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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I definitely think the attempts to tie anti-Zionism and anti-semitism together are definitely going to fuel the latter as Israel's actions become more indefensible. But I have some hope that the efforts of anti-zionist Jews attempting to disentangle Zionism from Judaism is going to bear some fruit in people differentiating the state of Israel from Jews as a whole. Just anecdotally but I have seen a consistent push against anti-semitism by folks showing solidarity with Palestinians, with it being made clear the issue is settler-colonialism and not Judaism in what's wrong with Israel, and anti-semites like blue check dip****s or provocateurs not having much of a space in the actions. That's more than I can say about a lot of defenders of Israel, who do not seem to have a problem with some of the most repugnant ghouls making common cause with them. I don't want to draw you back in against your will, so feel free to just see this as bouncing off a sound board.
  2. You shouldn't need booze to get HARDCORE TO THE MEGA.
  3. Sometimes I think the pre-exam supplements are just medical professionals ****ing with us.
  4. In terms of gameplay I think that Disco Elysium is fine. It's a good move for a game this narrative focused to make the talking and all that the gameplay instead of slapping on some mediocre at best combat between chapters of text, like both of the Torment games, but the downside is that if you aren't hooked by the detective work or aren't very interested in the world you're going to check out. "You can now read the recipe for the Emperor's favourite soup." Finally.
  5. I think that BG3's relative simplicity is built into it by the 5e ruleset. If there was a AAA Pathfinder (not Owlcat, because they said they can't balance a game where you can't jack up the numbers by 10+) or PoE 3 (because Sawyer loves his maths) then those would be a lot more complex by design. Imo some of the hard-core aspects of BG3 were the least fun, like weight limits and food. You could play around them without issue but they just added tedium to the game. I want to focus on fighting enemies, not the UI. I love it.
  6. Sympathy for the Devil (2023) Nic Cage with a Boston accent kidnaps a guy. So if you like Cage going all out then you'll probably like this film. Joel Kinnaman is a good counterpoint to Cage for most of the film, the straight man who is trapped with this absolute maniac. It's violent and pretty, there's mystery, and as said Nic Cage chews scenery for almost the whole film.
  7. Pretty interesting, and I do enjoy listening to Irish accents to boot. Just my own anecdotal evidence here but I've seen tiktok addled zoomers who have never played a rpg before get real interested in the genre (both pnp and vidya) after BG3 dropped because of **** like Karlach dancing or His Majesty getting them in the door. I think BG3 is proving that these games can have some mass appeal if done well (and having really wild **** like the bear sex), so I'd hope that more AAA rpgs like it get a shot. If you're listening Microsoft, give Josh Sawyer a quarter of what you lit on fire to make ****field and you will have your own BG3.
  8. So for the main story it's Tokyo Ghoul, with √A being s2 and re being s3-4. Jack is a prequel and pinto is a one-shot. I don't know, I've never seen any explanation within any anime or about anime from creators or community. It does look weird and within anime I think the black or decorated eye patches look better than the eye mask/diaper.
  9. Tokyo Ghoul s1 It's pretty good, sort of straddles the line between a shonen and a sienen. It's much better when it hews close to the latter and almost gets into Evangelion territory with the final episode, but it doesn't feel as embarrassing to watch as something like Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood's silly aspects.
  10. Malnazidos (2022) - a zombie film set in the Spanish Civil War. It's good for what it is, a tight action flick that dips toes into horror but doesn't really go all the way with it. It works better here than in the many other zombie movies or 100000 Walking Dead spin-offs. I also watched an anthology horror movie that was Christmas themed. It was forgettable enough that I can't remember the name. Tell your brain to stop being naughty.
  11. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d9jqx/israel-gaza-leak-displacement-nakba?utm_source=vicenewstwitter That's not good.
