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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Well, now you wont have to do what I did: wait for all episodes to come out Though since I hardly have the time to play it now, I'll wait for the Christmas Sale
  2. Not playing anything (other than a bit of this and that) but extremly happy that I am NOT playing the Sims. I just saw that they have a Katy Perry DLC... *shudder*
  3. I have Trine (haven't finished it yet), I have Trine 2 (haven't installed it yet). I am missing the Trine 2 DLC. I have Eternity's Child (installed not yet played), Limbo (not yet installed), Giana Sisters: Twisted Dream (not yet finished, planned out the fanart though), Lucidity (not yet installed)... I think I got other games as well Got the box version of Machinarium. If we are talking cute, have you looked at The Maw? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26343200&insideModal=1
  4. At the price I got it, even one playthrough is me robbing them blind Though I also buy games purely based on artistic merit, when I decide that their visual approach etc stands out.
  5. If there are a hundred enemies, I think my players would have done well to have retreated fifty enemies ago Unless its one of those scenarios where there is no place to retreat to, the necromancer and his hordes are at the gates etc.
  6. Woah! Buy 5 games for $10. Ok so its a specific list of twenty games, but there are some great ones among them. So I got myself: Unmechanical, Botanicula, the complete Blackwell Bundle, the Geneforge Bundle and Gemini Rue. Now if only I didn't have a huge backlog anyway. Still nice to see this checkout message: Total: 10 - You Save: 49.90sumthin
  7. Devs should not force companions on players, true. But it is rather worrying that, even if it is a virtual world, so many people see annoyance as a valid reason for the death penalty.
  8. I still don't understand why anyone would want to kill her in the first place...
  9. You are lucky they didn't charge you for the fact that the waitress took your order
  10. To me it is like this: I think SWTOR had potential. That is why I was subbed. In that time they did not make the impression that they were capable of working towards that potential, instead doing things that were damaging the game. So I unsubbed. Now they have gone F2P and are trying to get old subs back. That means they have not just got to say "Hey we give you stuff for free", since a lot of former subs had been quite willing to pay a subscription, just not for the state the game was in; they have to prove that the game is sub-worthy after all. Have they done that? No, not really. I for one suffer from audio corruption that I did not have before. Apparently it is a problem that krept in some time in April and hasn't been fixed yet. So a game that wasted all its budget on audio, has a bug that prevents a lot of players from enjoying the audio... Add to that, that it seems none of the issues I was unhappy with have really been addressed. Instead they are pulling a late-night tv telemarketing like move telling me to call now because the first 10 callers will get this set of kitchen knives completly free of charge. So I for one don't expect to spend either time or money on the game. The F2P conversion did not convince me that this second chance was really it. A shame because the game has potential. I thought the Champions Online and DC Universe Online F2P conversions were quite good. Enjoyed both games and gave both of them money. Also bought skins in League of Legends because I felt I should give Riot some money.
  11. You seem to be carrying a lot of baggage, have a lot to prove. All this aggression against the geek culture. Comments about people being desperate, not having a sex life in that other thread, now here a comment about people's looks. What exactly is it you are compensating for with all this aggression?
  12. The most annoying thing is that the "bonus" coins old subscribers get, they only get if they re-sub. Right now my balance says: 0 Cartel Coins, Subscribe to earn potential 1050 Cartel Coins. And that is what really pisses me off. I understand a lot of limitations and agree with quite a few. Honestly, I even agree with the hide helmet function being unlocked with coins - after all it is purely cosmetic. But trying to get me to return with free stuff and then saying "But to get the free stuff you have to pay" that is a bad joke. I'll upload a screenshot.
  13. Meh, same rules for everybody, a lot better. Had a quick test when the f2p came and I could still use all the purple stuff I got while being a subscriber, which was nice. Hotbars being limited to 2 and taking almost all of my money I had as hostage wasn't that nice though. I had all 4 hotbars full of stuff I really needed and I have nothing nice to say about how they want to make people pay real money to get their game money back. Edit: The differences of subscription/preferred/f2p: http://www.swtor.com/free/features I hadn't tested those of my characters who have good equipment. Especially as I am not sure how much currency they may have above the limit. My sawbones Ronja had several million credits at some point and though I spend a lot and gave a lot away when I quit, I am not sure exactly how much may be left and would be seriously annoyed if the money went *poof and away*
  14. Looked into SWTOR over the weekend, now that it's free to play. My lvl 50 sawbones still has her name even after the server merges, so that is nice. With the sounds fethed up for scoundrels though, there is no way I'll play her... and with the F2P restrictions she is probably naked, unable to user her equipment. My lvl 29ish commando lost her name and probably can't use half her equipment either. deleted my sith sorcerer to pass the name to my Agent who had lost the name. My Sith Assassin managed to retain the name. My ratattaki jedi lost the name and I no longer like the looks of the character... but can't delete it as I'd loose the character slot. Meh. Played my agent and actually had fun. Did a black talon run and a couple of heroics, which meant that I actually teamed for a change, something I hadn't done in a while in GuildWars. The community Sith side was terribly immature though. Had to turn off chat whenever I wasn't actively looking for a group. Tried playing the Guild Wars 2 event. Got so bored during the first part that I didn't log back in the whole weekend. Maybe I'll play for a day next month.
  15. From the short description you gave, you are doing the right thing.
  16. Getting ready to bed and while brushing my teeth I looked in the mirror. I really need a shave... So I hope tomorrow I'll be able to post that what I did was shaving
  17. Today I have been jealous of Cantousent's pizza. He is lucky I live half a world away or I would have raided his kitchen
  18. Your dad got to come home for dinner? Damn! I was doing something wrong when I was still working as an architect
  19. I'll agree with you and put my views on the other romances in the spoiler tag
  20. Allow me a bit of nitpicking here and a bit of counterarguing there. "literaly the most annoying" Causes of annoyance are a personal matter. I found annoying the railroading of DA2, especially all the 3rd act. I have frankly never been as annoyed by a story as that act. So let's write this one off to personal opinion. "The most indirect" May be something negative for you, but as this thread shows, is exactly what the people who enjoyed it loved about it. So what is the point you are trying to make with this comment? "The most lazy" Is an interesting assumption. You assume that indirect story telling requires no effort and that spreading clues and information over a vast world is proof of a slacker. You state that you have not the time or inclination to search through Morrowind for all the information that makes up the story. Yet you pressume to then judge whether the story is ambiguous or not. The idea of Elder Scrolls games is the open world exploration - how that affects whether a story is ambiguous or not, I must confess is beyond me. I can understand that you did not enjoy the game, but selling yourself as the person who can judge who's opinion on the game's story (not storytelling, there is a difference even though you gloss over it) is good or not is just unrealistic... no, that is not the word that goes there. Though it would make for better trolling to use your adjectiv against you, I think the word I am looking for is "absurd". Morrowind: a sandbox game with a story that is very straight forward but rewards those players, who spend the time delving deeper, with further layers that make it the one story that Bethesda got right. But you seem to prefer to have the attitude you accuse others of having: "I don't like it therefor its crap" I'd say pot meet kettle, but I am not sure who in this thread would be the kettle counterpart to your pot.
  21. Repeat after me: there have only been two Master of Orion games. There never was a Master of Orion 3. No third game in the series was ever made, has ever existed. Some misguided people may try to say otherwise. They may bring "proof" and talk about release dates etc. They are wrong. (Just ask Jack Ryder) A lot of people would like there to be a Master of Orion 3... but the sad fact is, there isn't one.
  22. Siding with Branka would have given you a -10 with Shale though if I remember correctly.
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