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Everything posted by Tartantyco

  1. Absolute nonsense. 60 arrows is more than enough for several encounters, and as you use up your quiver slots you'll open up more and more inventory space for the loot you're finding. Arrow carrying enemies are also abundant. Implying there is any strategy to the inventory/encumbrance system in the IE games is just silly.
  2. Am I replying to your original post, Sensuki? Don't but into conversations you don't follow the narrative of. Read Stun's post, my reply to it, and the folowing posts. Don't assume what I'm discussing.
  3. Let's not get pedantic here. I'm merely using it as an alternative catch-all. You're still not being rewarded for exploring no matter what you kill, be it a squirrel or a Gnoll. This is about the dumbest thing I've ever read.
  4. Blocking his path to where? He's just randomly wandering around in the wilderness. If he had a goal, an objective, some might even call it a quest, and they were between him and the quest location, then they would be blocking his path. And he'd be handsomely rewarded for completing that quest, no matter how he completed it.
  5. And they all sound awful. Might sounds right. See, it even rhymes.
  6. Namutree, you're not being rewarded for exploring. You're being rewarded for arbitrarily killing various wildlife.
  7. No, it's you guys who are seriously misunderstanding Sawyer's point. There is no functional difference between the IE system and the color-coding system Sawyer refers to, except that they're separated by entire screens instead of having a shared screen. Your party has X amount of total carrying capacity, and will carry that amount regardless. If you can't fit certain valuable items, you'll just come back for them later. The PoE inventory system simply removes redundant steps. I'm sorry, Stun. You have not been awared overruling powers. Only people with the Eldoth avatar are granted that.
  8. That's a huge deal to you, Stun? Some brief inventory organizing? "Decisions, decision... I guess I'll put this heavy stuff in my Fighter's inventory, and I'll put this scroll in my... Mage's inventory! I'm so brilliant! Look at me guys, I'm roleplaying so hard right now!"
  9. This is related to quest design, not XP systems. You initialize a conversation with the Ogre, and through that conversation you can easily contextualize the quest. See above reply. However, you don't need the Ogre head. Only if quests are poorly made. Again, irrelevant to the XP system.
  10. Irrelevant distinction. You are either exploring, or you are not. You either deal with what you come across while exploring, or you don't. You want to be rewarded for exploring, and you will.
  11. You don't get XP for exploring in any IE games. Your argument makes no sense. Here's what you'll be doing in Baldur's Gate: You'll walk around in the wilderness and either come upon a quest or a mob. You will then do that quest or kill that mob. It's exactly the same! And that is what you get. And in BG1 you couldn't get XP without there being a quest or mob involved.
  12. It's meh. Just meh.
  13. Something something extremely narrow definition.
  14. And it still will, because you have to explore to find and complete quests. You never got XP for exploring in IE games. You got XP for the stuff you came across while exploring. Like quests. Have some consistency in your arguments. First, the game is broken for using a different XP system. Then it's perfectly okay to have a different XP system. Literally nobody is arguing that. Your own words defeat you.
  15. Just ignore him, guys. He's either a troll, or so pathetic that he can't admit it when he's blatantly wrong. Just ignore all his posts and leave him to fester in his impotent rage.
  16. And this, in no way, affects your ability to level. Hyperbole much? A spiritual successor, not a carbon copy. I have already explained to you how it is aesthetically and mechanically the same as the IE games. You are still just defining the IE experience extremely narrowly. The primary benefit according to you. The point, Namutree, is that now you explore to explore. Now you fight to fight. There is absolutely no reason why you should be rewarded for going out of your way to kill a pack of wolves.
  17. I guess I missed the memo where they were removing all XP.
  18. Oh look, another kill-XP proponent who has an extremely narrow definition of the IE experience.
  19. You don't even know what you're talking about, do you? This is why you have so many issues with the game, because you don't know how stuff works. You think it's an imaginary scenario? How about you try it out, instead of being wrong again?
  20. The quote I responded to: The engagement mechanic is relevant because you can engage those enemies currently charging your rear with your front line fighters to stop them attacking your Rogue/Wizard. Are you ever going to pay attention?
  21. wat The Wizard has ranged spells and rods to attack from range. The Rogue has a bow. You can engage enemies from considerable range. They then come straight for whoever hit them, which would be the Rogue or Wizard in this case. How can you possibly misread that, Stun?
  22. Well, I think the point is that you are able to build characters who focus on interrupt attacks. You can have a Barbarian who does AoE attacks that stops enemies from effectively attacking while the rest of your party cuts them down. I don't think your "argument" has any legs unless you give actual reasons as to how this would detract from gameplay and character variety.
  23. I just found a pretty cool Cloak of Protection in the water where the Spider Queen resides(Just go into scout mode and wade through the water). I don't have the game up right now, but it's got something like +2 Resolve, +2 DT, and some crit. defense I think. I'll have to check later. There's also a magic item on the second floor of the Dracogen Inn, in one of the chests in the bottom room. In the Dyrford Crossing area there's a pack of wolves in the South-East corner, and there's some loot hidden in the wall of the ruined tower they're in.
  24. Why shouldn't interrupts be based on attributes?
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