  12. I think it's more like Russia's marketing, Israel is invoking the Nazis while saying they have to "denazify" Gaza as self-defense, and nevermind the last 75 years. On social media though it's obvious they've got a millennial tumblr girl to take over their account. I think that alone is losing them the online propaganda battle, because everyone hates smol bean posting and Harry Potter.
  13. I'll just come out and say that collective punishment, killing civilians/non-combatants, cutting off access food and (clean)water to civilians/non-combatants, cutting off power and internet to civilians/non-combatants, and specifically targeting journalists are horrific things that can't be justified. Call me crazy, but when I see over 3000 children dead in three weeks I can't help but think that's ****ed and needs to stop. When I see certain world leaders at best voicing some mealy mouthed concerns while still supporting (both politically and materially) killing 1000 kids a week I can't help but think the rules based international order applies different rules to different people.
  14. I definitely agree about the pause and inventory management, and I'd say that besides the lack of a day/night system those are my biggest complaints about the game. But WotC routinely changes the lore in a way that doesn't work well with previous dnd things so I'm not particularly bothered by Larian doing it here (it also doesn't help that Forgotten Realms kinda sucks). The final choice in BG3 is mostly bad for some spoiler reasons, but the TL;DR is that it's not that much different than the big choice in BG2.
  15. I don't think sales are an indicator of quality, most Bethesda games sell extremely well but they're half-baked piles of **** that crash every 15 minutes. Sales matter for a business perspective but on our end as players it seems weird to be obsessing over them, the experience you had playing a game isn't going to be impacted by how many other people bought it. Unfortunately for BG3 enjoyers, it selling well isn't going to necessarily mean that you get more BG3s. As much as I'd like to see Sawyer's PoE3, a AAA Pathfinder game, a AAA Shadowrun, etc. I think "Star Trek with a crew that ****s" or "LotR with waifus" is as likely a beeg studio response to BG3, perhaps moreso. I think we're going to see a BG4, whether by Larian or someone else. I'd hope that if Larian doesn't do it that we'd get something similar to Kotor 2 (but finished properly) or NWN2....MotB, but we won't know until it's out.
  16. Halloween Ends (2022) - out with a whimper. The film tries some new angles with moving on and some dumb **** about getting infected by evil, but that can't save it from being boring. Many of the kills are too telegraphed and almost feel justified, with few exceptions the murders committed by the Shape very much have the stamp of just deserts on them. It just can't capture the feelings of terror that Halloweens (both the original and the 2018 sequel) and Halloween 2 did, and ends up being a confused mess in a bad way. Fargo (1996) - Ah gees. It's great, I adore small scale crime films without hypercompetent ant/protagonists and this delivers that beautifully. Even when getting into grim territory like triple homicides it's able to bounce back into a comedic tone that feels almost wholesome, which I can partially attribute to the midwestern accents that saturate the film.
  17. That's exactly the kind of thing I'm thinking of. While I'm not particularly surprised by the content of it, the brazenness of this open about who gets to be considered humanity and who doesn't is just too on the nose.
  18. Spy X Family s2 episodes 1-3: Return of the Anya face. It's ok, but forgettable. I probably wouldn't keep up with the show of this was the introduction. I watched them last night. Looks like the movie drops later this year.
  19. I forgot this was back.....again. Didn't they make a movie or something?
  20. After letting BG3 digest for a while I think it managed to hit a lot of the same notes of BG1+2 by having absolute maniacs being incredibly silly. Things like the talking chicken or strange oxes are memorable and add texture to a game. I don't think PoE did that as well and really could have benefitted from some dumb bull****.
  21. Well I said you'd like it or hate it, so I'm covered either way.
  22. I would very much like to see more mid and big budget RPGs that aren't off-brand Elder Scrolls things. Sawyer is a component guy and I think he'd be able to make something I'd enjoy more than BG3 if he had the budget. One thing though, BG3 characters are absolutely insane and that works for me. Stuff like His Majesty or the foot fetish goblins are absolutely great and a hypothetical PoE3 would benefit from some of that zany nonsense.
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