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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Vicwho? Jeanette would turn her into fabric softener to sprinkle over a lawn of freshly mawed astroturf.
  2. Can't hep you with old stuff. As an archtiect I am more interested in seeing what my contemporaries are doing that I can be envious of You got lucky. 3 years of Brum is not something one wishes on people
  3. You are quiting law and starting a diaper import/export business?
  4. Doh forgot to post what I am doing: Sitting at home, waiting for the phone call that my dad will have gotten arrested in an hour or so when the police is supposed to forcefully shut down all national broadcasting in Greece.
  5. For a good curry go to Bradford or Birmingham - places with a large asian "minority" If it is your first time in London, the "obvious" places aren't a bad choice. How long are you staying? When you say architecture, can you be more specific?
  6. I was watching Cry Freedom the other day. Quite happy that a journalist fled the country to stand up to his government then.
  7. Yeah, I have heard from people that its a great game, but those are the same people who call certain other games great... so... Also, I'm not into the hole eastern setting.
  8. Well, Jade Empire Special Edition just appeared when I went to GoG. I may actually get around to playing it now
  9. I read that at least the german translations are great compared to the english one?
  10. Melk remember you aren't allowed to play DA3, I'm sure you recall the discussion we had a while ago where you said you never would play another DA game again I was wondering whether you'd remember Don't worry. I won't play it
  11. Don't believe any game will ever be "the ultimate" whatever the genre. that said, I have more faith in the CD Project bettering themselves than I have in bioware breaking out of the rut they have been in.
  12. It was worth it for me for Jaime actually. I like how he is evolving. And then there is the scene with Slynt And my favourid quote:
  13. *cough*guantanamo*cough* https://www.change.org/petitions/president-obama-close-detention-facility-at-guantanamo-bay-2
  14. Nothing much. Finished Expeditions: Conquistador the other day. Now that I finished it the patch was released Trying to play Remember Me. Always nd up playign soemthing else though. Guess that says a lot about the game... So I finished Go Home Dinosaurs! On my second playthrough of SR3. Trying out Evoland and Reus.
  15. Honestly? the private person has about the same right to do that as some government twerp on the other side of the globe ina country, on a continent I never visited, has to snoop through my private life
  16. There is not much "epic" about the Illiad? ... If you are going to use a bastardisation of the word "epic" as used, for example, by the online gaming culture, then please do put in the disclaimer. Αμόρφωτοι άνθρωποι... θα μας πούνε και τι είναι έπος και τί δεν είναι. Άι σιχτίρ
  17. Well, we all are hoping that Feast is the low point. But Dance isn't that much better.
  18. With a Feast for Crows you have to make a decission. Are you still intereste in reading the following books? Then force yourself through it. Are you happy saying "It was a fun right up until here but thats it" then stop. A Dance with Dragons has Daenarys and Tyrion, but both go into a waiting loop while GRRM messes about with characters noone cares about.
  19. I'd be interested in hearing them
  20. This is without a doubt the worst thing I've ever seen parading around as a protip. Then I envy you
  21. Now all we have to look forward to is Dany lying on the bed of a hotel, ventilator keeping the heat out, its sound reminiscant of dragons soaring over battlefields and her pondering: "Mereen... ****; I'm still only in Mereen... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the Dothraki Sea. When I was home after my first conquest, it was worse. [grabs at flying insect] I'd wake up and there'd be nothing. I hardly said a word to my brother, until I said "yes" to his execution by coronation. When I was here, I wanted to be there; when I was there, all I could think of was getting back to the Seven Kingdoms. I'm here a week now... waiting for a dragon... getting softer. Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker, and every minute the Lannisters squat on the Iron Throne, they get stronger. Each time I looked around the walls moved in a little tighter."
  22. I have been hunting this bee. Since yesterday. It somehow keeps comming inside the house, even though I checked and there doesn't seem to be a hole in the insect screens in the windows or I even close the windows. I am an architect, so it's not as if I had no clue about windows and couldn't think of a thousand points where an insect could crawl into a house. Yesterday I kicked out this bee four times. Today when I woke up and opened the curtains, it was sitting on the outside of the window pane, between window and insect screen. When I went out for a coffee with a friend, as I returned and made to unlock the door, the bee came aflying and landed on my shoe expectantly. It just came back in and pretty casually let me throw it out again. I write this as I wait for the bee to return.
  23. I've decided to just go and re-read Ash: A Secret History. I'll get my dirty, bloody, medival violence there.
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