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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. That's when I tried to do mine and it took ~50 mins
  2. Central keeps shouting at you that enemy interceptors are inbound,and that your pilot will have to pull out or be shot down
  3. Before I go to bed. For the Mordheim players: Today's patch has really improved load times.
  4. The Anatomy of an Ambush And when their reinforcements show up
  5. XCOM 2 Post #1 Hack n' Slash When the smoke clears... ... Advent goes flying Cutting it close
  6. Dawn of War 2 that had the Steam installer
  7. Yeah, been unpacking for 45 minutes now. The pre-load is like cake...
  8. Imgur is not uploading all my screenshots. So you are cheated of more Mordheim wyrdstoneness
  9. My Smuggler got Brain Trauma First fight she kept running from the Skaven. She got cornered, but swapping to sword and dagger, and with help from a Sister Superior and Purifier, she cut a swath through the rats. Second fight she sighted the cult Magister. She took aim and shot true, crippling and stunning him as the skirmish's opening act. She placed a powder trap to cover her retreat, yet the Marauder just danced around it and with his sword arm, slicey dicey... and then the Chaos Spawn came bounding around the other corner and everything went black for her.
  10. Trying out the new hired swords in Mordheim. My Sisters have hired on a gun-totting smuggler in a conquistador outfit.
  11. It's just one soldier with some special look. Similar to how their previous game had the old UFO haircut as a dlc.
  12. I'll play some before going to bed and report first impressions for you. That's what I call sacrifice
  13. Purple Toe fought some Sisters of Sigmar outside the ruins of a nobleman's mansion. A lot of pain all around, but the Toe's archers managed to cover the severely wounded who needed to slink of into the shadows, while Fluffy bounced around slicing the weakened nuns to ribbons. Victory without any casualties was a surprise - there were some really close calls.
  14. GMG just send me my key. Nice that they did manage to send them out early enough
  15. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=614662048 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=365306428
  16. Finally got around to completing Boo Bunny Plague. This game makes Saints Row 3 and 4 seem serious. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
  17. Arcen laying off devs https://arcengames.com/great-work-on-starward-rogue-team-now-youre-all-laid-off/
  18. @keyrock Guess we are the two regular screenshooters who play games that may otherwise have gone underneath people`s radars, so in memory we merge into one person I should resume regular mordheim screenshooting tonight.
  19. Satellite Reign still going for a tenner in the Humble Store. Daylight robbery that is.
  20. You must be lost if you ended up back in TOR
  21. I didn't care much for Ignus. Dak'kon was one of me fave npcs of all times though.
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