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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. You start in the year 1066 or a date of your choosing thereafter (you can start earlier with The Old Gods DLC). At the moment you start the game is, for the most part, historically accurate. Once you start all bets are off and you make your own alternate timeline. There is no "campaign". You start as a king or duke or duchess or count or whatever somewhere. The game lasts for some 400 years (or less if you die and have no legitimate heir). You play as a family, a dynasty. The goal is to amass as much power as possible and hold on to it within your family.
  2. While it's one of Paradox's "most accessible" titles, it's still not for the faint of heart. The game seems to go in spurts. You'll be cruising along having a quiet, relatively boring game. Everything is peaceful, you're gaining wealth, researching, etc. Then all of a sudden someone plots murder against you, a neighboring country declares war on you, your spymaster turns on you, an epidemic hits, and the pope threatens to excommunicate you and you're scrambling just to hold on to any power you can.
  3. CK2 is a lot more about macro managing than micro managing.
  4. DLCs too? Everything except the last one with them pagans Curses! I'll likely scoop up Sword of Islam and the Byzantine Empire (don't remember the name off the top of my head) DLCs though.
  5. Other things that seemed like cool ideas at the time:
  6. IMDB says yes to that, but I wouldn't take credits there as confirmed until well after the game has been out. I watched an interview were Gat was mentioned and they seemed a bit coy on the point. Awesome. I hope it's just regular Johnny Gat back from the dead. It's not like Saint's Row has ever worried about breaking down the fourth wall.
  7. So far Female Voice 1 is the only confirmed returning female player voice I've found. There seems to be conflicting information on who is voicing Shaundi too. Well, from what has been shown, there's going to be an occasion when there are two Shaundi's.. One as she is in SR3, and the one from SR2. From that video clip, it certainly sounded like the SR2 style of Shaundi was a certain returning voice artist who didn't do Shaundi's voice in SR3.. I kinda liked hippie Shaundi, so I'm happy about this. Will there be Johnny Gat? At least Mutant Monster Johnny Gat or Zombie Johnny Gat or something?
  8. I don't expect any Kickstarter project I've backed to be released on the release date given on the Kickstarter page, not a single one.
  9. So far Female Voice 1 is the only confirmed returning female player voice I've found. There seems to be conflicting information on who is voicing Shaundi too. It they're taking away my female Russian accent, they better at least give me a female voice with a really over the top southern drawl.
  10. After reading this, I searched to see who was coming back voice acting wise (I personally favor Rebecca Sanabria's Female 3 (Main Character Hispanic Female in SR2)) and while the idea of a Russian accented woman hasn't been dismissed the voice actor for Female 2, Tara Platt has confirmed she won't be back. https://twitter.com/taraplatt/status/343605756240752640 Since you're supposed to be able to import your character from SRtheThird, I wonder then if they're planning on getting someone with an authentic accent to do this voice? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s
  11. I suppose there's always a chance that Deep Silver decides to bet their company and sink ridiculous amount of resources into a tablet peripheral with a pressure sensitive stylus?
  12. Another great part in SR3 is the protagonist doing hilariously bad acting during the alien invasion movie. Also, rolling around town in a GARGANTUAN ball of yarn was a blast.
  13. There is no way, nor will there ever be, to explain Daikatana.
  14. The RPG Open Worlds Bundle with Avadon, all the Avernum and Geneforge games, and Eschalon Book 1 & 2 is a great deal for anyone thay likes old school turn-based isometric RPGs. I'm thinking about scooping up Back to the Future. While I heard it wasn't Telltale's greatest work, I love me some Back to the Future.
  15. Man, that's one seriously ridiculous 'Murica **** Yeah Cannon. What I love about Saint's Row is that after the first one they realized that if they continued to try to straddle the line between comically over the top and gritty realism they would just be another GTA knockoff and nothing else. So they abandoned any semblance of relism and just went for ridiculous over the top madness. Each successive iteration has just gone ahead and pushed the absurdity envelope further. I pray they still have the female Russian accent voice option in this game. The part where the protagonist and Pierce are driving down the road in Steelport and singing Sublime ~ What I Got in SR3 is so hilariously awesome with the Russian accent.
  16. Still playing Neverwinter Online (I'm not an addict, I swear. No, really), but now that the invasion event is over I'll spend a bit less time in there. Gonna jump back into Mars: War Logs to finish the game off from where I left off when I get home. I should be right near the end, methinks.
  17. I don't think they'd appreciate you sacrificing children or posting nude pictures on their forum, either. And pictures of sacrificed nude children will get you banned right quick... Not to mention a visit from the local (and possibly federal) authorities.
  18. The level of voice acting definitely went up leaps and bounds between TW1 and TW2, so it looks like they are trying to continue that trend. The game is cinematic enough (if it's anything like its predecessor) that it's definitely a welcome upgrade.
  19. Thanks LadyCrimson I got the message and the wards. That potion is indeed nice, but I can only imagine the rare assets it will take to make it. I'll probably still level alchemy up slowly, I'm just not focused on it. Now that mailsmithing is maxed out I'll focus on leadership. I guess I need to join a guild to do the Gauntlgrym stuff. I just don't know how often I'll be up for a 90 minute commitment, even if it is split up into 3 parts.
  20. Haha, yeah. My character's name doesn't make it easy for you. I wanted a proper Orcish sounding name, not something like CrazyCuteGurl161 or ButterStick, thus Murzush Gro Ruhm. In other news, I got to mailsmithing level 20! Now I can make a purple shirt and purple pants for my character... once I get my hands on a couple dragon eggs. As a nice side effect, that opened up another slot too, so I can do 6 jobs at once now. I'm not particularly interested in alchemy. What I'm excited for is weaponsmithing which will come with the first expansion. With weaponsmithing I'll be able to make axes.
  21. I think one of the reasons there is so much talk about Morrigan's looks is that they really didn't give us much (read: anything) else to talk about with that trailer. No gameplay and a bunch of short snipets with epic music. Which brings up the question, why don't they have more to show us at this point? In theory they've had almost a year an a half to work on the game and a two month head start on The Witcher 3. TW3 showed plenty of gameplay, both in the trailer and in the meaty hands-off demo. DA3 showed... not much of anything. E3 is the biggest expo for video games, surely BioWare would showcase more of the game if they had more of the game to showcase, right? So, why is there so little to show?
  22. Isn't this pretty much how it happened IRL? In other news, I need to get back to building my Polish Empire, but when I do I know it will consume all my life gaming time again.
  23. I got the first update in months for Tex Murphy Project Fedora the other day. #Texlives #MutantsRpeople2
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