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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'd reckon not much. In a lot of cases rape is between people who know each other well or is **** like getting taken advantage of while drunk, to my knowledge no gun exists that can remove intoxication instantly and keeping a piece on you at all times is difficult. In those rapes that are "explicitly violent" if the rapist has the element of surprise then the gun is staying holstered until the rapist is finished. It makes a nice meme though. All three tbh.
  2. While I agree that Martial single class would benefit greatly from a higher resource pool (say 14 or so to Multi's 9), the bigger issue is that for the most part martial tier 8 and 9 abilities are less attractive than caster analogues or the synergy gained from multiclassing. I would buff those and add new ones for variety to start.
  3. It seems the dems weren't the only ones who time traveled back to the cold war.
  4. I pay $80 a month but don't get ****. Between the insane rent and other expenses I'm glad I flipped some bitcoin and had some lucky investments or else I'd have to go Walter White.
  5. To blame WW1 on Serbia or Gavrilo Princip rather than the result of factors such as imperialism and the alliances required by such is a mistake. If Ferdinand had not been assassinated we would have seen WW1 come soom anyways sparked from another event in the tumultuous early 20th century, laying the blame on a singular individual or a country is shallow analysis at best.
  6. It's a real shame, but given the relationship system not unexpected. In the likely case PoE3 happens I think they should scrap the relationship system and have expansions bring new companions.
  7. A History Thread Zero and no mention of Pol Pot? I am disappointed.
  8. I wouldn't object to that, but as is multiclass casters are starved for points and there isn't synergy between subclasses so any talent would need to accommodate both classes to be worth spending a point on.
  9. Cool ideas, but I think the talents need to be universal so if you're playing a caster/caster multiclass your talent point increases the AoE of both classes spells.
  10. It's funny that they slept through the appalling conditions nike products are produced in but when the kneeling football man does an ad they lose their ****. Priorities I guess.
  11. It's easier to get flanked with the per affliction than it is through positioning, which is bad for Streetfighters.
  12. Devoted/Monk with swords or sabres looks pretty good, you can hit all the physical damage types and have access to some very good ability synergy.
  13. I've got a bet going, anyone know if he was an incel or mentally ill? 20 bucks is on the line.
  14. That assumes Sharpe and the LP want to change it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the LP fully supports protection of property codified into law as well as the "standard laws" against murder, rape, etc. Who do you think will enforce that and what do you think they will do to those violating the law?
  15. Well no ****, the state being an organ of repression is widely accepted among almost every ideology.
  16. Well if I'm elected we'll embrace what makes America the greatest country in the world.
  17. You can also just scout ahead with a high per character. It takes some time, but it'd be silly to make traps avoidable/trivial as that'd beat the entire point of having unnoticed traps. Ideally you just combine a high per char with high mechanics. I'm also not certain i'm comfortable with eder petting sensitive machinery like that. What happens when you don't have a high Per character, like if you pissed off Palengina and Maia? I'm not saying traps should be trivial, I just want mechanics like it was in PoE because it's annoying that my 20-something mechanics Eder can't notice some traps right in front of him and Aloth bites it walking across. All they would have to do to remedy this is allow Mechanics to influence detection as much as Perception.
  18. No, because the tweaks always seem to involve bloating hp and armor to add tedium instead of making the combat more tactically challenging. Watching my party graze **** to death isn't very hard, it's just boring. I would instead prefer something like Hardcore Mode in New Vegas that introduces new mechanics to make the game harder, like penalties for not eating or sleeping for the party or something. Or a SCS tier uprgrade to AI. I would also like the game easier in one respect: traps. A trap field can easily kill party members and to my knowledge traps are only detectable by high per characters, so my Eder who specializes in mechanics is useless for spotting a tripwire right in front of him. I suggest giving a chance to avoid injury with defenses and allowing the mechanics skill as well as perception to check for traps.
  19. Libertarians are ancap-lite who accept the need of a state to protect their property but think it can be kept small instead of worshiping Pinochet to own the left. Anarchists are pretty cool guys who we have to thank for a lot of the early labor movement including the haymarket affair, something tells me they wouldn't get on very well with libertarians.
  20. I'm sure James Weeks has a bare platform.
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