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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I have so much other stuff to play. This time I'll really try not to buy anything. Honest!
  2. And then you really have to squeeze even more out of Act 2 or the final Act 3 will be even more frustrating :/
  3. Escher inspired levels are quite common in gaming. Somehow though I am never tired of them.
  4. Something Keyrock and Indira may like, among other people: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=260022069 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=259871560 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=259871711
  5. Played some Violett. I love the art style and the game could be really fun. But, it is one of those adventure games that has you wondering what the hell the devs want you to do. The fact that it follows the machinarium logic of only some sketches as dialogue and has no feedback from the protagonist other than shaking her head, can lead to quite a bit of frustration. Especially when you then check the hint feature and see that exactly what you had tried to do is what you should have done, just that you did not swipe the mouse the right way. But mostly you are left wondering what the f! you are doing. I'll be trying to play it in small bouts. I want to like the game.
  6. Add to that, that you can't read at your leasure but may have a timer to create urgency when selecting your reply, which still though creates a large enough gap of the other person just staring at you between responses, that breaks the immersion a well voiceacted dialogue is supposed to provide.
  7. Oooh. Today's Daily Humble Bundle is rather nice. Though noticed it late, only under 3 hours left apparently: Sacred 2 Gold Edition Saint's Row the Third Saints Row 2 and Risen 2 Pay more than sixsumthin: SR3 DLC pack. and loads of other stuff...
  8. I quit reading Eurogamer reviews a long time ago :/
  9. Supposedly this summer. I guess Soon. Sometime this year anyway.
  10. Well I am a Weresheep, so I guess Original Sin. I have pre-ordered Van Helsing 2 because I really like Neocore. Other than that... Dead State I guess?
  11. Some people on my friend list have. I'll ask. Generally I like those devs. Skywards Collapse was awesome.
  12. All I remember is that even though they have the word gear in the title, they had a disappointing lack of steampunk gremlin inventors
  13. Only that for you every game that isn't The Witcher is great
  14. Though great looking is the only positive thing one can say about that garbage.
  15. Does this belong in this discussion? http://www.dailydot.com/geek/new-gamer-girls-geek-lad-mag-porn/
  16. I got the impression of devs who only ever played WoW when it comes to MMOs, then stopped playing WoW and decided to make their own version.
  17. Greenman Gaming has this code: ALFIS4-GRATZ0-025GMG giving 25% off for the duration of the weekend.
  18. On an unrelated note. For people who play Endless Space, Endless Legend or Dungeon of the Endless: if you have an amplitude studios forum account, could I ask you for your vote in this poll: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?28733-Poll-Faction-Creation-Competition-Quest-1-the-Biography The Flayers would appreciate your support Thank you for your time
  19. Not many games have such a good justification for their existence
  20. Finished my first playthrough of Loren the Amazon Princess. I am a bit ambivalent about the game. It is a turn based RPG meets visual novel. It took me a while to get used to either part. The Bad: Typos and other typing errors (a word typed twice) appear a bit too often for a game that focuses on story telling. Hypersexualized (apparently that is the word to describe them) characters can get a bit on your nerves and make you wonder what eactly you are playing at times A brainwashed player character and an unlikeable main npc (Loren - I want to slap her). Re-used background images. In the dlc quest, doing things out of order can lead to some dialogue triggering when it shouldn't. The Good: Romances are completly optional, mostly initiated by the PC and the romance choices are clearly labeled as such. The only flirting that is not initiated by the PC seems to be by an optional NPC, who teases the player to make them feel uncomfortable - so not romancy boohoo why don't you love me. The game tries to build in quite a few choices. Some of them even good. Personal quests for most party members (the 9 main ones, not the 4 dlc ones). Overall I had fun, but the game isn't for everyone.
  21. The Humble Store has a Spring Sale, including flash sales. For another 3 hours or so Saints Row IV is going dead cheap. (so are a lot of other games)
  22. There are two games that I know of with a similar mechanic, but probably neither is the one you're looking for: The Company of Myself The Swapper Life Goes On is the game you are looking for.
  23. I don't have a problem telling them It is a shame if people need to be under influence to create. But I have very specific people in mind with the comment you quoted. I have no understanding whatsoever for those who see getting extremly drunk as the only viable way of having fun.
  24. I regret paying that much Humanoid. But being a teetotaller myself at least I know that other people waste as much on alcohol instead of supporting creativity
  25. Sacred 3 is comming out later this year. Hope it's good.
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