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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The character creator to end all character creators? It's a Korean MMO, so the game itself will almost certainly not be anywhere near as good as the character creation tool, but, holy sweet mother of butter pecan ice cream what a character creation tool it is! I might never play the actual game, but I could definitely see myself playing with the character creation tool for many hours.
  2. The Huskies are now unquestionably the best team of this generation: National Champions 1999, 2004, 2011, 2014. That's one helluva 15 year span.
  4. I was wondering when they would launch a Kickstarter for this. Outcast was definitely ahead of its time. It was a pretty amazing game back in 1999.
  5. The 750Ti will indeed run circles around yor 275, provided you CPU won't be a bottleneck. It is a major upgrade. The 750Ti won't max out Battlefield 4 or anything like that, but it will run pretty much anything at 1080p on lowered settings and max out many less intensive/older games, again, assuming your CPU won't be a bottleneck.
  6. I got both the Shield Guard and the Warmonger promotion quests done. I did the Shield Guard quest first once I realized I could steamroll cyclopses (cyclopi?). As the last time I played, Davros, the "boss" cyclops was much easier than the regular cyclopses, not that any of them were hard. The extre few levels served me well in the Pao Kai Nest as I had no trouble with the goblins and orcs in there, even the one time I made a tactical mistake and allowed myself to get flanked. The Pao Kai itself was a pushover. Next up the Blademaster promotion quest.
  7. Winter has finally released its icy grip on Connecticut, so here are some pictures from around Bushnell Park in downtown Hartford. The Capitol Building Stunning picture quality courtesy of my cheap ass phone's 8 MP camera and the ****ty Android camera app. Godrays courtesy of God.
  8. It's a weird case now of two relatively low seeded teams meeting in the championship that arrived at those seedings in completely different ways. Kentucky is a team loaded with raw talent that thoroughly underachieved all season long, to the point that there was a question a few weeks before the tourney of whether they would even get in. Based on perceived talent they were seeded much too low, based on their performance during the season, they were seeded too high. UCONN, on the other hand, is a team that was perceived to be fairly devoid of talent beyond Shabazz Napier, but it's a team that performed pretty well during the season. Based on perceived talent they were seeded about right, based on their performance during the season they were seeded much too low. Of course, all that seeding business doesn't mean anything anymore. Might as well be two #1 seeds playing, after all they're still here while everybody else is watching at home.
  9. Man, that Kentucky/Wisconsin game was exciting. Not the result I would have preferred, but it was a really fun game to watch.
  10. At lev 19 the cyclops in the dangerous cave was a pushover, I obliterated him, then killed the nearby shadow dragon, who was even easier. I didn't think I'd be ready for the Pao Kai Nest, but I figured I'd at least clear a path to it and made my way there. Once there I figured, what the heck, at went inside. I cleared a good chunk of the first level then headed back outside. I could have proceeded, but the fights were quite tough and required me chugging a bunch of potions to survive. I figure I'd head back via a different path (through the jungle), then head to Karthal and do the infiltration through the sewers. That should get me up at least one more level (I'm lev 20 now) and I can also hit up some of the trainers there, namely bow master, then head back to the Pao Kai Nest at level 21 or 22. I should at least be able to clear the first level without too much trouble at that point.
  11. The Huskies win! The Huskies win! BAH GAWD the Huskies win! UCONN was down 16-4 at the start of the game, from that point forward UCONN straight up dominated Florida. Their defense was magnificent. Florida had 3 assists... as a team... for the entire game. 3 assists. Total. How is that even possible? Now for the late game. Let's go Badgers!
  12. Huskies looking good against the Gators so far. UCONN's defense is playing at an incredibly high level. Long way to go still, though.
