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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. Seems like a Flash Gordon feel.
  2. Sims 3. (Don't have decent pirate clothes, the hat is a mod)
  3. Hey Keyrock, look what I made. I also made Risky.
  5. Nice use of the delete button there smartass. I've already gave my opinions in this thread. Instead of attacking people and calling them racists and such, debate the points we present and avoid ad hominems.
  6. Boy, people sure want to prove how non-racists and non-prejudiced they are.
  7. Conservatives in her country don't like her either. They wouldn't personally shoot her, but they don't like her babbling too much.
  8. Those Space Heroics are hard, even with all the ship powers.
  9. No, to be critical of Israel is to be considered a Nazi by some. No one in here is anti-islam.
  10. I had a huge falling out with one of my best friends because his wife consistently passed along chain letters that often included critiques of Islam which basically showed that their "march of peace" demonstrations involved grabbing guns and killing people, and how passing **** like that on only makes things worse. That's just sad.
  11. Oh please, stop exaggerating, criticizing Islam is not the same as being an enemy of it. That's like saying I'm a Nazi for criticizing Israel. Which I do. I am talking more about a matter of perspective. From the perspective of a person living in a country where there is no freedom of the press, opening up a western newspaper and reading criticisms of Islam comes across as much more threatening towards their way of life. Couple that with the outright lies that many extremists groups propagate, it is very easy to understand why Muslims throughout the Islamic world believe the biggest threat to them is the West. The path to peace requires peace, understanding, and acceptance on all sides. Criticism has its time and place, and it isn't at the start of the discussion. Their culture's destiny is in their hand. I am not responsible for the use of criticism in order to fuel their ire.
  12. Oh please, stop exaggerating, criticizing Islam is not the same as being an enemy of it. That's like saying I'm a Nazi for criticizing Israel. Which I do.
  13. Use it however you wish.
  14. I agree that we can't take blame off the individuals, but their actions are validated by a supposed holy book.
  15. Yeah, happily marxist ideology never spawned terror. If you read Marx, you'll know all the communist dictators broke the number one rule. You're not supposed to skip Capitalism to get to Socialism. So, when people misunderstood Marx, he should be forgiven, but when the same thing happens to prophet Mohammed, he shouldn't? JA JA SICK BUR-no. There's little way to misinterpret "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks." (4:86) While something like "Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex." -Marx- Only **** misinterpret that. "Muhammed should be for..." You do realize that he married a six year old girl right? Are you guys gonna hamster this so much just because you don't want to seem as "racists"?
  16. Yeah, happily marxist ideology never spawned terror. If you read Marx, you'll know all the communist dictators broke the number one rule. You're not supposed to skip Capitalism to get to Socialism.
  17. Huh, would a Caliph really be good? I could see this going both ways.
  18. I wouldn't say crap, but trying to draw morals from a merchant and a warlord from more than millennium ago is not a good idea.
  19. http://www.thehindu.com/news/blast-at-buddhist-temple-in-indonesia/article4991186.ece Wrong, Indonesia is one of the most intolerant places on the planet. Imagine Missisipi but with less law and less control, where it's ok to attack people ON THE SUSPICION they may have insulted Islam.
  20. Imperialism calmed Christianity down. Reformation lead to quite a lot of bloodshed on Religious grounds. Well yes, but in the long run it did.
  21. If fundamentalists are doing these things. Then there must be something fundamentally wrong with the religion. Reformations, spits and multiple sects have calmed Christianity down. Although we should still be cautious about American Fundamentalists as they can easily become terrorists as well.
  22. Man, that damn Dread Palace.
  23. You gotta believe. It's too bad we won't see voiced or animations, but maybe it's better that way. And that extra Risky subplot sounded fun too.
  24. Act 3 is the worst.
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