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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Still playing some Defiance. They just fixed a bug that had completly overpowered a certain gun, so now it may become more fun again. Joined a clan and it is a lot more enjoyable being able to chat to people and runa round in a group. Playing Dungeon of the Endless and working on the wiki for that. Trying to finally finish The Last Remnant, but like so many jRPGs it just doesn't want to end Recorded a boss fight and put the video up on youtube (but just ingame sound). It is a shame that most of the difficuly later on seems to merely be non-stop AoE spam. Haven't played Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe in a while, so feel like diving in there again. Played some Full Mojo Rampage. Nice sense of humour and wierd. Playing some Puzzle Quest as it was going dead cheap and I still had cash from my card sales.
  2. The other problem is my compulsion to persuade everyone
  3. On another note: Full Mojo Rampage on Steam: 50% off -> From 18.99 € down to 9.49€ Full Mojo Rampage (steam key) on the Humble Store: 50% off -> From $12.99 down to $6.49 = 4.76€ and 10% off that to charity... Something is wrong here.
  4. If finding terrible QTEs to not qualify as proper gameplay makes me rigid, then call me Mr. Rigid I enjoyed choose your own adventure books. I never labeled them as games though. Just a different, interactive book experience. Same goes for these telltale products. I feel that they chose the closest label they could and called it games, but without it completly fitting the label - they could hardly tell people to buy their interactive-media-experience-thingie though.
  5. I think that was the worst movie I ever saw. Or at the very best tied with The Hulk. I will never forgive the person who suggested we watch it in the cinema. Him and the two jokers who dragged me to watch Terminator 3.
  6. Depends on the game as well. Syndicate I suck at now. Dungeon Keeper I am still doing fine.
  7. I never did that final bit. I can beat the boss just fine. Once you figure it out it is fairly easy. But that final bit? Nah, I got better things to do with my time.
  8. Still have the following coupons: Evoland 50% Off (expires Jan 28) Endless Space 50% Off Endless Space Disharmony DLC 50% Off
  9. My experience with old games usually is that I used to be good at them and can't get past the first half hour anymore now
  10. I thought I read something like that on wiki, but I can't find the link now
  11. I cannot tell with absolute certainty, but it does appear that Oner is excited about Bloodnet being on gog.
  12. If you can put up with the old gameplay. Hate to say it, but while we may have enjoyed it back then... gameplay did evolve and sometimes to the better
  13. The first two are Dungeon of the Endless. The third is Speedball 2 HD.
  14. Which you can do for new releases, so it is silly to take the option out of the other tabs.
  15. Is that how it works with the whole wood thing, I thought the floating was just a sign of a witch and not indicating witches are made of wood ? http://listverse.com/2012/07/27/10-tests-for-guilt-used-at-the-salem-witch-trials/ And if it is good enough for King Arthur...
  16. Got through the three levels in the early access alpha version of Dungeon of the Endless. Quite a lot of fun.
  17. Were I to float, I'd have to be made of wood and therefor weigh as much as a duck, no?
  18. 1) I'm not dressed as a witch 2) I didn't turn anybody into a newt (and if I did, they wouldn't get better) 3) I'm not made of wood 4) I don't weight the same as a duck
  19. Went to the doctor to have some stitches removed. Dermatologist had wanted to removal a mole... or dysplastic nevus or what they call it. It worried her during check up. The biopsy is back, will go again tomorrow so she can talk me through the findings. Apparently the short version is: I do not have skin cancer. It was a good thing they removed the thing though because the cells were being dodgy and the doc thinks I would have gotten skin cancer if they hadn't. So, yay Now I have to go to bi-annual check ups... tl;dr: I didn't think I had cancer and it turns out I was right
  20. I don't even know what a Sod Off is.
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