  13. Genuine synthetic 100% naturally flavored artificial sweetener

  14. I'm thinking somebody's measurements and/or math is off or not that entire area will actually be traverseable. I know CDPR is shooting for The RPG To End All RPGs and all, but that's still pretty silly. Still, the idea of a city that's actually the size of a real life city (or at least a good sized town), rather than the standard video game city that's the size of a real life village is appealing, provided it's actually filled with stuff to do, rather than just streets to wander aimlessly. Anyway, we'll find out for sure in February, I guess.
  15. House chores. Almost the whole nine yards: Taking the trash out, washing pans, vacuuming, washing the windows, cleaning the range top and counter tops, didn't have to wash the floors or clean the tub, but I cleaned the sink, toilet, and mirror. Normally, I'd now reward myself with a beer, but since I'm no a no alcohol kick, and since it's nice outside, I'll go for a walk instead.
  16. Curry goat with pumpkin rice cabbage and gravy I love Jamaican food so much. Also, whoever invented curry, I'd like to kiss that person.
  17. Even when the 60Hz 4k monitors arrive, they will definitely be out of my price range. I'm much to poor to be dropping anything approaching a grand for a monitor. 1440p, on the other hand, is right up my alley. I'm hoping that by the time I build my next rig (at least 4 months from now, though I may hold off longer for Broadwell) 1440p monitors will hopefully drop into the $300 zone (the cheapest seem to be about $340 right now). Were I building this rig now, I would definitely consider the 780Ti. That card has enough juice so that I could play most anything at 1440p with plenty of eye candy. The 3GB of vRAM might struggle a bit with high levels of AA, but I never go past 4X MSAA anyway as my eyes frankly can't tell the difference beyond 4X MSAA. Hopefully all this is a moot point and the 20nm Maxwell cards are out by the time I build my rig.
  18. Got the water shard and the Shalassa blessing no problem. There are some large groups of undead in lev 4 of the Lost City, but none of the enemies are particularly hard. Went down to Skull Rock and got the air shard. I only did the bare minimum to get the shard, I'll clear out Skull Rock later as there are some pretty nasty ambushes in there. The battles with the elemental lords (water and air) were a piece of cake, as are all the elemental lord fights. I think Gralkor is the only one who's ever defeated me in either this game or my previous, and that's only because you're so much lower level when you meet him. The battles with the elemental lords get progressively easier as they stay about the same power and my party keeps getting more powerful. With the Ylath blassing in hand I now have a clear path to both the defender and barbarian promotions, though I doubt I'm powerful enough to go through the Pao Kai nest at my level (19) or take on multiple cyclopses (cyclopi?). Better test myself against the lone cyclops in the dangerous cave first. Playing this all-might party has taught me one thing. My fantasy of a zero magic quad-barbarian party is folly, at least at warrior difficulty. Even on adventurer difficulty I'm not sure how feasible it would be. Sure, I would be handing out massive physical damage, but I would need a mountain of scrolls. Without burning determination there would be areas that would be nearly impossible to get through for that party, and there are only so many scrolls you can buy.
  19. Taking a break from alcohol. I'm drinking club soda.
  20. But would he say that on Tuesday? I'm assuming he says that on other days, eats the hamburger and never pays for it. Call it an old timey chew and screw. Would he use a different day of the week? Would he actually pay for his hamburger upon receiving it on Tuesday? Would he actually pay his tab on Tuesday? Maybe he eats tacos on Tuesday?
  21. What would J. Wellington Wimpy say on Tuesday?
  22. Made it to The Crag. The trek wasn't as tough as I remember, mostly because I was smarter about positioning and not letting myself get surrounded, methinks. Next up I'll go back to the Lost City to get the water shard. I should be able to handle the enemies in level 4 by now.
  23. More important than the W, the Thunder got Reggie Jackson (who was only out a few games) and Kendrick Perkins (who's been out a month and a half) back tonight. Thabo Sefolosha is still out. Hopefully he comes back before the regular season is over.
  24. Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win Spurs Win C-C-C-Combo Breaker! Thunder Win
  25. I'll clear out Lost City, all levels, eventually, but I'm not ready for that at this point.
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