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Everything posted by Tartantyco

  1. I love how you guys are getting into historical revisionism to support your petty arguments.
  2. That's ok, Mrakvampire. You won't be missed.
  3. Pretty sure NPCs(Except those created by you) will have special abilities, traits, and/or better stats than the normal player, just like in the old IE games.
  4. And how, exactly, does stabbing beetles make you better at lockpicking? You're just regurgitating arguments that have been shot down in every other thread on this same subject. At least think through your own reasoning before posting stuff, dude. This is rich. You're using an argument that applies to ALL XP systems to denigrate kill xp. That's idiotic because this game uses an XP system, so you're basically saying this game makes no sense according to you. And how, exactly, does stabbing beetles make you better at lockpicking? You're just regurgitating arguments that have been shot down in every other thread on this same subject. At least think through your own reasoning before posting stuff, dude. How does turning in a quest and receiving objective XP make you better at lockpicking? I don't know how many times people have told you that XP is simply an abstraction, yet you repeatedly keep on bringing up the same nonsensical argument. You seem to have problems understanding this. Great job missing the point, guys. I'm not arguing that the system should make realistic logical sense. You guys are. Helm, how slow can you get?
  5. And how, exactly, does stabbing beetles make you better at lockpicking? You're just regurgitating arguments that have been shot down in every other thread on this same subject. At least think through your own reasoning before posting stuff, dude.
  6. These are extremely petty people we're dealing with.
  7. Overruled!
  8. That doesn't mean the combat doesn't feel the same. And sure as hell the IE games counted actions by seconds. A round was 6 seconds, and 10 rounds was a turn. Casting and attack time was based on increments of those turns. Just because some stuff is added doesn't mean combat becomes radically different. It is practically the same in almost every respect. How about no? The IE games are more than combat. You're just showing how little of the IE legacy you care about.
  9. Well, you're giving me a great example of it right now.
  10. What the hell does that reply even mean, Namutree? It's not about whether the features are unique(As if the IE games were composed of unique features?), it's whether they function in the same way as in the IE games. Which they do.
  11. How many of these polls are we going to have, exactly?
  12. Define mechanically. Real-time with pause Combat operates the same, just a different ruleset Character creation is the same, just different stats Spellcasting is practically similar(More like a sorcerer) Environment interaction is the same Open world exploration Encounters and quests Etc.
  13. It's a good thing that we have you here to dictate what does and does not feel like an IE game. Happy to help. As I have pointed out; the game mechanics are objectively different in virtually every regard. Unless people think that mechanics (Which are the majority of the game) are not a part of the IE feel; than I am simply right. If mechanics aren't important than I could say that HALO "feels" like an IE game. It's still mechanically the same as IE games. It doesn't share the same systems, but the game is aesthetically and mechanically the same as IE games.
  14. I'd say the Stone Beetles are pretty strong(And maybe those big Crystal Eater spiders). I haven't had any issues with anything else. Wood Beetles can dish out damage with their poison, but they can also be focused down pretty quick. The Lion pride was a walk in the park for me, as were the Spiders, Wolves, and Ogre. Haven't had issues with any of the humanoid enemies, either.
  15. Volourn, you should be able to have the common sense to understand what is valid criticism. It's once thing to say "combat is too fast" or "I don't like the XP system". It's something completely different to attack your own speculations about content. It is quite obvious that a lot of the content isn't in place yet. Also, have you read this forum? There' plenty of criticism going around. Maybe step out of the XP-for-kills circlejerk for a while?
  16. It's a good thing that we have you here to dictate what does and does not feel like an IE game.
  17. You're just repeating old arguments, Stun. If you want a "refutation", just go read the old thread.
  18. Volourn, have you ever considered that maybe the fact that there are only 4 quests present in the mod might hint towards not everything being implemented in these maps yet? Maybe they want to leave some of the area quests out of the Beta so as not to entirely spoil these areas when they release the full game?
  19. I never could understand why people find it so annoying. You must be playing it "wrong" or something to set off the "You must gather your party" clip. I always walk my guys to the edge of the map, then click on the area transition, so I almost never hear it. I think I've heard it three times during my current BG1 playthrough. Are you guys just clicking on the area transition from halfway across the map or something?
  20. Excuse me, is the broken record accusing me of ruining threads?
  21. If you're arguing that something is logical, and somebody points out that it isn't logical, you lose. Do you follow that logic, Stun? And I'm not dodging any of the imaginary arguments you've conjured up in your head while misreading my posts, either.
  22. If you keep on parroting the "logic" of XP-for-kills, don't get upset when point out that it's not logical, Stun...
  23. There you go again Stun, abusing terms. How about you find a dictionary and put it next to your desk? That way you can look this stuff up before posting your silly nonsense.
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