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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. And Van Helsing II stopped working again. Re-verify installation. restart steam yada yada to get it to work again. Bug ridden mess at the moment it seems. Good game if it decides to run. Forum full of people complaining about crashes. So keep away until they patch it. They gave a Steam achievement and extra goodies for NOT pre-ordering on Steam. The concept is boggling... Especially considering that on their own site they are stil selling Steam keys.
  2. Verifyed game cache. Plays fine now. Didn't play long yet. First impressions: Gameplay so far is pretty much the same as the previous game. As that was working just fine, I am happy with it. Lady Katarina is just as loveable as in the last game. Getting all three classes to choose from is nice - I had played the first game before the dlc came out. Import of old characters is probably going to get fixed tomorrow. Played through the tutorial intro. Then was faced with a choice of two ways of how to proceed: accept the help from a stranger or proceed on my own? Katarina is very clear what she would do, but in the first game we saw how good her advice was Couldn't decide so taking a break to write this I like choices. Seeing a choice this early on in the game is nice.
  3. On another note: Intro retells the story through the photographs on the map - the loadscreen of the previous game. Nice touch. The game picks up right after the final battle of the first game: And you find a mysterious stranger with trust issues:
  4. Stealth Elf heading into the Carnivorous Catacombs: Where she encounters undead (big surprise!) That need to be killed with fire. So Flameslinger comes to help They find loot that would interest Trigger Happy Dinorang gets lost in a maze: In the end Hex, being kinda a local, finds the way out
  5. Not playing Van Helsing II. First I couldn't import my previous character. Then, when I tried to start from scratch, the game crashes after the intro. Yay
  6. And the old Age of Wonders and Divinity games are the current weekly humble bundle.
  7. Democracy 3 50% off on steam Dawn of War franchise sale 50% off on steam And just for Drudanae they are also selling the Witcher 2 at 80% off again
  8. That's how it was in the first Wolf3D many many moons ago
  9. A random collection of stuff to counter Indira's Wolfensteiness:
  10. If you are starting to post Wolfenstein screenshots, I better start playing cute stuff again to balance things out
  11. In World of Warcraft for example, Blizzard used pretty unimpressive parts to make a pleasing whole. They care about graphics, they do not care to have the ingame graphics be cutting edge - they seem to rather prefer everyone to be able to play the game. Or at least back then. I have no clue how D3 is graphic wise (or any other wise) as it does not interest me. Back on topic of SpaceCiv. I didn't have much hope and what I had I lost when I read the sentence "f you look back at Alpha Centauri and how it’s a companion to Civ 2, or is it Civ 3? It’s a very good companion to those games but I think what we brought to the table with this game is what we’ve learned in the decade since we made that." It seems they had no understanding of what exactly made Alpha Centauri the game it was and the game that attracted such a dedicated following. Seems Firaxis is going to devolve into that: making "remakes" of old successes without understanding what those games were. SpaceCiv and Alpha Centauri, XCOM and XCOM (you can enjoy it and even I may play it again, but it is a completly different game from what the franchise was). They see the story, but do not grasp the game.
  12. NumLock and CapsLock say that if you have issues with their brother, you better be prepated to have issues with them as well - you mess with one of them, you mess with the whole LockGang.
  13. Screenshoting in Steam doesn't work perfectly for me. I have to press the key repeatedly or hold it for a while for the screenshot to go through. But unlike Print Screen, which may return a completly black screenshot, it always gives me a screenshot when it decides to work. The only thing I found to work reliably are third party software, such as Fraps.
  14. Or if he was 10 years old or something like that
  15. I'd like a nice RPG set in a Necromunda Hive City. It would eliminate the trouble of trying to balance things into the game like Space Marines, while allowing for a rich and diverse environment full of intrigue, violence and battles against all odds. And that would just be the character trying to get out of an underhive drinking hole to start the adventure.
  16. What Defiance the TV show really needs next season is more Dark Matter. They may have shtako for brains, but at least they are more fun than the tv drama dressed up as sci-fi. And EMC biomen could have been made (again in the show) more menacing as well and less like a comic relief. Still safe behind their bullet-proof glass And chasing them down. Bullet proof-glass is useless when you leave the door open...
  17. And open world events are some of the most fun to be had in online games.
  18. PC never had the lag issues XBOX had, so I can't comment When Incursions were first added, you had 80+ players in one spot. Enemies died before they even spawned. That has quieted down some now that a lot of players moved on to different content - running Expert Co-ops for Chimera rep.
  19. They added some scaling mechanics, so you do get stronger. And the more players are around, the stronger the enemies. You now have armour plating which slowly deteriorates (and gets repaired at a new box next to the ammo boxes) as your armor takes damage. Grenades now function mostly like Borderlands: you equip the type you want and collected generic 'nade ammo. You get spikes to set a small aoe buff and stims for healing and combat buffs. Incursions are the new big thing like sieges and arkfalls - a series of roadside emergencies that lead up to a siege once they ahve all been beaten. Arkbreaks are instanced arkfalls called down by players. Minor ones can be soloed, major ones need a team of ideally 24 players. I am probably forgetting stuff. But I think those are the major changes.
  20. Played a couple of hours of Defiance after a long break. Had some fun actually. Probably why two hours passed when I was just going to quickly finish this and log off.
  21. The gameplay is a real shame as the game had quite a bit of potential otherwise.
  22. Strategy First sale on Steam. It means some realy nice old games are going dead cheap. Sacred Gold -85% -> 1.49 Ghost Master -> 0.49 Among others.
  23. Hehe. If you give it another chance, try to approach it more as a small unit tactics thingy. The game is all about combat. And the various puzzle bits of course. But mainly it is about surviving each battle. For what it is, it is a rather good game.
  24. GreenMan Gaming (GMG) has XCOM 75% off. I have a love-hate relationship with the game. I find it is a prime example of "dumbed down for console", haing everything streamlined, with fancy abilities and a simpler action system. But it is pretty and I like my troopers in the game a lot
  25. Third attempt at playing Violett. Not sure there'll be a fourth.
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