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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I agree, I just think it's strange how some folks can be so inconsistent based on how much they like who or what is being protested. Even if some protestors in Belarus were violent or looted it wouldn't change that they're going against a tyrannical state that needs to go.
  2. I think I've mentioned it once or twice, but there's not been much progress on making it official so to speak. Who knows, maybe we'll remain perpetually engaged?
  3. Why should it matter? Looks like you're excusing violence to cover for "protestors" who like beating and killing.
  4. Googlefu says 39 officers in Belarus were injured on August 9th. https://www.rbc.ru/society/10/08/2020/5f3109a19a79471588e4f57e These so-called protestors in Belarus are rioters and criminals which makes them EVIL. There is NO excuse for violence (outside of the state's) and they need to express their dissent with civility by voting instead of this. Stop excusing criminals.
  5. I'm smoking some ribs and day drinking while catching up on some movies I've been meaning to watch with my fiance. Later I will try to spend an hour writing or studying, and will probably end up posting bizarre comments online.
  6. There's probably hundreds of dumb or malicious or flatout fake **** Trump has said at this point, from small loan of a million dollars to the recent belief that Biden wants to defund the police (hilariously Biden has outflanked Trump from the right on this, saying he wants to give more money to the police). Either because of willful ignorance, addiction to bootlicking, dumb****ery, or whatever his supporters simply don't care and will not get off his ****. It shouldn't really be surprising at this point, no matter what morals or commitment to liberty they claim to have. Anyways I for one think CHAOSBIDEN would be ****in badass the more I think about it. Imagine that dude vowing to guillotine all cops or whatever fantastical horse**** the dip****s who chug /pol/ memes on facebook come up with. It would be the most entertaining **** around and way better than watching dudes play sports.
  7. Biden should only debate Trump if they both agree to stop taking their meds for a week so we get the full view of how some dementia addled old men act when they aren't hopped up on pills.
  8. ****, Biden being an avatar of chaos who will destroy civilization sounds way cooler than what he actually is. Being called a **** on social media seems to be a different thing than unmarked cars picking kidnapping people or the baby camps.
  9. So it looks like Kyle Rittenhouse was given bottled water by police who told them (Kyle and the militia he was with) that they really appreciated them while telling other people variations of vacate the premises. I assume this happened before the first shooting, but it's telling how police are willing to support groups there to do violence (nb4 shooting people is aktually peaceful and BLM/Antifa murders 42069 an hour) if it's in support of the state. We just saw this in Portland, where several of the local Proudboys/Patriot Prayer with outstanding warrants were given safe passage by police while journalists were attacked, but this is the first time (recently) that you see them aiding militias in killing people. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, but I'm not optimistic and think people should prepare for some larping dip**** to spray bullets at crowds.
  10. Boardwalk Empire, The Deuce, and Lovecraft Country off the top of my head. There's also Leaving Neverland, but it's pretty ****ed up.
  11. Vermin Supreme is easily the best person to have run for office for the entirety of the existence of the US.
  12. It doesn't sound like an excuse and teachers themselves usually do the best they can, but I still think that education in the US is lacking in that regard (as well as many others). There's really no easy way to fix it and I personally have no ideas that don't involve the dissolution of the USA. Anyways it looks we had one of the hottest temperatures recorded and a heat wave but climate change isn't a big deal (and is probably fake news) because it was cold in December.
  13. I want a codpiece revolver like Sex Machine in From Dusk Till Dawn.
  14. New Vegas, which is also the source of DT. It's a good idea but one that's not necessarily appropriate for every game. Factions have generally been disappointing in the PoE series so if they return in a hypothetical PoE3 I'd prefer if they got an overhaul.
  15. So it's weird to go back to this after getting used to Pathfinder 2e, but I'm looking forward to the official turn based mode. For anyone playing the beta, how does it feel?
  16. I learned more about the Confederacy and colonialism from a smattering of 10< minute articles than I did in 13 (k-12) years of the Texas public school system. Admittedly Texas tends to rank poorly in terms of public education, but poor historical education seems to be consistent in the US regardless of state when it comes to the more unsavory aspects of history involving the US and pre-US colonies. I'm not sure if there is any real solution, but it's something I've been thinking about lately.
  17. It's an open world game designed around first person view and the end of the trailer emulates Skyrim to the point it could be mistaken for a screenshot. It may have more complex mechanics and will almost certainly have a more complicated story than Skyrim, but comparisons and valid and probably something intended by Obsidian.
  18. I think they're all terrible, and there's an argument to be made that the office of president of the usa requires someone to act terribly regardless. In specific terms, Harris was the top cop in California (her words) and as such was instrumental in the justice system that has been protested against for two months now (the same applies to Klouchbar, who I believe declined prosecuting the cop who kneeled on George Floyd's neck). Maybe that's not as terrible as the rest, but it's not anything to get enthusiastic about from my perspective. I'm pretty sure GD will dislike her for the same reasons he dislikes every Democrat, and the three resident Trump simps hate her for incoherent conspiracy theories they cobbled together from facebook memes and trumpy bear commercials.
  19. Put the protesters on paid leave pending investigation.
  20. Huh, median income in NYC is less than 60k last I looked. Seems kind of weird the lowest in that chart is over double that.
  21. I think necromancy in Eora is closer to animancy than wizardry in that it seems to be more experimental and not as applicable to combat situations as spells. Aside from the already discussed wizard spells and chanter summons, I don't see the player character becoming a researcher that plays with dead bodies but whose to say? Maybe they'll go full hog and release a Dawnguard ripoff that lets you turn into a fampyr. I haven't played TOW yet, but it wouldn't be surprising to see them go the New Vegas route and have a couple of animal (or robot vessel) companions as options in addition to kith followers. If they do this, my guess is we see at least a dog, an imp, and something weird.
  22. Regardless of the national origin of your students, it would stretch belief to teach that. Even discounting some of the truly heinous **** that has happened in the 200+ years the US has existed, a day spent getting evicted after losing your job in the US is going to be a lot worse than a day spent having fun with your friends and family in some other country.
  23. Yeah, there's probably dozens with the biggest (CPUSA, PSL, WWP, SWP) having memberships less than 10k. They tend to function like cults or pyramid schemes and most of their activity is based on trying to scalp new members to keep the cash flowing or running a candidate who gets next to no votes. They also despise (despise is perhaps not strong enough) each other for arcane reasons and most of them are run by the feds.
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