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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I just operate under the assumption that everything is based on something else. Practically every single archetype and storyline has been done before (hundreds of times in most cases). So, the whole "Simpsons did it" thing means nothing to me.
  2. So the game begins differently depending on race/class? Cool, that gives me reason to do several playthroughs. I'll stick with my Nord Thorwalian Aveline knockoff for now.
  3. I have just come to the grim realization that I created Aveline from Dragon Age 2: Oh dear lord, what have I done?
  4. It's as good as any. There is, I guess, a storyline that continues throughout the series, but this is Bethesda writing we're talking about, so it's not exactly memorable, hence, you're not really missing out on anything by not having played the earlier entries first. Bethesda games aren't really about story, anyway, they're about having a giant sandbox to **** around in. Morrowind had the most interesting sandbox, but even with the graphical overhaul mods, the character models and animations can be quite jarring. Skyrim has the least ****ty combat of all the Bethesda games, though still quite ****ty. Plus, FUS RO DAH-ing chumps off cliffs never gets old.
  5. Playing Drakensang: The River of Time and having a grand ol' time so far. The game seems very story and dialogue heavy, which I THOROUGHLY support, even if some of the dialogue and voice acting is hilariously cheesy (some of it is surprisingly decent too). Heck, I'm liking it better than Dragon Age: Origins (it's the game that seems the most naturally comparative to it) so far, likely because it's fairly lighthearted and cheery and not all DOOM DOOM DOOM! BLOODSPLATTER EVERYWHERE! Of course, I'm still very early in the game so my opinion, as always, is very much subject to change.
  6. It's the awesome background music. It makes everything better.
  7. While not actually on television, I watched the Turkey Day MST3K marathon online yesterday, in addition to footbaw. They had some terrific episodes too, including Werewolf Man (WARWLF), The Final Sacrifice (ROWSDOWER!), and Mitchell. That show was so brilliant. As for television television, I think Almost Human is surprisingly decent. Agents of SHIELD has been a borderline trainwreck, though. Blacklist is the only new show I'm at all invested in, and it's honestly not a good show, but James Spader is awesome and is carrying it.
  8. I'm keeping an eye open for the first Drakensang game and Cognition at 75% off, otherwise I'm probably done as far as this sale goes. Drakensang: The River of Time should keep me busy until Broken Sword 5 arrives into my grubby digital hands in about a week's time.
  9. $7.99 here. Dark Souls is a whopping 80% off.
  10. It wouldn't be a proper Twitcher game without ample sexy time.
  11. In the southern hemisphere it's spring rarther than autumn. Oh that crazy earth tilt not being exactly aligned with the solar plane That wacky planet alignment.
  12. Thanks for this tip, I have just bought Skyrim Legendary Edition for $20 dollars, that's a good price for this game It's the steepest discount I have ever seen for the game, anywhere.
  13. Yes, actually yes there is. Each truck is available with regular setup and Silly Englishman setup for wacky wrong side of the road driving. The game is realistic enough that bizzaro driving is correct driving on Britannia, while regular driving is correct everywhere else. Your truck doesn't magically change when you take a ferry so you'll have to deal with the steering column being on the wrong side if you're driving a standard truck in Britain or vice versa. It's a surprisingly enjoyable and addictive game, then again, I've only put 69 (HEYOOO!! [no, I didn't plan that, I swear it was a cincidence]) hours into it, so how would I know?
  14. Just starting out in Drakensang: The River of Time: Standing amid blowhards: Aww, look at the kitty cats. Lady C, eat your heart out.
  15. This last series of posts is both confusing and immensely entertaining. By all means, gentlemen, do carry on. Allow my to interrupt for just one moment. Remember that Command & Conquer FPS spinoff Renegade? Well a fan made game in the same vein has been in development for a bunch of years and will be released soon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUaiic-yEcwEv8VG6wRaHcDQ&v=k-bLTYiaqqk
  16. Scooped up Drakensang: River of Time for 75% off. Time for an old-school cRPG romp. /rubs hands together
  17. Heh, for once the user and critic scores match up.
  18. And so it has begun. The Steam Autumn Sale is upon us. Skyrim is 75% off while the Legendary Edition is 66% off and the DLCs individually are 50% off. That's the steepest discount on Skyrim I've seen so far.
  19. Everyone's idea of the perfect length game will be a bit different, and will likely change from game to game, I know it does for me. A game being quite lengthy yet constantly engaging and entertaining is the hallmark of good design. For example, GTA: San Andreas took me well over 50 hours to complete, yet I loved every second of it and actually felt compelled to look for hidden stuff and steal all the cars, not because of some drive to get an achievement (I don't give a flying **** about achievements), but because I was enjoying it. I've (unfortunately) played plenty of other games that only took 4 or 5 hours to complete and they bored me to tears, making those 4 or 5 hours feel like 30. I think variety is the key. If you're constantly doing the same exact thing again and again and again, it's going to wear you out and grind (pun very much intended) you down. Grinding through trash mobs in filler battles completely sucks the enjoyment out of a game for me, and since trash mobs generally don't present any actual challenge and can be simply brute forced, developers all too often fall into the trap of simply making you face larger quantities of trash mobs to make the battle more challenging, which only compounds the problem. Some of the tedium of grinding through trash mobs can be alleviated a bit by allowing you to pull off different combos while mopping up trash mobs. That's part of what makes games like Batman and Sleeping Dogs work, letting you pull off cool looking combos that make you feel like a badass while you're mopping up waves of trash mobs, but even that only goes so far and the filler battles become just plain tedious after a while.
  20. Out of morbid curiosity, why? To develop a good sense of taste you have to learn the good and the bad and why they are. It's true. What I learned from DA2: Shockingly, lather, rinse, repeat combat facing wave after wave of trash mobs is not fun. In fact, it straight up sucks ass. Who knew?
  21. That's actually a really reasonable price. Same price as a XBone and significantly more raw horsepower, granted it doesn't have a camera to look at your pen1s. If this piece of hardware allows you to install other operating systems, it is hell of a good price... I don't see why not, neither does Valve. The one thing they don't mention in the article is the CPU, but that's not all that relevant for someone looking to just buy a box off the shelf, plug it in, and not mess with it. For a single mid-level GPU gaming setup the CPU is mostly irrelevant provided it doesn't bottleneck the GPU, and even a $60 or $70 AMD CPU won't bottleneck a R9 270.
  22. Wait, you're surprised about this? This is the direction that gaming is headed and has been for years. I estimate we're only a year or two away from games coming out with a special edition you can buy for a cool $20 more where you don't get the game at all, but instead you automatically are awarded all the achievements so that you can show off your SKILLZ and your ePen1s can grow.
  23. iBuyPower shows off Steam Machine Protoype, Names Price That's actually a really reasonable price. Same price as a XBone and significantly more raw horsepower, granted it doesn't have a camera to look at your pen1s.
  24. Heh. I enjoyed the hell out of the "Enter the Dominatrix" DLC. Agreed. Like most of their DLCs the value for the (full) price is questionable at best, on account of its (lack of) length, but it definitely brought plenty of LULZ. I like LULZ. This next DLC looks like it will be worth it for the sweater alone: That sweater it pretty dang fabulous.
  25. Ha! This is me, too. If I can't get *any* character names out of the dozen or so I have in a list, (literally, I keep them in a list, ), I just give up. I'm just trying to come up with a proper sounding name, but if the game insists on a nonsensical one.. This is the internet. Your name must look something like this: xXKrAzYgUrL681Xx
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