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Everything posted by Tartantyco

  1. The few initial fixes I've noticed: Pathfinding is now far superior, and selection circles can't overlap anymore. Several new options, such as V-Sync. Loot goes away once you've picked it up. Movement speed seems slightly slower now. Fights seem to take a little longer, meaning you have a better grasp on the action.
  2. Any info on when you'll get some patch notes out?
  3. The first Beta patch is out. Share your opinions as you dissect the newest build of Pillars of Eternity. Update size is 1.7 GB.
  4. Those are awful. Looks like something out of a teen magazine.
  5. Not a fan of the IWD2 portraits. My ranking is: 1. Baldur's Gate 2. Icewind Dale 3. Icewind Dale 2 4. Baldur's Gate II
  6. That is quite possibly the worst attempt at a comeback line I have ever heard.
  7. Commodore Marceror, yet again valiantly navigating the HMS Drama Queen through stormy weather in the Tea Cup Sea.
  8. I wonder how much that is going to help Obsidian when the angry pledgers start knocking. I'm sure those people will be understanding and even pledge in their next KS. He said, implying that other pledgers had the same narrow definition of what an IE game is, as he did.
  9. And once more you manage to counter an argument that was never made. I have never said that quests should be rewarded because they were achievements. The quite obvious difference between quests and an abstract reward such as Kill-XP is that they have a game world narrative and rationale. Going to kill a giant because you've heard that he has a magical weapon of great power in his abode is a sensible game world reason. Going to kill the giant because your party receives "XP", a non-game world concept, is not a sensible game world reason.
  10. Spoon-feeding time for Zansatsu: Helm said no Kill-XP would make combat boring. I didn't say that no XP for quests would make questing boring.
  11. Killing a couple of Kobolds isn't an achievement. Slaughtering a Xvart village isn't an achievement. You going out of your way and endangering the lives of your party members is not an achievement.
  12. Oh really? -> "If XP is what is necessary to make quests enjoyable, then you're the problem in the equation." Yeah, I can play that game too. Except I never said anything like that, so you played a completely different game that you just made up.
  13. According to Helm, they apparently promised "Kill-XP: The Game" during their Kickstarter campaign. To those of us who actually understand that the IE games are a little more than just Kill-XP and DnD, Obsidian seem to be right on course with Pillars of Eternity.
  14. If XP is what is necessary to make combat enjoyable, then you're the problem in the equation.
  15. Well, it is Jaheira, after all.
  16. Look at the warmth, the depth, the character the Baldur's Gate portraits convey.
  17. If I had a gun, with two bullets, and was in a room with Hitler, bin Laden, and whoever made the BGII portraits, I would shoot whoever made the BGII portraits twice.
  18. And if you want IE portraits for your PoE party, follow the links in my signature.
  19. How about we just let this die, instead?
  20. ITT: Pro-Kill-XPers make up insane scenarios in an attempt to make Quest-XP-only look bad.
  21. Alternative approach: Ban DnaCowboy. I'd pledge, like, a thousand dollars for that.
  22. Bump for visibility.
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