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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. has a more dystopian sci-fi ring to it for sure.
  2. You looking to buy, Bruce?
  3. Actually the soles are exactly the same. It is only the top details that are different. Mostly why I didn't notice the difference. But I am getting the other half of the pairs as well.
  4. I was mentioning to Shady that I need a holiday. I started jogging a couple of weeks ago. And it took me two weeks to notice that the store clerk had boxed two different shoes. Shoes that I had been wearing for my runs for two weeks. Yesterday I went out to grab takeaway dinner. Came home went into the kitchen to grab a drink with it, and found the dinner waiting for me that I had planned to have but had forgotten.
  5. I see you avoiding my posts in the future - I am a bad influence
  6. Went out to see a friend. Came back at 3am to hear an alarm bleeping. Gas leak. Yay.
  7. Played some more Ghost of a Tale. I enjoy stealthin' around, but I seem to have to go most places anyway for the quests. I would have liked there to be two or even three approaches to reach the top of the watchtower. Not my options to be: do I take my time to sneak past the rat guard, do I run past them and hope to get out of sight before he can catch me, or do I sneak up to them and hit them over the head with a bottle? The costumes/disguises are fun. I enjoy how they can provide different conversations with NPCs. But I am not sure how optional they are. I hope they add options and are not just a requirement to proceed with the game, the way pirate costume is.
  8. It all makes sense now, L'Knife
  9. I think I'll preempt some political posts that may just end up rearing their heads on this forum, where people have strong opinions and aren't afraid to voice them. Anarchist groups in Greece have a thing about squatting. There are some by now "traditional" occupied buildings in the major cities. There is an old factory building Thessaloniki, that my generation can't even remember not being occupied. This year, with the many many refugees, some of these squats were turned into shelters by the groups. Some of these specific squats were raided yesterday by riot police. They did not raid squats that were not housing refugees. They raided a squat where the owner was actually in talks with the group to legally / nominally "rent" them the space, as she was not opposed to its use as a shelter. The old orphanage in my neighbourhood was raided and bulldozed down. The church had a building they had no interest in leveled. so that it could not be used for housing refugees. So if you hear any outcry from left(ist) groups over what is happening here, it is not about the legality of squatting or the concept of ownership. The outcry is how the current (left?) government is systematically targeting charities and individuals who try to help refugees. /end of your political public service message
  10. There is that moment in games when you meet a quest giver and they start asking for stuff, and you are just "Oh, yeah, I got that. And that. And that too." because you have been exploring too much. "Bring us a rat guard's handkerchief." "Any specific guard's? Because I threw them all in my satchel and am not sure which belonged to which guard.."
  11. Finally got past the jump that was giving me so much trouble in Ghost of a Tale, only to find out it let to an optional collectible. With the time I wasted it is now dark and the npcs I wanted to talk to are asleep. I'll fool around and see if I can steal a few more handkerchiefs from the rat guards while I wait for dawn.
  12. Ghost of a Tale It is in early access, meaning it has quite a few bugs still and only a quarter of the game is playable right now. As is, it already seems to be a great stealth game. Check my post here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87282-what-are-you-playing-right-now/?p=1830822 Currently I am stuck at this stupid jump, trying to climb the outside of a ruined keep. I never was good at jumping.
  13. So looking at the Ghost of a Tale early access plan, I read this and was quite impressed: "We estimate that Ghost of a Tale will be in early access for up to six months (though of course this is subject to change). We are a very small team (one person does 90% of art and coding) and we’ll need that time to complete the game, test and localize it."
  14. And you collect different outfits during the game. I have the first items for the pirate outfit and the boots for the thief outfit so far.
  15. Just did a no comments video for the first few minutes: https://youtu.be/MZi535Q-dLI
  16. Upcoming: Screenshots that will be especially liked by: Keyrock
  17. Lost twice against the Sharkatrix in Anarcute. I know how to beat him, just haven't managed to pull it off yet. Maybe try it when I am not tired.
  18. Moderators are one of those cases where once they get in they can keep their job, since they are the ones handling the complaints about themselves.
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