I mean charging $20 for a half-assed expansion that doesn't even work with popular mods is cool because Lord Market says so, but people being idiots on the internet is intolerable. It makes me ashamed to have been actively supporting an industry that screws over workers again and again to the degree I will post a very strongly worded post on my Tumblr account about the problematic nature of internet etiquette.
  12. The rich-hating elder jew knows what these trade deals are about.
  13. "It makes no sense to break up the big banks" - Guy whose family are bankers
  14. Well I guess it's good I already have the originals. But that's some real bull****.
  15. No problem. I'd say those things would be an improvement over the current scheme, but far from ideal.
  16. Wouldn't the counter argument be that you're increasing the power of rural voters compared to city dwellers? In theory, under the popular vote system wouldn't everyone's vote count the same and failure to secure the popular vote be representative of a failure to have the backing of the majority of the people? It's of small consolation to the sheep that the election was fair when the wolves vote to have lamb-chops for lunch. The founders were acutely aware of the importance of avoiding the "tyranny of the majority". But we're not talking about wolves voting to eat sheep, we're talking about the power of citizens over their supposedly representative government. I fail to see how removing power from people and handing it to the state is a good thing, or how tyranny of the minority is superior to tyranny of the majority.
  17. Wouldn't the counter argument be that you're increasing the power of rural voters compared to city dwellers? In theory, under the popular vote system wouldn't everyone's vote count the same and failure to secure the popular vote be representative of a failure to have the backing of the majority of the people?
  18. Get out the Bern Cream, DNC chair DWS is being primaried by a Bernie supporter
  19. From what I've been able to glean is that it's essentially a megamod with more polish and a new class. I haven't played it yet and this is what I'm getting from others, so perhaps posters who have played the game will have a different opinion.
  20. That explains how the level 9 sorcerer was able to take down a Devil Lord.
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