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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Same thing goes for Fargo. Its like someone cast mass resurrect on the graveyard of gaming. We're going to find out really soon if Fargo still "has it". I personally thought The Bard's Tale (the new one) was fairly enjoyable, albeit thoroughly unspectacular, mostly for its tongue in cheek humor. Wasteland 2 will be the litmus test. The problem with going outside the norm is that 95% of the time it's going to spectacularly fall on its face. While nothing is a sure bet to make money, outside of Call of Duty 83: Modern Warfare 17: Ghost Protocol 3: Elite Unit: Squad Alpha: Classified Ops and Madden's yearly full game price roster update DLC, it seems, because people are sheep, doing retreads of the same tired garbage is a safer bet than going out on a limb. (that's my entry for Run On Sentence of the Year ) It's still thoroughly worth it, in my opinion, for that 5% of the time that going outside the norm does produce something revolutionary, or at least fresh and interesting. I have to sadly agree. Dungeon Keeper was fantastic, as was, to a lesser degree, Populous (for its time, at least), but since then, he's pushed out a steady stream of mediocrity, in my opinion.
  2. That's horrible. My condolences to his family.
  3. Whoa! My fighter grew a beard! Also, extra arms and legs!
  4. I cashed in like a champ tonight. Those past several dungeon runs of mostly striking out on important loot rolls came back around karma style and I was winning rolls like a mad man. I now have purple (aka EPIC LOOTZ!!!1!!1) armor, boots, gauntlets, and a blue (aka semi-EPIC LOOTZ!!1!!1) weapon... and IT'S NOW A SWORD! (It's a club, a giant spiked club). Woohoo! Not a sword!
  5. Playing some more GRID 2. Once I got past the first season, which basically shoved drifting down my throat, the game got 1000% more fun as I finally have access to racing with my beloved (mostly) European grippy precision cars. I'm still early in the game so I'm driving relatively tame cars. My favorite so far is the Alfa Romeo Giulietta. It doesn't have as much power as most of the other cars in its class, and thus doesn't accelerate as well, but it's lighter and is all types of butterlicious through the corners. Not surprisingly, I do the vast majority of my passing under breaking. There are some real pretty tracks in the game. Cote D'Azur, as expected, is ****ing spectacular. Just the thought of ripping through that winding coastal road in a ridiculous beast like the Koenigsegg CXX gives me all type of wood.
  6. #include <scrwjb.h> int getGreedyProfit(void) { if GhostofAnakinBalance >= Price Price = GhostofAnakinBalance + 20; return(Price); }
  7. Got my first piece of EPIC LOOTZ!!11!1!1
  8. I got a lev 60 blue belt, but I didn't like the stats so I sold it in the AH. I've gotten several shards which will eventually beef up a piece of EPIC LOOTZ!!!11!1!11 I'm starting to get Seals of the Drake which I can use to buy EPIC LOOTZ!!!111!1!1, though it will take a while as most items are 60 or more seals and you generally get 1 or 2 per Epic Dungeon. I'm actually enjoying end game dungeon runs. The boss fights are so frantic. Trying to keep all the baddies off the Cleric is difficult because Clerics pull so much aggro.
  9. While I don't hate grid based inventories, list based just seems intuitively easier to sort and categorize. If the grid based system can be set up so that I can easily arrange the items by a number of different parameters with the click of a button then I'm all for it, this just seems easier to achieve with a list based view. In the end, I'm mostly concerned with efficiency, flexibility, and functionality.
  10. /holds hand over thread [Altered Beast] Rise from your grave! [/Altered Beast] Here's a quick video showing off what the inventory screen is going to look like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHN7QTcuqI4 I have to say that I'm very impressed. The way it's set up seems extremely logical, functional, and efficient. I particularly like the 'favorites' feature and the way you can sort by a bunch of different paramaters. Bravo, inXile.
  11. Always interesting to hear things like that. Wonder why they didn't go all the way. The publisher claimed they were tired and had a headache and just wanted to go to sleep.
  12. I've had my eye on this one ever since the Kickstarter campaign. I love the setting and concept. Right now my plate is way too full, but it's definitely something I'll look to scoop up in the future, especially if the feedback is favorable, which it has been so far.
