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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. Pretty much this - though the people biting his bait is more funny. I think we know whose alt oby is
  2. It's fully their choice to follow what they believe in. And it's fully our choice to laugh at them for that. You know you sound like an asshat right?
  3. Such a man you are Cultist. Way above those neckbeards.
  4. American's won't allow Shaira Law, it's not even debatable here.
  5. And what is your issue with egalitarianism?
  6. What? Are you saying that the Earth belongs to us all? and that borders and cultures are social constructs that divide humanity? Commie.
  7. After your previous diatribe towards me for failing to answer your question in a different thread, I find this response positively hilarious. I'll take your answer as a "no." Lets go on a journey with this. Is it safe to say that you are a contributor to the "failure of multiculturalism?" What do you want, for me to learn a foreign language while I live in the states? Which one? Ok, I want to learn Japanese. Happy? As for you, don't bite his obvious bait.
  8. After your previous diatribe towards me for failing to answer your question in a different thread, I find this response positively hilarious. I'll take your answer as a "no." Lets go on a journey with this. Is it safe to say that you are a contributor to the "failure of multiculturalism?" Alright Alanchu, there's no need to use ad hominems and get short with him. I don't agree about his views on multiculturalism, but I don't try to subtly dismiss him as conservative rambling like you do. Debate the points, not the person.
  9. To be fair, in God's country, English isn't the official language. We have no official language, unofficially it's English, but it's still unofficial. In fact two states have another language besides English which is part of the State's heritage or something. New Mexico and Louisiana. Take a guess at what the other language for those two states are. It's too late to try make it a official it at a Federal level as well. Bull****. The least a person can do when immigrating here is learn the predominant language. That's English. Any other country expects the same. But you first said to adapt completely to the culture, now just the language? Make up your mind.
  10. To be fair, in God's country, English isn't the official language. We have no official language, unofficially it's English, but it's still unofficial. In fact two states have another language besides English which is part of the State's heritage or something. New Mexico and Louisiana. Take a guess at what the other language for those two states are. It's too late to try make it a official it at a Federal level as well.
  11. And just what is american culture? This? Because I'll embrace peyote and horse riding.
  12. The woman's belly clearly endangered the life of the officer. How was he gonna come home to his family that night if a pregnant woman was acting all confrontational? Besides, his superiors found that the use of force was warranted. Pregnant women think they can get a pass, she could be hiding many molotov ****tails under that shirt. Remember in the God Blessed U.S. of A, officer safety trumps all. And we, as citizens, don't find any fault in that, thank God. Don't listen to ****ing libtards.
  13. I think they signed their non-funding with her.
  14. You don't want your fans to hate you? Don't make crap games.
  15. I'm looking forward to post apocalyptic Bauw-stun. "Park the Cah in Hahvahd Yard"
  16. Bethesda makes Fallout in the East Coast and Obsidian in the West Coast. That's the deal.
  17. It's certainly something. A show who's message is "The human body is beautiful and fascism is bad".
  18. Hey Wals, I tried to continue our side conversation, but you disabled messages?
  19. Same here, can't use it for crap.
  20. So anybody play the new telltale Bigby Wolf game? I would, but I'm put off for the Fable series. Especially after the main character gave a speech on how great Israel is and how bad abortion is.
  21. Hey Oky, you do realize you're crossing into racist territory? Even if you're trolling, taking the "mah white slavic nationalism" will not get you very far.
  22. No one can hear you lose in space.
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