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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Know the feeling. Though I woke up because I dreamed John Travolta had kidnapped me (among other people). He wasn't very good at the kidnapping thing, so I told him that if he was going to waste my time this way I'd just close my eyes and sleep 'til the kidnapping was over. That made me wake up...
  2. Was playing Anno 2070 (yeah, how original of me...) when I got a message I never had gotten in 150+ hours of game-time: Tornado detected Eek!? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=125733078
  3. Eh, I don't like the taste of alcohol, so not going to drink through everything in the bar on the off chance that the nth drink will be the one I like. I'll stick to orange juice, tea, milk and sparkly water
  4. Yes thats is a concerning development, its makes it hard when David Cameron says the Conservative party "is a progressive party for change " How can anyone seriously describe a group that labels itself as conservative as progressive and for change ?
  5. Not by choice. I'll have a sip if really pressured, but do not like it. Had a sip of commandaria in December because it was a going away thing at the office and saying "Yeah, well I am touched you are all gathered to wish me farewell, but you know, I don't actually drink." Before that I had half a glass of vodka in June because it was the goodbye party of the masters and one of the erasmus students from the previous term drove all the way from another country to celebrate with us. Before that I had two sips of vodka in December 2012 at a birthday party after having been pressured into it. I have not forgiven people One sip of punch or something similar in summer of 2012 at a friend's wedding. 2008 - 2011 four weddings. A sip of champagne at two of them... Eh, you get the picture.
  6. Well I can spot the alcoholic in this post, can you? With "this" do you mean your post? With all the milk I drink I am probably a lactolic... (other than a teetotaler)
  7. All this talk about drinking water made me wonder. If an alcoholic drinks alcohol, does this make all those forum posters drinking so much water hydroholics or hydrolics or hydroics?
  8. Eeek! And of course Amazon plays along.
  9. I seriously tried to give The Cave a chance. It just is not a good game. They tried to mix platformer with adventure. As a platformer it is terrible. The controls are bad (and apparently worse when played with a gamepad as it was originaly intended). As an adventure it may have had potential had mixing it with a platformer not turned it into an Adventure Lite. Pushing a block onto a pressure plate is not the quality or depth of puzzle one would expect from the maker of games such as Monkey Island. Some of the character areas may have interesting bits in them. Thus the Time Traveler level is a nice touch back to Day of the Tentacle. But even those nice moments are plagued by the game's tedious running back and forth. Artificialy trying to make it appear longer than the couple of hours of gameplay it has, is a major design point of the game. Thus there are 7 characters of which you choose 3 for your playthrough. Each character has 2 endings, so to see them all you have to play through the game 5 times. The endings only depend on your choice at the very end though, making both playthroughs with the same character identical. Autosave and Save & Exit though are meant to keep you from simply loading the game again at the end. You have to start from scrap if you want to see one different ending screen. And every time you start the game, you have to listen to the intro speech. There is no skipping it. It may have been (kinda) witty and cute the first time round. The second time was still ok as one remembers that it was fun the first time. The third time round though... In the end, there is not enough story to justify not playing the game and watching a youtube video of it instead, but there also is not enough story to truly make it worth enduring bad, reptitive gameplay. Good thing the game was cheap.
  10. Isn't she Charlie Sheen's ex-wife or something?
  11. Why is a kid that is too young to read itself being read a StarWars novel? What happened to Padington Bear and the other awesome childrens books?
  12. We played a campaign at some point. Things started with the southern province of the kingdom going all quiet. No traders, travelers or messengers... Thus the queen sends an expedition to find out what happened. Part of this expedition the PCs, including yours truly. Turns out we are playing some sort of zombie apocalypse scenario. Undead swarm us from everywhere. Our cleric was playing for the first time ever. The more experienced players asked her to use her Turn Undead ability. She tells the DM that she'll do just that. DM replies "Sorry, but the deity you chose does not grant that ability." I think there was some sort of point I was going to make... ech, just make sure that if the players know less of th system than you, that you give them a fair chance to build a character and that they know if a choice they are making is important.
