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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Can I use a sock with a doorknob in it instead?
  2. I'm strangely interested in hearing that... In a watching a car accident happen sort of way.
  3. They should have gone binary from the start: XBOX0000 XBOX0001 XBOX0010 XBOX0011 XBOX0100 And so on.
  4. I'm also trying to make sense of their numbering scheme... XBOX > XBOX360 > XBOX One What comes next? XBOX ThreeSixty? #WTF!?
  5. LOL. That's almost as hilarious as a system that loses money on every unit sold for about 3 1/2 years. #NotMicrosoftFanboy #NotSonyFanboy That Kaz Hirai parody Twitter account is, well, a fake obviously, and takes potshots at the industry at large. He just recently tweeted about how the PS4 teaser wasn't meant to be blurry but just "a photo taken with the Vita camera". There are a few fake twitters out there that are absolutely hilarious. Anyway, I have no desire to purchase either next gen console, but I do hope the 720 and PS4 are good so they don't cripple PC ports too much.
  6. LOL. That's almost as hilarious as a system that loses money on every unit sold for about 3 1/2 years. #NotMicrosoftFanboy #NotSonyFanboy
  7. Wait until you get to Icespire. You haven't seen bunched up until you get to Icespire.
  8. Watch Microsoft throw a curveball and wind up calling it Play System 4, that way there can be no confusion.
  9. I just bought a Loyalist Edition and am enjoying the alpha as well. My first time through, I'm playing a Soldier/Occultist I believe which is the witchblade. Mainly Cultist for the familiar so far, but I'm really enjoying the gameplay so far. Nice combat pacing and the environment feels good so far. Only one problem so far is a a "hitch" every now and then when the game freezes for a couple seconds and then just puts my character where they should've been a couple seconds later. hard to describe, but if I could compare it to something, it would be the rubber-banding in Titan Quest, without seeing your character actually move there, just sort of warp there. I'm hoping this is something that can be worked out, but other than that, really enjoying the game so far and look forward to playing out this character and other combinations as they become available. Yeah, I get that freeze occasionally too. It's a widely reported bug that the devs are looking at. It's the price of playing an alpha build. Still, occasional freeze and some minor micro stutters aside, the game has been fairly solid. I'm having fun playing my current Commando tank build. In a stark contrast to my Pyromancer build that was designed to kite and lure enemies into traps, my Commando just goes straight into the fray and dares enemy swarms to try to damage him. Occasionally I have to kite a little bit when a swarm gets super out of control, particularly if there's a Cold One or Fury, but most of the time I'm just laughing at the dozen chumps hacking away at me while I chop them to bits.
  10. Well, Obsidian Entertainment need to do what they need to do to survive. This even further makes Project Eternity such an important game for the company. If it winds up being a hit, it not only confirms the viability of the crowdfunding business model, it also gives Obsidian an attractive IP that they own and control.
  11. Yeah, Torchlight did do that well. I thought Titan Quest had good balance too. I occasionally would find an item in Greece and keep using it most of the way through the silk road because effects were so favorable or it was part of a really spiffy set. Also, trying to complete the set gave you a reason to farm champions and bosses. So far, I have yet to see a single set item drop in Neverwinter. I'm pretty sure they do exist, but they're probably all level 60, which again makes farming completely and utterly useless until hitting level cap.
  12. Agreed, or at the very least rare items should be superior enough compared to standard drops to last you 10-15 levels. In my experience, in Neverwinter they last 5 levels at best. This is whay I won't bother farming until hitting level cap, there's just no point in it.
  13. Warning: NSFW Edit: @Gorgon - Actually it's been the opposite of grind heavy, from my experience. I haven't had to grind a single area yet, and I'm lev 48. If I do some Foundry quests then I wind up outlevelling areas. In fact, I've skipped 2 entire areas because I was already too powerful for them by the time I got there. I haven't bothed farming for gear because it's going to become obsolete in a couple of levels anyway. I'll do some farming once I hit the level cap (lev 60).
  14. That explains why I was back to lev 10 mailsmithing this morning. Oh well, I only lost maybe a half hour of actual gameplay and will be back to lev 11 mailsmithing when I get back from work (I have several time consuming jobs running right now).
  15. Agreed. Overall, it's my favorite entry in the series.
  16. That reminds me, I need to play Call of Pripyat again. For the time being, though, I'm doing another run through Grim Dawn, this time as a Commando (Soldier/Demolitionist) heavily skewed toward Soldier. There are definitely some enemies that are very unfriendly toward melee characters, namely Furies (they have a melee attack that heals them). On the other hand, when some of my abilities trigger, I become a veritable whirlwind of melee damage. I'm mostly staying away from abilities that stun, as bosses and heroes tend to be highly resistant, if not immune to them, and focusing on abilities that slow and lower defense.
  17. Just finished the Grim Dawn Alpha. A bit over 13 hours for me, could probably be done in about 7 if rushed straight through with no exploration. The final boss fight was really fun, I love how he taunted me during the battle. What to do now? Oh yeah, make a new character and run through it with a different build. This time, instead of a shooty shooty grenade lobber, I'll make a hacky slashy smashy melee character.
  18. Here's the final boss in the Grim Dawn Alpha: And here's what he becomes once you "kill him" the first time: Unfortunately, I didn't get the best screenshots. I was kind of busy trying to survive and my timing on hitting F12 was off.
  19. What manner of experiments are going on in this lab?
  20. Im having a similar issue with Neverwinter Online. The respawn rate where I currently am is ramped up so fast that while youre battling one group, the group you just killed respawns and jumps you too. Are you in Icespire? That place has some ridiculously bunched up groups and crazy respawn rates. I'll be fighting a couple of Ice Troll Grunts, no problem, being smart, dodging their big attacks, being careful no to stray, suddenly a couple of Winter Wolf Alphas show up out of nowhere. Then I'm suddenly getting pelted by arrows, then Goblin Cutters show up. In a matter of moments I went from fighting 2 Ice Trolls to like almost 20 enemies all at once. The instances in that area are actually MUCH easier than the outdoor areas, simply because you don't have to worry about a respawn dropping in on you unexpectedly.
  21. I'm not going to hate on it just because it's a MMO, but I will hate on the horrendous art style. I can't imagine it appealing to anyone over the age of 10.
  22. It's a GARGANTUAN axe stuck into the side of a mountain, converted into a bridge:
  23. Apologies if this type of thread has been done, I searched and found nothing. Anyway, it's simple, list your top 10 greatest musical albums ever, any group, any genre, any style. You can list reasons to your heart's desire. Here are mine: 1)Pink Floyd ~ Dark Side of the Moon (I know it's a mainstream choice, but holy **** it's an amazing album! 2)Opeth ~ Damnation 3)Queensruyche ~ Operation Mindcrime (even though it's highly regarded, this album is STILL one of the most underappreciated albums out there. It's straight up amazing 4) Metallica ~ ...And Justice For All 5) Pantera ~ A Vulgar Display of Power (possibly the most adrenalin charging album of all time).
  24. In my opinion, there's no point in putting in age mechanics unless you go the whole nine yards and include spells and effects that can temporarily and/or permanently age the character. If that is the case, I'm not against it, but it does bring up the questions: how much time and resources will be used to create said mechanics, and would said time and resources be better spent on other aspects of the game?
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