  13. Got a lot on my plate right now: Playing some GRID 2 - It's very much like the original Race Driver: GRID, with a few minor differences. The inexplicably did away with the ****pit cam, which is my preferred view (Help me modders, you're my only hope!), so I have to live with the 'just beyond the windshield' view where your see the front of the hood, as that's the nearest facsimile. There are some really cool and pretty new tracks, including some familiar real world tracks, and a new feature where the game changes the configuration of the track on the fly, so you can't memorize the track and have to fly by the seat of your pants. It's a good game, my biggest gripe being how it shoves drifting down your throat early on. I know some peole like that style of racing, and that's cool and should be represented in the game, but the game essentially forces you to do races with all drift vehicles (Japanese cars tuned for drifting and big ol' American muscle cars that drift because they're big heavy pieces of ****) for a while before you even have the option to drive cars that stick to the road. Still, it's good fun. Besides GRID 2 there's more Neverwinter, more Grim Dawn, and more Wizardry 6.
  14. A party of six Imoens? /cringes It's taller than I'd like, but otherwise I like attempt #2 (the top one). I know a lot of people will disagree, but I'd rather have the portraits smaller so the bar can be shorter and the dialogue could just be written in a slightly smaller font, I don't need to see more than 4 or 5 lines at a time anyway, especially if they include a button or something so that you could pop out the dialogue/message window to full screen in case you want to scroll through it to find something from way back.
  15. Yep, I got the same Skyrim story to tell as the rest of you folks. Occasionally I'll fire up an old game, and quickly enough I get quite bored and stop playing. I had a blast with the game for the first 10-15 hours, but then I grew tired of it and I really have no motivation to go back. This happened in the Oblivion main game too, but I did keep coming back to the Shivering Isles, that area was flat out awesome. I still think the Shivering Isles expansion for Oblivion is the best thing Bethesda has ever developed.
  16. Training rank 3 workers takes soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. I have 1 rank 3 in Mailsmithing and am just over halfway to another. I'll eventually get to rank 3 workers in Leadership. I don't foresee getting anywhere near rank 3 workers in any other profession. Even if I stop playing this game, I'm likely to log on each day just so I can keep accumulating ardent coins so I can get that companion that costs like 350 coins... So, a year from now, basically. Edit: Also, I just did a run of the final 'regular' dungeon, it's full of Mind Flayers and brain dogs and there is a GIGANTIC brain to fight at the end. Our group worked really well together. The regular fights were a cake walk. We only hit one snag, the second to last boss fight. We took the boss down, but there were so many adds, SOOOOOO MANY ADDS, that we just got overwhelmed. The final boss was a fairly easy even though he has other bosses as adds.
  17. Awesomeness. I'm assuming the red... feathers? are part of a headdress, likely attached to the skull, rather than being part of lizard-creature-to-be-named-later's body. Correct?
  18. Yeah, I mentioned it before, but it bears mentioning again. The scripted sequence pages are flat out awesome.
  19. @curryinahurry - I like those. A "U" shaped UI definitely makes a lot more sense than a thick bar at the bottom on a 16:9 or 16:10 screen, which I'm assuming comprises the vast majority of potential players. The only thing is, where does the message/dialogue box go?
  20. I hit level cap last night. It's all endgame dungeon farming for EPIC LOOTZ!!!11!!1 from now on.
  21. I'm definitely all for a hotkey to turn the UI off completely, even if it gets rid of the portraits too, An option in settings that would automatically switch the UI on when in combat mode, then off when not in combat mode would be awesome.
  22. For me the old solid interfaces just felt clunky, even back in the day. For a while that kind of UI was all there was for these types of games so I didn't think about it much, but when minimalist transparent UIs came along they were like a breath of fresh air. I agree that the chunky solid UIs were a part of the Infinity Engine games experience, not a part I'm eager to revisit.
  23. Update 54 brought with it a work in progress mock up UI and rekindled the age old stylized vs. minimalist UI debate. Simply vote for your preference and feel free to elaborate. Personally I'm firmly in the minimalist camp, I prefer the UI to stay out of my way as much as possible. I want to see as much of the environment as I can on the screen.
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