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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I don't personally care who ripped off who. What I care about is now that Slitherine own the Warhammer 40k license, will they make Dawn of War III like DoW II: Retribution where you can do the campaign as any race/faction? I hope so, because I want to be the incredibly awesome Orks rather than being forced to play as crummy Space Marines again. Waaaagh!
  2. The combat doesn't really get much better if at all, it's easily the weakest part of that game. What made me a fan of that game was the way it subverted some fantasy tropes (albeit, it definitely goes along with others), but mostly it was seeing the consequence of a decision I made 5 hours earlier come slapping me in face in a way I didn't see coming.
  3. Project is over 2.6 million now. It seems to have stabilized at around 50k per day. If it continues at that rate that would bring it to about 3.7 million or so. As long as they keep doing good updates 2 or 3 times a week, as promised, I don't see any reason it would dip below that rate. With the usual surge during the last 2 or 3 days, I think it will eclipse 4 million, and 4.5 million, or even 5 million, are still not out of the question.
  4. NMA.TV has done a tone of great stuff over the last few years, but this... this... The Pope, Dennis Rodman, and Richard Simmons in NBA Jam? Richard Simmons being "on fire" and Rodman putting him out with a fire hose? They can't possibly top this. This is their magnum opus:
  5. Telepath Tactics - Fire Emblem style strategy RPG for Windows, Mac, and Linux. They immediately got my attention when they invoked the name "Fire Emblem", which is one of my favorite series, on account of being awesome. On top of that, the project has a low entry point ($10) and a playable demo. /downloads demo
  6. Same here. Also, the part about stepping into other people's bodies and being able to mess with their lives for good, bad, gain, or just mischief? **** yes! This just keeps sounding better and better. I really hope they can pull all this off.
  7. Okay, now I'm really REALLY REALLY excited about the setting and story! Also, Ziets speaks! When does Ziets speak? I must be there when Ziets speaks! Edit: The update is live now. Here's the text portion: The "apology" video was posted before but here it is again:
  8. Is it the industry, or the general gaming population, that wants this? I have been happy with graphics for a long time now but I feel like I am somewhat unique in this regard among my friends. To be fair, too, there are certainly "old classics" that I have a hard time going back to due to how dated they look. Nostalgia can help me look past it, but if it is a game I didn't play at the time, it can be hard sometimes. Same here, while I'm certainly not opposed to beautiful graphics and they can certainly add to my experience, it's hardly the dominant benchmark I rate games by, in fact it's very far down the list. Look at a game like Mount & Blade. It looks like a PS2 game, yet I think it's a fantastic game. I do ultimately think that it's in large part due to the general gaming public that TEH GRAFX seem to be so important these days, which is ironic since we've reached the point where a designer can put pretty much anything into a game and make it look believable and even have fine details. How much more is is throwing however many more shader cores and vertex pipelines and such at our games going to enhance immersion and enjoyment? In my opinion "flat" graphics are rapidly approaching maximum capacity. The next level of immersion lies in virtual reality like Occulus Rift and such.
  9. 100,000 quatloos, a video camera, a basketful of cute kittens**, and two year's worth of kitten chow. **puppies or dwarf hamsters can be substituted upon request I can definitely live with dwarfhamsters, or kittens for that matter, but can I trade them in for rat babies if I win? Look how adorable they are:
  10. Keep up the good work, folks. I can wait an extra week for an update. *grumble grumble*
  11. While, I'm not letting Colin off the hook, even after the "apology", I'm going to put more of the blame on J.R.R. Tolkien for bringing them to the forefront semi-pseudo-recent-ish-esque. I'd like to also blame whatever Germanic tribe thought them up in the first place, but I'm not sure exactly where to point the finger. On a more positive note, this also means Ziets. ZIIIIETS!
  12. Controllers are also massively superior for any driving as compared to m&kb. Driving with m&kb is awkward at best.
  13. So much for keeping my tidy whities clean.
  14. Update 5: Monte Cook talks Numenera and more. ---> Clicky I can see myself as a cunning Nano who blends in with shadows.
  15. I planned to jump into Mask of the Betrayer, then I realized that I'm really close to finishing up Dead Island, so I might as well wrap that up rather than juggling two three games at once. With any luck, I'll finish up Dead Island tonight or tomorrow, then I can dive into Mask of the Betrayer headlong... and inevitably also start playing another game too, so I still wind up juggling three games at once. (King's Bounty is the other game I'm playing... on and off)
  16. Also, I'll be playing Shadowrun Returns likely before that.
  17. Good read. I'm getting more and more interested in the tides system. At first, I thought it was just a drop in replacement for alignments, but it's sounding like a whole lot more than that.
  18. Only as long as they are still available on PayPal. They stated the limited tiers will only be available on PayPal as long as they are available on Kickstarter. They may be available on PayPal for a little bit longer, but just as long as it takes them to notice that the Kickstarter tier has been fully bought out and to make the necessary changes.
  19. Here's the link for PayPal pledging.
  20. PayPal has been up and running for a couple of days now (that's how I made my pledge).
  21. I don't have any questions for you (at the moment), nor do I need to vent, but I do want to give you a hug. /eHugs Brother None
  22. about 5 minutes of gameplay from the prototype, for those interested.
  23. That dude was wielding a shotgun. It makes all the sense in the world for him to close ground and get as close as possible. I will concede that it would have made more sense to come around behind the character so as to bypass cover completely, though that may have been a matter of the amount of AP he had remaining.
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