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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I did, unfortunately she quickly ran out because she had to get to work so I'm all alone right now. Did you hire an escort? No, I have a girlfriend and would not pay some poor woman in a bad situation for sex. My bad....but KP you mustn't see hiring an escort in a negative light You could treat her very well in the same way as any girl so the overall experience is a good one It isn't how I treat them, its the situation they're in with pimps and other unpleasant realities of prostitution. I know you liberals think turning everything into a commodity to be sold is good, but I have no desire to contribute to a situation that turns women into products to benefit pimps and treat said women like slaves. Not to mention it's illegal and I don't want to end up in jail.
  2. I did, unfortunately she quickly ran out because she had to get to work so I'm all alone right now. Did you hire an escort? No, I have a girlfriend and would not pay some poor woman in a bad situation for sex.
  3. I did, unfortunately she quickly ran out because she had to get to work so I'm all alone right now.
  4. Again Bruce, the issue is not who Dean votes for as a Democratic primary voter or general election voter, it's that he is a superdelegate and his support for Clinton is the equivalent of 1/16th of the entire state of Vermont. It's criticism of the superdelegate system in the Democratic primary because it is undemocratic.
  5. It's not an issue of him voting like someone else from Vermont, it's the issue of him being a superdelegate and having the equivalent voting power of 1/16th of the entire primary voters in Vermont.
  6. Neither of those guys are gonna be the nominee in this cycle and I don't see Rand making it past the primary in 2020. I agree about Hillary being the wrong candidate though, and could see someone like Kasich or Romney 2.0 beating her.
  7. The South is a gigantic number of delegates, though, and while he's projected to do better outside of it, he's not projected to do so well he can make up for being absolutely crushed in the South, which is why he's currently projected to lose. He's also currently losing in Florida and Michigan, the latter of which he needs to be winning, and the former of which he needs to be at least sort of close...Oh I'm not expecting Berne to win, or even hoping for it tbh. I'm expecting/hoping Bernie to draw in enough support to drag on the primary long enough to publicly expose the Democratic party for the undemocratic institution it is and to show how liberals for are spineless corporate lapdogs instead of the defenders of the working class they larp as. At the very least I'd like to see the primary process challenged, as it is pretty stupid.
  8. Every disagreement I've had with you where you failed to provide a coherent argument to support your view, let alone evidence to support it, has convinced me more of the strength of my position and the weakness of yours. So I suppose you exist as an example of how views can be reinforced by a clueless opposition and you're influential in getting people to believe the opposite of what you advocate for. Isn't that the reason why superdelegate system was created in first place (so that those who are "wiser" can correct mistakes that people make in nomination process) Yes. Which is why the longer this contest goes on the more people will become disillusioned with the democratic party, particularly in regards to representing the interests of people. It's such a shame he's losing most of the South so horrendously badly - if it was a little closer there, he'd be sooo much better off right now. I think Bernie will do much better outside the South, and as most of the South is out of the way I expect the delegate gap to close. I'm hoping so at least.
  9. https://archive.is/Jl7E6 Daily Kos bans criticism of Hillary. Super delegates don't "represent people" I'm not elected by anyone. I'll do what I think is right for the country-Howard Dean Looks like Sanders will crash the Democratic party.
  10. I would say anyone triggered by Trump's wall only needs to look at Cruz to see the worst Republican candidate in years.
  11. I got around to reading Annhilator by Morrison and it was interesting.
  12. A very educational video. You've convinced me that playing ding ding ditch is a cultural marxist scheme to cuck the goyim.
  13. And Cruz, who has won less states I think? It's largely a bet on that if Cruz drops out he will rally the non-Trump GOP. Sanders has to overcome the Clinton machine, and while the future battles will largely be in more favorable territory it was a long shot to begin with. I'm willing to bet that even if Sanders manages to win the majority of delegates, he won't have enough to beat Hillary's super delegates.
  14. Yeah I went during lunch and it wasn't crowded and voter turnout in Texas is abysmal. It already has. In fact I think it will shift even more if Trump and Bernie don't win their respective nominations. I hope you're right. I am certain of the former and am willing to bet all pseudo-intellectual internet cred on the latter. Now how far it shifts is still unknown, but Bernie and Trump have pushed things too far for an easy return to the status quo.
