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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Not yet, the FBI party van will hopefully come soon though. Greens didn't lose Gore the election and if Hillary loses because certain voters think she would make a poor president and said voters go Green instead it's on her for being a bad candidate. I know most of you youngsters were still in diapers back then, but some historical perspective. Gore actually won the popular vote, and only lost Florida by 500 votes. Had Nader not been on the ballot, certainly Gore would've won Florida and the election. But definitely all the lefties should vote Green, Go whatever-her-name! Read it again. Slowly if you need to.
  2. I'm still disappointed by your ideological change but I am hoping hard evidence will change your mind I can make that long post if you want about the EU ..but only if you want Go ahead, given your track record it'll make more people skeptical of the EU and neoliberalism.
  3. Greens didn't lose Gore the election and if Hillary loses because certain voters think she would make a poor president and said voters go Green instead it's on her for being a bad candidate.
  4. Yup. In case anyone here hasn't done so yet, go watch Moon and Source Code. They're great. Also watch The Babadook if you want some horror without over the top CGI or gore. Not directed by him, but very good.
  5. The EU needs to be protected from democracy. That means these anti-immigrant parties populary elected and DiEM25 need to be shut down and all representatives should be handpicked by EU officials.
  6. That's flashback material for at least four seasons, we'll come up with the first year or so and pull the rest out when the time comes.
  7. I'll be honest man, you and Volorun have similar names so I always assume it's him posting. Gromnir.
  8. You are JUST figuring this out? Jeez, another board member and I were discussing that very thing days ago by PM. We don't even have a "backstage pass" GD for the last time those images were supposed to be private.
  9. My comment should not be construed as anything other than a repudiation of Robert Kagan's eliteist snobbery in that op-ed Bruce linkedWe should know by now almost all of Bruce's arguments are as full of **** as a toilet after eating taco bell. Geez KP. What's with the personal venom? It's time for you to either grow up, or take your ball and go home. I see no need for persoal attacks here where it is easy to be a coward and hide behind the anonimity of the web. It is time to put away your childish behavior and become an adult. If that's gonna shock you then you should probably stay off the internet or unclench.
  10. My comment should not be construed as anything other than a repudiation of Robert Kagan's eliteist snobbery in that op-ed Bruce linked We should know by now almost all of Bruce's arguments are as full of **** as a toilet after eating taco bell.
  11. Believing you know motivations of millions "smacks of leftism"? So marketing is leftism now? The assumption of rationality is leftism? The human nature argument is leftism?
  12. I'm reminded of a joke about how most Silicon Valley folks(programmers and stuff, not necessarily executives) are all libertarians until their jobs are in danger of being outsourced or taken. The argument is that whatever principles whatever group has are going to be jettisoned in times of crisis by a good number of members of whatever group in favor of what they perceive to be self-interest. I'm not sure if it's true in every case, but I've noticed a lot of people from varying ideologies willing to accept, or even support, things that are antithetical to their ideology and rhetoric because there's some pressing issue that overrides their core principles.
  13. Inflated because FOX, but it's no big secret that both presumptive nominees(FBI party van please take Clinton) are the most disliked candidates we've seen in a long time, if not ever. I'd say it's evidence of a broken election system where two private entities have a monopoly on elected officials and there's nothing within the system that can change that. Within context of this election, it would be interesting if we saw record low turnout and declining to vote for president.
  14. Happens periodically on FF for me. Anyways since someone mentioned rap.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acT_PSAZ7BQ
  15. We all know Valsuelm never watches YouTube videos.
  16. I hope it's a game with great gameplay and narrative that isn't dry and ****.
  17. **** me man, how am I supposed to top that when I die? Blow up Wall Street?
  18. Is this your way of saying you only date girls into rough sex?
  19. They're already going down in Houston and minimum wage is $7.25. The competition with chain vendors who can provide similar stuff for lower prices is too much for them.
  20. Honestly both are to be expected to the point I can't even muster a shrug. Impotent threats are so common place now I'm surprised when I play multi-player and am not told to kill myself or that my corpse will be raped by some 12 year old kid. On the other hand the state is the tool the ruling class use to protect their interests so it's no surprise that our government officials are clamping down on speech(as it is becoming clear it could threaten certain corporations who just so happen to fund a great deal of politicians). I don't see the latter going away without a major upheaval and the former will be here until there are no more angry people with an internet connection.
  21. Commie rag on how the Liberal disdain for white workers is code for disdain of the working class
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