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Everything posted by Tartantyco

  1. People in this thread:
  2. Yup, missing this.
  3. I think this thread is a mix of people making assumptions based on insufficient information, looking at the game through a DnD lens, and simply misunderstanding the intent of the system. We have only seen a small fraction of all the enemy types in the game, and even within this fraction there's plenty of reasons for your party to wear armor. The Crystal Eater Icicle of Doom, or whatever it is, comes to mind. Stone Beetles can burrow to the rear line, lions and wolves can break through the front line(Pretty basic AI behavior still, though). Thinking you can get away with a nude ranged rear line is pretty ambitious already. There are just too many variables for anyone to say this is an issue that needs a solution. Tank characters already have an incentive to wear heavy armor. DT is a stat that is applied no matter how many attacks the tank receives, but the tank can only do X amount of attacks within a certain timeframe. This means that the more enemies the tank ties up, the greater the advantage of heavy armor. You're trading a fixed damage output for linearly increasing damage avoidance. People also seem to be confusing 'viable' with 'equal'. The numbers may be off, as with so much in this beta, but I do not see any of the systemic issues you guys are talking about. It looks more like a solution looking for a problem to me.
  4. About the nudity: Could Obsidian please add some default clothing beyond the cloth scraps currently in the game? It's really creepy watching what looks like mounds of flesh-colored wood shavings running around on the screen.
  5. Meh, I found PER to be valuable for a Barbarian AoE Interrupt build. I can see it being less useful for other stuff, though.
  6. I don't pause any more in PoEt than I do in Baldur's Gate. Sensuki is just playing horribly in that video.
  7. PoEt is missing the displacement mechanic from the IE games where a character can push an allied character out of its path to get to its destination.
  8. [bug description] Druid with Cat Shapeshifting will not attack. He moves just fine, but does not move to attack or attack when in range. [steps to reproduce] Enter combat. Shapeshift to Cat form. [Expected behavior] Shapeshifted Druid should move to attack targeted enemies, and attack targeted enemies in attack range.
  9. What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your attitude?
  10. The issue is with the inclusion of Godlikes and Orlans. You can't really use an Elf or Human portrait for any of them, like you could use Montaron's portrait for other races in Baldur's Gate. Almost all portraits could be used for other races in the other IE games, whereas in PoEt, you can't. So, while the total amount of portraits in PoEt is greater, the actual amount of viable portraits is much lower, and in some cases, extremely limited.
  11. Character creation needs its order changed. It makes absolutely no sense that something that affects attributes should come after the attributes, altering the values you decided on. Also, portraits more fully define your character, and appearance is usually altered to fit t he portrait, not the other way around. If I make my character look a certain way, and then can't find a portrait that fits, that's just bad The order should be like this: Sex Race Portrait Sub-race Class Culture Attributes Appearance Voice Name
  12. Steam uses the F12 key for screenshots.
  13. Yeah, I think this is an issue that was in 257 as well. I remember my BB fighter's Deflection changing from 74, to 12, to -82. I always felt like combat difficulty changed drastically from game to game, and from encounter to encounter.
  14. The teleporting spiders are making those encounters pretty unplayable.
  15. Flat, boring, generic, and lifeless.
  16. Need a bulk "move to stash" function to move stuff from the tactical inventory to the stash, as well as the ability to move loot directly from pickup to stash.
  17. I don't have any issues with the current system. A few values here and there might have to be changed here and there, but the Stamina/Health system works as it should.
  18. No, it's not to prevent the party from hoarding consumables. The 8 slot inventory is for tactical items used in combat, such as potions, scrolls, and backup weapons. Anything you put in the stash is inaccessible unless you rest, go to an inn, etc. Hell, I'd say 8 slots per character is too much. What is needed is simply the ability to move stuff from the tactical inventory to the stash more easily, and moving loot directly to the stash.
  19. Strange. For me it's much larger. Are you getting the same as in the picture attached? It's hard to tell exactly, but that seems about the same size as mine. It used to be much larger, though.
  20. I didn't notice this during 257, but this has to be the most hilarious bug ever:
  21. Patch notes up in the announcement thread.
  22. The one on the left looks like a Na'vi from Avatar.
  23. Specifically, the Crystal Eater encounter to the right once you enter the Ogre Cave(On Normal). I attacked them, and two of the smaller spiders teleported forward because they got stuck on each other and the scenery. The big Crystal Eater teleported through the scenery when it got caught on it. Additionally, one of the yellow/brown spiders at the same encounter kept walking into my character once it had reached her. The walking animation ran for about 1 second before it stopped, idled maybe half a second, then it started attacking. Looked pathing related, as if it couldn't get close enough to attack.
  24. I'm having some glitches with the spiders where they seemingly teleport if they get stuck on something, and they occasionally keep walking into my characters for about a second before attacking. I also noticed that the level 3 fireball spell has a very reduced AoE for the BB Wizard. I forgot to check if there was a change to the BB Wizard, the Intellect bonus, or the spell itself.
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