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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. They doused it in Nuka Cola. It's what Egyptians used to embalm mummies after all.
  2. I always thought that if you are going to have one part noticeably better trained than the rest, it would make sense for it to be the legs that have to carry all of that rest.
  3. Tried teleportation. Didn't work either. Will try telekinesis today. Might also try some astral projection. If you suddenly see me standing in your living room, please let me know that it worked.
  4. Today I tried rubbing my palms together fast and long enough to create flames. It didn't work. But you'll never notice if you have spontaneously developed super powers unless you do random checks. Tomorrow I may try teleportation once more.
  5. Marking this day on the Mordheim Calendar: Lobt, the serial amnesiac marauder, did not go out of action this battle. It is the first time this happens since he joined the warband. Edit: Also his feet mutated into claw feet, giving him a bonus on charge and ambush range. I also looted a greatsword of Defiance, which gives another bonus to those. Now he can outrun a Skaven.
  6. The Purple Toe went on yet another run. This time, the perpetually stuck at level 0 serial Amnesiac (he got hit on the head, three missions in a row, suffering Amnesia three missions in a row and forgetting his XP) had been equipped with a Helmet of Memory he had forgotten he looted last run. It protected him of Amnesia. That is not to say he didn't fall unconscious - he does THAT every fight - but he had a Full Recovery instead of the usual Amnesia and finally held onto his experience and got to level 1. Lieferd the Darksoul was less lucky. His skull got fractured and left him rather... stupid. Good thing he has fairly high intelligence and may pass the stupidity checks.
  7. Think I'll play some more Mordheim tonight. Last run with the Purple Toe was probably the most nerve wrecking yet awesome fight I have had in this game. The Toe were hugging around a mansion, trying to sneak up on some Sisters of Sigmar. Fluffy the Chaos Spawn saw a scout and pounced on her. The rest of the Toe rushed after him. But it was a trap, the novice only a distraction. The other Sisters came in from behind. They took out my Marauder. They took out my Darksoul. They took out Fluffy. Radburn the Mutant tried to hold out, but even he went down. Only Magister Witold and his two Brethren remained standing. In a surge of what can only be madness, Witold placed himself between his archers and the warrior nuns. And somehow the three of them managed to hold fast and prevail. Read: after some real bad luck and the RNG hating me, somehow I managed to pass all Rout Checks, not flee the battlefield and stay alive long enough to take out enough Sisters to force them to rout. Even better: Full Recoveries all around!
  8. Bird watching. Or batwatching. Or whatever-is-flying-over-Mordheim-watching
  9. Remember that spear wielding chaos mutant? Of course you do! He will wield spears no more. His arm mutated into... something kinda disgusting:
  10. The thought behind respawns was exactly as you suspected. At first story missions didn't have the respawns and people were complaining about the tedious running up and down the map searching for quest items etc. The devs failed to realize that in a game with hardly any healing, the respawns would only make the tediousness worse. For at least two missions the respawns are now being removed again next patch. Because when those annoying respawns happen to be Damonettes (ignore parry, high crit chance, high armour penetration, spell that causes stupidity), then those missions cease being tedious and annoying, and become truly messed up. And yeah, the story missions have their own set of maps. Though maps are shared between the stories of the different warbands. If you ever get stupidity on an important warrior, get Guidance on someone else. I currently seem to mostly get Amnesia on my injury rolls. Trying to level people up, but they keep forgetting what they were just doing.
  11. Makes sense And there are always the customization options for boots, sleeves, belts...
  12. The blue Light Armour is nice. Two formulas is great. And the wyrdstone haul make that mission more than worth it. Question: you are using the default colours?
  13. Hurlshot got Mordheim. I wonder what he'll think of it
  14. The 1983-1985 version or the 2009 version? About the only good thing about the 2009 version was Morena Baccarin trying her damnedest to save that trainwreck of a series via acting her ass off and looking smoking hot with the pixie haircut. The old one
  15. Today I am starting preparations for my XCOM 2 playthrough. Got the Complete Collection of V on DVD. The plan is to watch the last episode as the game downloads
  16. It's not the most practical mutation. That's for sure. Can't wear armour anymore. At least it gives him a nice initiative bonus.
  17. Pink Horror of Tzeentch properly splits now? That is good to hear. It is the easiest daemon though. Bloodletters and Daemonettes are the real terrors. And Plaguebearers are nasty as well.
  18. I don't think the warhammer world ever had different stats based on gender.
  19. Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight! Hmm, the enemy is trying to sneak through that building. And there is loot in there too. Let's see if I can circle around and ambush them as they try to ambush me. Oh, two enemies! Let's try that door over there that seems to be ajar. Now to tiptoe to the staircase and take out the one upstairs before the other one notices me.
  20. Went hunting for wyrdstone. First run was rather uneventful. A small group of my Sisters ran into trouble with some mercenaries and one of the girls had to rest for a couple of days afterwards, but we came out having secured a sizable amount of wyrdstone and without any lasting injuries. Next run should have gone even better. We were hunting down a rival band of sisters who had gone astray. It was going perfect. We had smashed through half their warband, taking out their Sister Superior, Purifier and Augur without any casualties ourselves. Now normal foes would have run. These were fanatics though. With only the Matriarch and one Novice standing, they bashed my ow Sister Superior's head in, before they too fell to the righteous wrath of Sigmar's true faithful. Seriously bad luck. They pass one leadership check after the other. Both the Rout Checks and the All Alone tests, succeed in all attack rolls and I fail the parry, then get "death" on the injury roll. RNG had it in for me
  21. Finished ICY. It is a good game. The story is quite good. But the game is short. Under 4 hours. It has multiple endings, so I may have to try it again at some point.
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