  13. Hey, that's great! I'll have to take Gorgon along when I go out as well.
  14. Started on The Cave. Can't realy get into it though. Something about the game rubbed me the wrong way.
  15. Hope you enjoy Anno. If you need anything, my username in Anno 2070 (and steam) is the same as here. I'm at 136 hours played, which admitedly isn't much.
  16. FFVIII was one of the worst ports from consol to ever disgrace the PC. The idiots forgot to add a Quit option and you had to kill the game through the task manager every time you wanted to exit. FFVII was a LOT better. FF7 is the worst PC port I've personally played, so that's some achievement to top it. Fortunately I played it on desktop, but the initial release had all its critical inputs mapped to the numpad, rendering it unplayable on any machine - like most laptops - without a numpad. The keys were remappable of course, but you needed the numpad to access the menu to do so.... Yeah I remember that. I phoned their customer support and they mailed me a floppy disc with a patch that remaped the default keys away from num pad
  17. Got caught out in the dark in Don't Starve. Made a torch and ran back to my camp. Silly idea as the monsters were already at my camp...
  18. Both. My Ballroom is better than my Latin. Got a fairly good frame and the right build for it. So my european tango used to be my strongest dance, probably followed by my waltz. Foxtrot is seriously lacking in ladies over here, so no chance to really practice it. My rumba and cha cha are fairly good. I enjoy swing but find it hard to lead more than a few open breaks and turns. I do not enjoy mambo and it shows. I understand that there are people who like samba, but do not count myself among them. Tried to learn some quickstep and viennese waltz, but around these parts people only learn that for competitions, so had little chance to try. Haven't been to the gym in two years myself. I just get bored of it so easily.
  19. Thanks It's part of the danish press review package I still get from my old job (forgot to take me off the mailing list). So I get to read the odd article from that, Jyllandsposten, Politiken etc.
  20. Got asked what "Berlinske" actually means. Realized I don't speak danish and don't know. Decided I'd ask Raithe. Noticed he's not danish either. Got confused. Realized Raithe and Rosbjerg are two different people. Plan for the rest of the day: wonder why on earth and since when I got those two mixed up as the same person. Maybe I need more sleep.
  21. I would advice against having your own character. In my experience it always turns into more trouble than its worth. It is very hard to balance between not helping the players too much and not turning the npc into annoying and useless. And in the end you don't eally get to play the same way the others do anyway. I prefer having a larger number of npcs who may each at some point or another join the pcs for a short while, but never long enough for the pcs to fall into a routine with them and either depend on the npc too much or start thinking of the most clever (read: violent) way to get rid of them. If you think of it from the Computer Game perspective: its trying to find the balance between the npc who in god mode kills everything while you just run after them and hardly get a chance to hit anything and the npc you have to protect but who has suicidal AI and will die within seconds if you don't manage to kill all enemies as they spawn. But you are already thinking about how to make the npc work, realizing that it comes with problems, and seem to be on the right track. That's more than quite a few "experienced" GMs can say of themselves I would say that basically any npc could come with baggage (and I don't mean playing team shrink in a Bioware RPG ). Any benefit should have its cost. With the rogue being hunted, you are opening up some ways to make the campaign more spicy down the road.
  22. FFVIII was one of the worst ports from consol to ever disgrace the PC. The idiots forgot to add a Quit option and you had to kill the game through the task manager every time you wanted to exit. FFVII was a LOT better. But yeah, they got Just Cause, Hitman, Sleeping Dogs... they are trying to move away from being a one trick pony. They even got an Obsidian game in their store DS3
  23. My first campsite in Don't Starve. Since then I also have planted one field in there. Will need to find some gold to build my research machine. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=123993416
  24. Don't let the players read the rules. That will give you more freedom to play it loose, which benefits them as well
  25. Went to dance lessons. Group lessons and the group was about twenty people, so way too large for my liking. *grumble* people shouldn't be allowed to take more salsa lessons than ballroom lessons if they are taking both *grumble* they pick up terrible habits *grumble*
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