  15. It already has. In fact I think it will shift even more if Trump and Bernie don't win their respective nominations.
  16. How was the atmosphere? Did everything go well? Because I heard about the voting machines returning Jeb Bush when voting for any other candidater in Austin. It was run out of a middle-school gym by six people. I had to wait in line to get my card and waited in another line to use a machine. There were maybe 8 democratic candidates on the ballot and a lot of other primaries were uncontested. After selecting my choices there was a two screen summary and it wouldn't let me "cast ballot" on the screen showing Bernie as the presidential candidate. Near as I can tell though it was a vote for Bernie. Most of the people there to vote looked like they were on break. With a few stay at home moms(one I almost hit on before noticing the ring) and some hipsters I assume were neets. The guy behind me talked how he was a republican until GWB and that he was scared of more war and Israel, but I didn't really talk to anyone so I can't really comment on the general consensus.
  17. Yes, I mean, apparently that seems to be the case - but that's just stating what we know. What we want to know is an explanation for this, why this is the case. Yes, but Cruz also has the overwhelming support of evangelical pastors, yet evangelicals vote Trump. The lack of debates is an invalid explanation, because while it might explain why people in general vote Clinton, it does not explain the absurd discrepancy between black and non-black voters. So this leaves us with only the "religious leaders" explanation. But it also seems absurd that black religious leaders have a level of control over their congregations so much greater than that of any other religious group. 1. Blacks are among the most religious minorities in the US and have a lot of trust in their pastors. It's hard to explain to someone who isn't from the US(and the "South"), but most religious blacks take their religious leaders statements to heart more than other groups. Evangelicals aren't the same as the religious blacks and Cruz is a lot less "likeable" than Trump as well. 2. The lack of debates and the scheduling of then around sporting events and other times they won't be viewed is going to prevent name recognition and knowledge of the candidates' policies. Coupled with the tendency of blacks to vote for the establishment candidate(ie the one believed to be most electable by the party) and the view that Clinton will continue the Obama, who blacks overwhelmingly support, policies it isn't surprising they are supporting Hillary over a guy who they likely know little about and who challenges Obama on some things. 3. Bernie has had some negative encounters with black protesters and has tried to organize his rhetoric as being....economic stability for everyone. While this goes over well with working class whites and hispanics, some blacks view this as Bernie not caring about them.
  18. This is the single most interesting thing this far. I am completely flummoxed by the fact that Bernie does so bad with black voters. It's not local to SC, he also did very bad with black voters in Nevada, but not with any other minorities. Truly incomprehensible, and I have not found any good explanations on the Internet either. It's likely a combination of Blacks generally being conservative(ie more likely to back establishment candidates) and a lot of them not knowing who Bernie is. Hillary has been capitalizing on the former by appealing to their religious leaders and the latter is exacerbated by having few debates(and what debates there are happen at times people aren't likely to watch) and the lack of coverage Bernie gets in the media.
  19. Vice chairmain of the DNC steps down and endorses Bernie Sanders Yes.
  20. Things like Bernie being too soft and not on the attack feeds to my musings about him just being controlled opposition and never really threathening her place as the nominee. But at the same time, he gets almost the same treatment as Ron Paul got back in 2012 by the media (think of the false accusations like the manufactured "BernieBros-scandal"). Maybe the interests just intertwine, or he's just a meek character, who knows. All i can say, i find it amusing that she got 86% of the black vote in South Carolina, compared to someone who actually marched with MLK and got arrested while protesting during the Civil Rights-era, all while she was campaigning for Nixon. Oh, and Milo thinks that Rubio is a flaming homo. This is hysterical. The issue with attacking Hillary is that the Clintons are party royalty and an attack on her would trigger a lot of liberals and could potentially hurt him in the primary. I'd say he should do it because framing himself as the crusader for better economic status for the lower classes and Hillary as a Wall Street shill would both weaken her and differentiate him from status quo Democrats. But as you said, he's getting the Ron Paul treatment and the debates are scheduled at times when people aren't likely to watch so perhaps the DNC decided it wants Hillary so perhaps there isn't anything that can change that. And I asked my friend's roommate if he thought Rubio was gay and he said that Rubio looks like a bottom. Make of that what you will.
  21. They're a (American) football team that everyone who isn't a fan hates.
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