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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The Dark Savant Trilogy is to cRPGs as Ghosts'n Goblins is to platformers, as far as difficulty goes. As soon as these titles hit a sale I'm scooping them up and preparing to get my arse handed to me all over again.
  2. I'm with LadyCrimson. I definitely see the appeal of SSDs, but their price per GB is still way too high for me to even consider getting one. Space is still far more valuable than speed for me. Hopefully in 3 years or so, when I get my next system, the prices will drop far enough to allow me to go the SSD route.
  3. I didn't get to play much Neverwinter yesterday because stormy weather whooped up on our ISP and severed my internet connection for several hours (see, this is why I will NEVER buy a game where single player content requires an always on connection), so I didn't get to lev 54 yesterday, like I had hoped. I should do that todat. Instead, I put in some good time hacking and slashing through Grim Dawn with my Commando tank build. I got to the underground transit area, which is the second to last area of the alpha, and had an epic fight with 3 hero monsters, 2 of which spawned lesser mobs continuously. Good times.
  4. Dammit, now I'm tempted to make a Ferengi so I can swindle saps out of their money. I need to hit level cap in Neverwinter before even thinking about trying STO, though.
  5. Is that some kind of Samus Aran/Beast from X-Men mashup?
  6. Woot! It's funded. I never dou... Okay, I did doubt and worry a bit, but Hurlshot never doubted, so kudos to him.
  7. Standard operating procedure, not just for them, but many publishers.
  8. I also know a good number of people that have abandoned D3. I can't speak about the game from anything other than hearsay, though, as I've never played it.
  9. I forgot to add this to my last post. My biggest gripe with the cleric companion is that she has no idle animation. Most, if not all, of the other companions do something while they're idle. This gets repetative, but it's still better than nothing. My cleric companion, she just puffs her chest out and stands there. My guess is that she's trying to attract a mate.
  10. Still playing Neverwinter Online, getting real close to level cap (53 out of 60) with my great weapon fighter, and Grim Dawn. Much like Titan Quest, and maybe even more so, Grim Dawn is great at allowing you to make completely different builds out of the same masteries. It's crazy just how many different directions you can go in and still make a viable build out of just the 3 masteries that are in there now. That should increase exponentially when the other 2 masteries are introduced.
  11. Well, she always did crap damage, so nothing is really different in that regard. Her heal ability is a percentage of my health, so nothing at all has changed in that regard. The only difference is she gets knocked unconscious significantly quicker.
  12. Though probably in far smaller quantities.
  13. An axe would be unique enough for me. Considering that every item so far has been a carbon copy or doggone near, I'm not expecting any miracles, but we'll see. Anyway, I finished up Rothe Valley (minus the party dungeon, which I might run tomorrow if I can find a group) and got up to level 53 in the process. There is a really cool secret area in the final solo dungeon for that area with a REALLY brutal fight. Next up is Mount Hotewhat? Hotewho? Hotewhen? Hotenow.
  14. I'm up to level 52 and still romping through Rothe Valley cutting up drow (even more disgusting than regular elves ). I think I may reach level cap in about a week or so, then I'll start farming dungeon runs for EPIC LOOTZ!!!11!!111!
  15. Was it always like this or did "platform wars" start with teh internetz? I remember playing games with my buddies on my NES, then going to their house and playing on their Master System and we had fun. I don't remember pulling out our console peens to compare who's was bigger.
  16. Grim Dawn The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Those are the 2 I can thinbk of off the top of my head.
  17. I was an AMD user back in the P4 days. I still remember my Opteron 165, man that thing was a beast. Overclocked from 1.8 to 2.9 GHz on stock cooling and ran like a champ for years laughing at whatever I threw at it. That few year period where the Althon64s were beating the pants off the P4s was a glorious time for Team Green. That seems like eons ago now.
  18. In its current form, I agree it likely won't set the gaming world on fire. Still, much like with Kinect, I like what the tech could mean for the future, rather than what the product is currently. What needs to happen is for Occulus Rift, Kinect, and projectors to have a baby and become The Holodeck. That's what I'm waiting for. It likely won't be in my lifetime, though.
  19. Agreed, the increment size of graphical fidelity for each new generation has been steadily decreasing since the PS1 generation. That is a trend that will continue. There's really not that much more room to grow in that department. Even between high end PC graphics and the last generation (PS3/360), the most noticeable difference is lighting effects. The next big step forward, in my opinion, is virtual reality (Occulus Rift, etc.).
  20. Had my first death as my Commando tank build in Grim Dawn this morning. It was completely avoidable, but pride didn't allow me to quaff a potion. Taking on one cold one, even in a pack of a bunch of other beasties, is one thing, but taking on three of them at once? That's just really cruel for a melee character. There's almost no way to avoid getting stun locked in that situation. What's worse, I have a skill that lets me temporarily be immune to stuns, unfortunately their ability isn't technically a "stun" it's a freeze, though in practice it amounts to the same thing, except my skill is useless against it. Pretty good, though. Only 1 death in 15 levels so far.
  21. Unity seems to be the big winner from the whole Kickstarter phenomenon. A huge number of projects chose the engine because cross-platform, and are likely to stick with it because, from what I've read, it's quite good.
  22. I'm up to level 50 and I got my top tier paragon feat: destroyer. I now generate action points stupid fast and get buckwild and crazy when in unstoppable mode. I pretty much skipped The Chasm (did like 2 quests) and decided to skip ahead to Rothe Valley. It's slightly beyond my level (52+) but I find it easier and more fun because the groups aren't as tightly bunched and generally smaller. Plus, I'll catch up to the level soon enough.
  23. Oooh! How do I redeem my free cat cape? Does it just appear in my inventory automagically?
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