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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I don't remember that. Is it more powerful than the Sword of Luck and Pluck?
  2. You'll just have to wait and see, but when the last few episodes came I immediately thought of Shinji based on how she acted.
  3. It is a classic for a reason. @Bartimaeus
  4. They don't pose nearly as well though. @Bartimaeus
  5. Man I wish I could **** up as much at my job as cops do and just get rewarded for it.
  6. @majesticWell I believe they could be right about anime Rei, with the advantages of filler allowing Rei to be fleshed out comes with the disadvantage of that being taken by the writers as having her be mean to Usagi nonstop. Same as Ami studying or Makoto being reminded of her senpai evey episode they get attention. It's not hard to believe the manga is better than Crystal, simply because Crystal is a CGI abomination that gives real bad uncanny valley vibes. It probably is still really rushed and most of the cast doesn't feel fully realized.
  7. So I guess Rei being a bitch is inherent to her character.
  8. That sounds like it could be good in some ways, like an evil sailor guardian could be interesting. But given how light the manga is, I bet there's not much there. If anything Shinji gets worse as time goes on. It makes sense given everything, but it's annoying to watch.
  9. @majesticI think the final episode is very good and fits not just the season but the series very well. However it is hard to ignore that before getting there you have to deal with significant padding of story episodes with Usagi crying and doing nothing, which is a lot like Shinji from Evangelion (you said you haven't seen it, so I'll just say that Shinji is possibly the most hated protagonist of an anime because of how much he cries and does nothing, even if it makes sense).
  10. It's really good and makes an interesting comparison to magical girls played straight like Sailor Moon.
  11. Yeah, worst part of the season entirely because of pacing and repetition.
  12. We needed to do laundry today, so we ended up watching the whole thing. To avoid spoiling Barti and IC, it's very good and is a nice break from Sailor Moon but is extremely dark.
  13. Maybe the idea was to have all the Sailors (except Rei) get bfs but Motoki was the only guy around and it didn't go anywhere because of Usako+Mamo-chan took all the attention. EDIT Puella Magi Madoka Magica episode 1. The setting seems futuristic, it threw me off for a minute. Kyubey seems up to something, I don't know what but I think it will be bad. The two girls will absolutely go for the contract. The witches, man what the ****. I dig it.
  14. @majestic Yeah, compared to DS9 Voyager doesn't look good at all. Chakotay is a bad caricature of tropes about indigenous people and pretty racist when you really look at it, and it's very awkward watching his episodes now. And you're posting on a videogame forum so there's bound to be something wrong with you.
  15. I think in terms of anime that and Great Pretender are on my list. Additionally I may try to finish up Star Trek Voyager, that is the only Trek I've tried that I stalled on more than once.
  16. Positive. After 200 episodes I need a break from Sailor Moon.
  17. Pretty much we're I'm at. Then again I have a bad case of rerollitis where I will spend hours crafting character concepts I will never really play. @majesticI think the final episode was fine.
  18. The software is bad on PC and worse on mobile lmao Sailor Moon episodes 193-200 I'm finished.
  19. Crab, shrimp, and corn in spicy garlic butter then some macadamia cookies
  20. Sort of an old fashioned with Writer's Tears Double Oak, Benedictine, Peychauds, orange bitters, a bit of syrup, some orange peel around the glass before dropping in, and a cute little cherry to hang with the ice. It's very interesting, in general I prefer Irish or rye to bourbon and dislike Scotch so it works pretty good for my tastes. The Benedictine was recommended to me in place of sugar, but I don't think it quite gets there so I used the syrup I have on hand to get it to where I like it. I'd recommend it, but maybe swap out the Writer's Tears for Redbreast or Jameson Black Barrel because I get something from that whiskey I don't quite like.
  21. I saw my mom tonight, and her response to the Gaetz scandal was "Look at his face, of course he pays for sex".
  22. I've been lying in wait to make that joke or one about Dio getting ahead.
  23. And some people say Sailor Moon shouldn't be darker. Poor Dire, what a cold reception his ultimate technique got. I have never played Diablo, but I sunk a huge amount of hours into Diablo 2 as a teenager. I remember next to nothing beyond cleansing the DEN OF EVIL and hunting for gems.
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