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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Hmm a Hutt from Hutt Space who is not wearing a hat is building huts for men in hats in HD.
  2. Custom control for stuff comming from the US can be ridiculous. Ordered a couple of books from UN Habitat a couple of eyars ago and they spend a month in Malmo, where swedish post officers must have read the whole books before being satisfied that the UN wasn't mailing me contraband... Today... ...I Patiently helped a new player on the Anno 2070 forum. ...I teased people in a goodreads discussion thread about Jon Snow and A Dance with Dragons. ...I slept too early and woke up early in the night. ...I had a profound moment of enlightement that I wanted to post about in this thread. ...I forgot what that profound moment was.
  3. I realize it's been a while since I last posted an Anno 2070 screenshot: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/595874080323007410/ABEA96AAB839EF6A7763A1A81449A077C0AA775D/
  4. Yeah. I have been staring at the tiers and the only ones I could be interested in are the $25 and $80 as I didn't back wasteland 2.
  5. People should get off their high horse. Someone commented that they didn't like a trailer and in response there was some teasing. In response a fan of the game got his panties in a knot over that and then the problem becomes the forum's judgemental culture of negativity? Let's just get this thread back on topic shall we? Feth, it seems some people hang out on the Thief forum so much that they didn't notice Garrett sneaking up behing them and stealing their sense of humour...
  6. <snip> Eh, decided I don't care enough to start an argument
  7. Man if I was a game Dev I'd use this opportunity to make loads of cash by combining a genre and the names of two franchises that are all very successfull: CounterThief Setting up dungeons and guard patrols to stop Garrett from stealing your stuff.
  8. Just because they almost caught him? No, because a "true" thief trailer you should neither be able to hear nor see, but when it is over, your valuables should be missing.
  9. melkathi


    As an old Toto fan for me it was the other way 'round. That song made me like Vice City
  10. melkathi


    I thought this thread woould be about blessing the rains I expected to hear drums echoing, instead I hear only whispers of some standard obyknven post.
  11. Of course she does: you two are married
  12. Today I keep hoping that a) the deviantHEART dating thing at deviantART is an April Fool's joke and that b) the April Fool's on GoG isn't an April Fool's :/
  13. Goblins can be awesome like that. Never underestimate the cannonfodder Had a goblin pull off something similar in WHFRP. PCs started looting corpses without checking if there are no more enemies. Goblin steps out behind the door and stabs the fighter: As it's a backstab it ignores armor. Roll for damage: 6 (ona roll of 6 in WHFRP you roll another attack and if that hits roll for damage again. Every 6 after that you roll for aditional damage). Rolled another five 6s and finally a 5. checked the crit table, the goblin had driven his short sword up between the fighter's legs and into his groin: nearly instant death as the blood comes gushing out.
  14. I guess the main difference is that SR3 takes ridiculousness to the border of tastelessness, blows up said border with an exploding mascot and then bashes tastelessness over the head with a purple sex-toy.
  15. Seems to be more of a Minecrafty thing.
  16. You must have left a few uninhabited systems near your empire? Uninhabited star systems have a chance to spawn pirate fleets of a strength reative to the adjacent empire's. Colonize everything near you and you'll be fine
  17. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63508-pictures-of-your-games-part-2/page-2?do=findComment&comment=1319104
  18. Hmm best DLC for me so far has been Missing Link for Deus Ex. Haven't tried any FNV DLC yet...
  19. I can't remember anything specific happening to Meandor. He was in some wierd state of undeath in AoW2:TWT. He seemed to have returned to lfe in SM. But I'll finish my playthrough of the series before 3 is released anyway to have it all fresh
  20. If the reason to back the project is the hope for the kind of writing one enjoys, then the team having writers one doesn't enjoy is, in my opinion, the best reason not to back it. After all, I have yet to meet a person who believes Planescape Torment was the most awesome game ever gameplay wise and needs a spiritual successor on those grounds. The word "doom" was of your choosing by the way. The question is whether we believe it is a project we personaly will enjoy - though maybe for you it's more a question of whether everyone else on the internet will share your taste In general I feel Black Library has been loosing quality as a whole. And in my opinion the Slayer novels should never have gone past the original short stories that fit the characters - Games Workshop chose to milk the franchise for cash and Mr. Long is the person they paid to do so - a dirty job but someone has to do it, I'm sure. Still, I for one felt that there was a distinct drop in quality between the last Slayer novel written by King and the first written by Long. Though my opinion is admittedly biased, as I am a fan of the old games workshop writers from the early days.
  21. Is that the Black Library / Games Workshop "author" who's one novel I tortured myself with I threw in the recycling bin? Then it's part of the reason I am very reluctant with pledging myself. Going to read through all the updates carefully and possibly pledge a few minutes before the end of the campaign.
  22. There was no hand holding in Planescape Torment. Even the times when you assisted/guided npcs on their personal journey to less-brokeness, it was very much optional, far from having a whining Alistair forced onto you and took more the form of discovering a neat new facet.
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