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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Cowboys take Zack Martin. It's not defense, but it's a great guard, and, more importantly, it's not Johnny Football.
  2. Aaron Donald is off the board at 13.
  3. Aaron Donald is still on the board... but so is Johnny Manziel as the Cowboys pick draws nearer. Oh man, I'm hopeful and also scared.
  4. UT99 was worth playing just to hear "M-M-M-M-Monster kill kill kill"
  5. UT99 was so freakin' good that a guy like me, who normally wouldn't touch a competitive FPS with a 10 foot pole, had a blast playing it.
  6. I'm not into competitive FPS, but I am interested in seeing how this turns out. It certainly has the potential to be an epic trainwreck (pun most certainly intended), but, there's always the chance it turns into something really good.
  7. I actually didn't mind Qara. Elanee, on the other hand...
  8. I didn't hate the NWN2 OC, I just thought it was pretty mediocre and really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really dragged through the middle portion. I don't think I could stomach going through it again.
  9. Well, the NFL Draft begins tonight. I am absolutely PETRIFIED that the Cowboys are going to take Johnny Manziel with their 1st round pick. The Cowboys need help on the defensive side of the ball, they don't need a QB. Tony Romo still has at least a 3 or 4 more years in him, and, contrary to what Romo Haterz will have you believe, he was not the problem last year. What I hope they do is trade up to get Aaron Donald, or he miraculously falls to #16.
  10. I finished Child of Light, though I'll still go back at some point to try to 100% the game (I still need to find 2 confessions and a couple of the fireflies). I liked the game a lot. The story is quite simplistic, basically a children's story you tell them at bedtime, which is fine, since that's what the game was going for. The highlight of the game is the combat system. Not a big surprise as I liked the combat in Grandia, and this is ripped straight from that. The combination of the interrupt mechanic and using Igniculus to slow down enemies is pretty darn brilliant, though. One or two missteps in a battle can send you into something akin to a stunlock as you constantly get interrupted and/or setback. Play your cards right and you can do that to your enemies. Learning how fast enemies progress through the timer and trying to guess whether they will use a long casting time ability constantly keeps you on your toes. Add to that certain enemies that you may purposely not want to interrupt since the counter interrupts, usually with a buff to themselves or a debuff to you. It makes the battles engaging and even frantic in some parts, which is quite unusual for what is essentially a turn-based system. I do wish there was more to do in the world than fight enemies. The platforming is really easy because you can fly. There are some areas where either wind or water pushes you around, making it harder to traverse, but nothing particularly taxing. Ubi did a great job of hiding hidden areas and paths, though. Right up to the end I was still finding paths I had missed even in areas I had been in multiple times before. It's not the meatiest game in the world, but the price was more than fair. I'm definitely satisfied with my purchase.
  11. They're in the 2nd round of the playoffs, so obviously not. The Cippers are one of the 4 or 5 best treams in the league this year. In other news, it was nice of Roy Hibbert to wake from his hibernation and show up for a game.
  12. Good ol' Tex Murphy. Once I finish up Child of Light I'm thinking about jumping in, though part of me feels lik doing a Tex-o-thon and playing through Under a Killing Moon, The Pandora Directive, and Overseer first.
  13. Yeah, that trailer tells next to nothing about the game. I'm mostly sad because they dropped the pirate motif in favor of a return to generic fantasy.
  14. It costs a lot of mana? Couldn't he just spam mana potions afterward like in most video games?
  15. Risen 3 Cinematic Trailer: So, if homeslice, presumably our nameless hero, could always just have made his hands glow blue, which in turn, I can only assume, would do some kind of magical damage, why was he so desperate to get his bloken sword blade back? Why not just blue hand the shadow dog?
  16. From what I gather, it's some kind of group that focuses on causing chaos and grief to the gaming community, a troll group, I guess. I don't care enough to properly research it, so I could be way off.
  17. Keyrock I'm knew someone would bring that up and I'm going to try to explain why its not same thing. I wish Alan was here, I'm sure he would explain it properly You can't have a men only guild because women have no choice but to join guilds dominated by men. Also lets be honest, we have men dominated forums, games, guilds, blogs and more. I know what you saying but you can't tell me you really have an issue because a group of women in a game want there own groups? Its not a big deal if you think about the big picture around gender representation? I don't have an issue with the group at all, I have an issue with the double standard. I don't have an issue with them making a women only group, yes, it's a public game, but it's a private group, they can include or exclude whoever they want based on whatever criteria they want. I would equally have no problem with a male only group, or a white only group, but I bet the professional outrage mongers would certainly have a problem with it. My problem is not with the women only group, more power to them. My problem is with the professional outrage mongers.
  18. Nice, just the excuse I needed to jump back into New Vegas in the near future.
  19. I'd just like to point out that if this was a male only group professional outrage mongers would be readying the pitchforks and torches.
  20. More Child of Light. I got to the part where so I'm thinking I should be in the final third of the game, or so I guess. I've pretty much settled into my favorite team, Aurora, as the damage dealing spellcaster of the team, and Rubella, as the primary melee damage dealer and defensive spellcaster. I do still switch characters out for certain battles, but that's my go to team.
  21. I hope they find an alternate way to fund this. I'm pretty interested in Unrest and was during the Kickstarter as well, not enough to back it, but I'm definitely looking forward to reading impressions/reviews of the finished product once it's released into the wild and may buy it in the future. I like how the game takes place in Ancient India. Pseudo Medieval Europe is such a tired and worn out setting. Also, I like that you get to control some ordinary people during the game rather than The Chosen One. Quest for Infamy should be right up my alley since I loved Quest for Glory so much, but I was less than impressed by what I've seen so far. They have a demo out, though, so I'll give that a spin n the near future and find out in a more hands on fashion.
  22. Well played, sir. Well played, indeed.
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